The 5 Best Christmas Stories

Schnee1My longterm readers are probably scratching their heads right now, as I’m not exactly known for being a fan of Christmas.

Here’s the thing: reading about this holiday is nothing at all like actually celebrating it. Stories don’t require you to go shopping, or navigate agitated crowds, or cook all day, or decorate anything.

They’re just words on a page, and even I can handle that much festivity.

1. The Selfish Giant. Two words: Oscar Wilde. He usually wasn’t this sentimental, but I still like his work.

2. Christmas Every Day. I disagree with the author’s point now just as much as I did when I first encountered it. This is still a good story though.

3. The Burglar’s Christmas. The twist is a little predictable but still fun.

4. The Little Match Girl.  Some people dislike this tale because of how it ends, but I think it’s the only logical conclusion. Although it did make me cry as a kid!

5. Little Bun Rabbit. 90% of the reason why I’m recommending this one is because it’s about rabbits. Y’all know how much I love bunnies.

I will now return to my regular bah-humbugging. 😉

What Christmas or other holiday stories do you like?


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One Response to The 5 Best Christmas Stories

  1. Opa!

    Ya know if u stay up late enough and listen on Xmas eve you’ll hear a hearty ho ho ho merry Christmas and all the stockings will be full 🙂

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