Suggestion Saturday: May 12, 2012

Here is this week’s list of blog posts, charts, world photography days and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.

What are you doing on Tuesday, May 15? I’m going to be participating in On the 15th millions of people across the world will be taking a photograph of something in their lives and sharing it with everyone else. Click on the link for more information.

Yes, I’ll share my photo here as well. I hope you’ll share yours, too!

The Body Odd. It took me longer than normal to learn the difference between right and left. I don’t remember how old I was when it finally happened but I do remember feeling relieved that I finally got it.

10 Easy Ways to Lower Your Lifespan. Just in case you were hoping to die a little sooner. đŸ˜‰

From Why Your Kid Isn’t Creative:

There’s nothing new about the way pragmatic concerns and conformity displace playfulness and originality as kids mature. “Every child is an artist,” Pablo Picasso once said. “The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.”

What’s Your Life-Ruining Secret? These aren’t exactly secrets for people who know me well but here’s my list of Stuff That Freaks (Some) People Out: bisexual, humanist, (theoretically) polyamorous, agnostic, childless by choice. What’s your list?

Today and Tomorrow. A fantastic post from my friend ‘Seph about circular reasoning.

Love, InshAllah is a collection of essays about the love lives of Muslim women. There are arranged marriages, virgin brides, LGBT revelations, and women who found lasting love the third time around. Everything else I’ve read about Muslim women has tended to portray them as victims or as superhumanly pious. It’s fascinating to see a glimpse of the lives of ordinary people.

What have you been reading?

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