Here is this week’s list of comic strips, short stories, and other links from my favourite corners of the web.
Lifeguard. This was good.
7 Practices for Finding Quiet in Chaos via CorinneBlogs. The more I read from Corinne, the more I like her posts about mindfulness and meditation. You’ll see a few additional mentions of her site here over the next couple of months.
Wonder Woman – The Hero Our World Needs via JRitchieAuthor. I’m not a big superhero person in general, but Wonder Woman is cool. This essay about her is making me want to rewatch that fantastic Wonder Woman film that came out last year.
Beast of Breath. This story reminded me why I love the fantasy genre so much. I hope you all enjoy it, too.
It’s the Allergies That Are Annoying, Not Me via mydangblog. This was one of the funniest things I’ve read in ages.
From A Different Kind of Place:
“I love this town,” she confessed to Wendy the next night, over a bottle of cheap red from the local Spin Thru. Not the one her father had driven past, but the Chester one. “But Jesus Christ: they voted down the wall. Carla was telling me she won’t vaccinate her kids against zombiesm, and Principal Jenners told me the vaccine rate was likely barely half.”