Here is this week’s list of blog posts, poems, rants, and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.
Respect for Your Subjects in Street Photography via TraceTV. I really loved the message in this post.
How to Rescue a Boring Conversation via rbakercnn. There’s a lot of good information here.
The Five Paragraph Method. I once had a teacher who strongly believed in this writing style. It has always come across as a lazy, boring way to communicate ideas to me.
Fake 5 Tips for Making a Great List via AdamDreece. Hilarious.
Addy Walker, American Girl. Who else remembers this doll? This commentary on it is really interesting.
From If Vin Diesel Were Your Boyfriend:
If Vin Diesel were your boyfriend, he wouldn’t mind that you spend every Sunday alone with your friends. “You’re not just friends, you’re a family,” he’d say while you get ready for brunch.
From Teachings:
The man who died the night before is the same man I asked, “When is the last time you saw your kids?” while forgetting to change this language for a blind person. He thought it was funny, and he also thought it was funny when he told me that it’s hard to kill yourself in a hospital. I laughed too.
What have you been reading?