Here is this week’s list of blog posts, charts, videos and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.
Why I Don’t Care About Success. I love this post. It is one of the ideas that I had in mind when I first started On the Other Hand: that the traditional definition of success doesn’t work for everyone and that living the good life isn’t a formula, it’s doing whatever it is that works for you and your life.
The Danger of a Single Story. Author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s discusses the dangers in only knowing one story about another culture.
The Ant, The Grasshopper, and a Steaming Pile of Manure. Speaking of stories, here are a few politicized re-tellings of the classic fable about the ant and the grasshopper. It really goes to show just how easy it is to co-opt a traditional story to fit almost any purpose.
The Physics of Immortality and Physically Impossible?. These two posts have provoked a fascinating discussion about physics and immortality in their comment sections. I hope to see some of you join the conversation over there!
Supernatural Collective Nouns. I wanted to end Suggestion Saturday on a lighthearted note this week. Have you ever wondered how to refer to several cyborgs, elves, mad scientists, or chupacabra? Click on the link to find out! My only criticism of this list is that it didn’t include a collective noun for slayers.
What have you been reading?
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wow. that Nigerian story is really good.
Thanks for linking to me Lydia! Your other links here are great too. So much good stuff to read…
Jonathan from Spritzophrenia
You’re welcome!
Lots of good stuff…as always! I loved the article on the definiton of success. Very nice! Thanks for coming up with random wonderful-ness!!