Here is this week’s list of blog posts and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.
Crazy. This is a fantastic first-person essay about what it’s like to live with a rapid cycling form of bipolar disorder.
Lust via WilSenior. Everything I want to say about this link will give away spoilers. Ack!
How a Box of Knock-off Grape Nuts Taught Me About Relevance (And the Internet!) via 10minutewriter. I love this.
The Slippery Slope in Business Ethics. I recently discovered this blog and thought this post would be a good place to start for anyone else who is interested in a secular approach to ethics. It’s really interesting stuff.
From Stop Being Strong via ohheynina:
I typically think someone who is strong doesn’t have emotional baggage. She doesn’t let ANYthing get to her. She doesn’t act out of line. I’ve been wondering where I got this obscure definition of strength from until I read this quote via Twitter and instantly disagreed: “Don’t let your experiences break you.”
From Marcella:
Earth does not need you to reproduce. People are far from an endangered species. Earth needs your love and your talents directed toward getting us to a better and brighter future for all of us.
What have you been reading?