Most of the posts here so far have been rather serious. This blog is a reflection of my personality in that I definitely tend to err on the serious, contemplative side of life. Today I’m going to share some of the things that make me laugh and talk a little about why each one appeals to me.
Here is my theory about humour: knowing what makes someone laugh is a fantastic gauge of their personalities, values and beliefs. Once you’ve figured out a few things about me from this post, share your favourite jokes, comics, links to videos or other material in the comment section. I look forward to checking them out!
*Or, conversely, knowing what they find offensive, off-putting or even just not funny!
I love puns almost as much I do reading and writing and the latter are among my favourite activities of all time!
Jungian type prayers I am such an INTP!
My Little Golden Book About Zogg. As a child I adored the Little Golden Book series. Some of the pictures in the books were a little odd, though, which one reason why I find this parody so entertaining.
Unauthorized Trader Joe’s Commercial. Fun fact: I’ve never actually visited Trader Joe’s! This video does remind me of the local health food store, though, which carries a similar array of unconventional products.
Donald Duck Meets Glenn Beck in Right Wing Radio Duck. This is the most clever mashup I’ve seen in quite a while. Donald Duck was the perfect cartoon character to be shown reacting to some of Glenn Beck’s most fear-inducing ideas. It would be even funnier to remix this clip for, say, the people I discussed a few weeks ago on Suggestion Saturday who don’t believe in germ theory.
Poly Interview. There are times when I am sorely tempted to make up ridiculous stories when people ask me the same questions again and again about what it is like to be agnostic, childless by choice, or bi. If only there was some sort of official FAQfor these things! 😉
Fumbling Toward Ecstasy. I’ve mentioned the Vag magazine series before here. This is their debut episode and is a great example of how to maintain a sense of humour and playfulness about one’s beliefs, whatever they may be!