Title: Apeiron – Tales of an Argonaut 1
Author: M.P. Cosmos
Publisher: Self-Published
Publication Date: November 28, 2020
Genres: Science Fiction
Length: 25 pages
Source: I received a free copy from the author.
Rating: 3.5 Stars
“It’s the 20th millennium.
Humankind has extended throughout the galaxy fighting against alien species to earn its place.
Millennium after millennium, humans managed to conquer almost all the Milky Way.
Much time has passed since the golden age of humanity; even though some colonies retain their splendour, most live in isolation.
Backward and unaware of having others like them through a galaxy that they once possessed.
I’ve been wandering from planet to planet since the beginning of time;
observing the magnificence and the horrors of this galaxy.
Watching over humanity until the time of action is upon me.”
This is a collection of 4 ten minutes stories.
Does human nature change? That is the eternal question.
I’ll briefly review all four of the stories in this collection. The same narrator was present in all of them which provided a nice link between worlds and characters that would otherwise never have reason to be mentioned in the same place.
In “The Price of Regret,” a scientist name Scaf and his wife worked for years to design robotic bodies for themselves that would never age or grow sick. As soon as Scaf figured out how to get his idea to work, he transferred his consciousness over to his artificial form without delay. This tale was interesting, but the ending puzzled me. I never quite did figure out what was happening with it, much less what the fates of the characters might have been. It would have been helpful to have a clearer understanding of what was going on there.
The planet Koinon had transitioned into a state of global winter after a global war in “The Rise of the Machines.” As a result, all of the living things that survived that conflict now lived deep underground. The society humans built on this badly damaged planet was a fascinating one, especially when it came to how people handled the practicalities of doing everything they needed to not only survive but thrive so many miles below the surface. This could have easily been expanded into a full-length novel. It certainly had enough conflict for one, and the basic facts I learned about evolution of human society over time in this world only made me yearn for more information about it.
“The Barrier” took place on a planet called Xatanvi where a man named Andrew had to decide whether to continue donating part of his meagre wages to help update a planet-wide barrier that not every human agreed was cost-effective or even necessary anymore. Humans can be good at minimizing the risks of things they haven’t personally experienced, so I was curious to see what he’d decide to do and how his personal decision might affect the lives of everyone around him.
Last but not least, “The Thing Lurking” was about a man named Clotho lived on a feudal planet called Zoi. He was a simple farmer who dreamed of a more exciting life. When a mysterious stranger offered him a deal too good to be true, he decided to take it without a second thought. While I did find the plot twists in this one to be pretty predictable, I still enjoyed finding out what happened to Clotho.
If you’ve ever wondered what humanity’s distant future might look like, Apeiorn – Tales of an Argonaut 1 could be right up your alley.