Here is this week’s list of short stories, articles, recipes, and other links from my favourite corners of the web.
Under One Roof. My family moved around a bit when I was a kid. Every time we packed up to go to another house, I secretly wished to find the belongings of the previous inhabitants in its attic or crawl space.This story reminded me of that memory.
Ten Awesome Things My Wife DIdn’t Have Growing Up in America via queerxfamily. It is so interesting to read posts like this that compare small differences between countries. I wish I could find more of them out there.
Diwali Over the Years via rachnaparmar. This was such an interesting explanation of this holiday. I didn’t know anything about Diwali when I first found this post, but it seems like it’s a lot of fun.
Black Forest Naked Cake. I’m sharing this with you in honour of Oktoberfest. If I were going to celebrate it, I’d make this version of black forest cake for sure.
My Dual Identity via ManisMadness. This was a good post.
How Science Found a Way to Help Coma Patients Communicate. Mind-blowing is the only word I can think of to explain this article. Wow!
From Return of the City-State:
If you’d been born 1,500 years ago in southern Europe, you’d have been convinced that the Roman empire would last forever. It had, after all, been around for 1,000 years. And yet, following a period of economic and military decline, it fell apart. By 476 CE it was gone.