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If Long and Short Reviews is secretly hiding their ability to bring back deceased celebrities, I’d love to meet Fred Rogers.
If Long and Short Reviews does not currently have any magical abilities, I’d pick Dwayne Johnson.
Why? It’s simple.
I prefer spending time with people who are kind and thoughtful.
From what I’ve read, both Fred and Dwayne are – or were – well-known for being genuinely good human beings.
I’ve read so many stories about both of them going out of their way to make other people’s lives better in both small and life-changing ways.

Dwayne Johnson. Photo credit: Eva Rinaldi
There are other celebrities out there whose work I’ve admired, but I have no idea what they may be like behind closed doors.
Maybe they’re also fantastic, of course, but all I know about them comes from what they’ve created and not what their personal lives may or may not be like.
Therefore, I’m going to pick people who have developed strong reputations as individuals who are a joy to be around every single time.
Life is short and sometimes difficult, so why not choose the most agreeable company you can?
Also, wouldn’t you love to see Mr. Rogers react to one of Dwayne’s comedic films? I think that would be delightful.