Suggestion Saturday: February 3, 2018

Here is this week’s list of blog posts, comic strips, short stories, and other links from my favourite corners of the web.

10 Sure-Fire Ways to Cope with Cabin Fever via ‪ShallRef‬. #9 is my favourite.

Feeling Sick and Snotty? I shared something similar from this site about a month ago. This is another funny reminder of how to behave if you catch a cold this winter.

Is Bugs Bunny Bisexual? While I do remember some of these scenes, I now want to rewatch them again with a fresh perspective.

Why Women’s Procreation Choices Are None of Your Business via ‪thebeasley‬. Two weeks from now I’ll be sharing another thought-provoking post from this blogger’s site. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy her detailed explanation of why it’s never okay to scold someone for having  0, 1, 10, or any other number of children.

Seven Science Fiction and Supernatural Books by Early Ontario Writers (Free Downloads). I haven’t read any of these books yet, but they sure sound interesting.

Blanket Sea via BlanketSea. If you’re living with a chronic illness, disability, or mental illness, this link is for you. Blanket Sea is a brand new literary magazine for people with these conditions that I learned about several days ago on Twitter. I’ll be keeping an eye on what they come up with, and I hope you will as well.

From Origin Story:

The last of the fairies worked in a charnel house, taking apart the beasts that came dead under her hands. In her youth, she had been the last and least of three; now she was the only living one, and even fairies must earn their keep.

At night, when the knacker men went home, she made creatures out of meat and bone and scraps of skin. It was an act of creation to balance out the destruction in her days.

From The Fall via ‪ChrisCoombs88‬:

Last week I fell out of a friend’s front door as I left an excellent afternoon of food, board games and socially acceptable levels of lunacy.


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