Top Ten Tuesday: An Outdoor Adventures Reading List

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

A sun-dappled Ontario forest filled with healthy green trees and bushes. Spending time in nature is one of my non-bookish hobbies. My idea of a good time is taking a walk in the woods, by the beach, or in some other natural setting where I can let the sounds of birds tweeting and leaves rustling wash over me.

This is how serene and beautiful our forests are during the summer. (Yes, I took this photo). We have been seeing more ticks, including some that carry Lyme disease, in Ontario, so I always stick to the trails when I walk through our forests and check for ticks afterwards.

Taking a few precautions like this one is well worth the time I get to spend out in nature. There is nothing like noticing a rabbit, squirrel, or some other small creature hiding beneath a nearby bush and realizing it’s waiting to see how you behave before it decides when to run away.

I like to pretend like I haven’t seen them and keep walking on by. Sometimes they decide to stay hidden , while in other cases they suddenly scamper away in a flurry of motion.

The books on today’s list are a nice mixture of practical medical advice for outdoor adventures and ones that explore the many advantages of getting some exercise outdoors while the weather is warm and nice. I have read all of them and would recommend all of them. (Well, I actually read a similar first aid book that I couldn’t find online anymore. But close enough).

CPR, AED & First Aid Provider Handbook by Karl Disque Book cover. Image on cover shows close-up photos of people proving chest compressions during first aid.

CPR, AED & First Aid Provider Handbook by Karl Disque


ild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed Book cover. Image on cover shows a used hiking shoe.

1. Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed



Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Seuss book cover. Image on cover shows a drawing of a Dr. Seuss character standing on a rainbow top.

Oh, the Places You’ll Go! by Dr. Seuss


The Hidden Life of Trees: what they feel, how they communicate : discoveries from a secret world by Peter Wohlleben Book cover. Image on cover shows a drawing of one large and two smaller trees whose roots are intertwined underground.

The Hidden Life of Trees: what they feel, how they communicate : discoveries from a secret world by Peter Wohlleben


Grandma Gatewood's Walk: The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian Trail by Ben Montgomery Book cover. Image on cover shows a photo of Grandma Gatewood hiking as she carries her jacket.

Grandma Gatewood’s Walk: The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian Trail by Ben Montgomery


Medicine Walk by Richard Wagamese Book cover. Image on cover shows a photo of a path through a pine forest. No one is on the path.

Medicine Walk by Richard Wagamese


The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead by Max Brooks book cover. Image on cover shows a drawing of a gun and a sword crossing each other.

The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead by Max Brooks

Yes, that final title does talk about zombies, but the advice in it is wholly practical and can be used for all sorts of survival situations. I’ve even found it useful for more ordinary troubles like dealing with days when I’m feeling out of sorts and need to comfort myself.

I hope this list has encouraged you to spend time outdoors this summer if you can and if you’re interested. It’s a wonderful way to spend the summer in my opinion.


Filed under Blog Hops

90 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: An Outdoor Adventures Reading List

  1. Lived Wild when I listened to it years ago!

  2. I loved Grandma Gatewood’s Walk, and I think a lot more people need to know about the first woman to hike the full Appalachian Trail alone. And she was 67 years old!

  3. These look really useful! Beautiful forest photo, too.

  4. They look interesting. I love woodland walks. I do get concerned about the insects etc though.

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  5. Wild was such a brilliant read! I’m not really one for memoirs, but that was just so good.

    Bill Bryson’s A Walk in the Woods are also fun!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier….

  6. What an interesting list! I’ve wanted to read Wild forever.

  7. These are terrific! I love the mix of practical and whimsical. I love getting outdoors too — a great walk in the woods is so peaceful. My favorite vacations are ones that include great trails!

  8. What a fun freebie topic! I know I’ve read some nonfiction adventure stories, but I’ll be darned if I can think of any…..oh – I know. Have you read Winterdance by Gary Paulsen? It’s about a man deciding to participate in the Iditarod in AK. So good! Thanks for the visit and sharing these titles (loved Wild).
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  9. Great choices this week! I did laugh at the zombie book though. 🙂

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  10. Great list. I’ve even read a few of these and got the zombie book for one of my sons years ago. They loved it.

  11. Jo

    I’ve seen the movie of Wild but I’ve heard it’s very different to the book! Maybe I should listen to the memoir on audiobook, I love audiobooks for memoirs.

  12. Everyone needs a good first aid book. I could stand to brush up on my skills. It’s been a while!

  13. I LOVE that you included the Zombie Survival Guide on your list. 😀

  14. I still need to read Wild. I owned the paperback, but the type was so small I had no desire to read it. I need to get the ebook. Nice list.

  15. Good choice of theme for this week. Luckily we don’t get ticks much in the UK

  16. Fun topic to pick! There’s a few on your list I need to read. I have read the Max Brooks book, and it’s funny you picked it! Thanks for visiting my post earlier too on Lisa Loves Literature!

  17. Love your forest picture Lydia! Excellent picks for getting to know nature!🤗📚💜

  18. It’s funny to see your list that focuses on nature because in today’s post I mention how I am the least outdoorsy person ever. LOL

  19. I suppose the first and last book are useful but I hope never have to experience anything that need those books.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Have a lovely day.

  20. I also love the outdoors and love your forest photo. Grandma Gatewood’s Walk sounds really good.

  21. Nice combinations of books this week! The Hidden Life of Trees looks really interesting.

  22. Great choice for a Top Ten Lydia. I really enjoyed Wild back when I read it. Grandma Grandma Gatewood’s Walk also looks good. I have had Medicine Walk on my TBR pile for a long time, I need to buckle down and read it.

  23. Wonderful topic! I love nature walks!

  24. This is a great list! I read another or Richard Wagamese’s books earlier this year, and I really enjoyed it. I’ll have to look for Medicine Walk, too.

    My TTT:

  25. What a fantastically varied list you compiled!

  26. I love spending time in nature as well. I did enjoy Wild very much. Nice list!

  27. Excellent topic! I loved Hidden Life of Trees.

  28. What a thoughtful post! I have read a few like this as well. Thanks for stopping by my blog, if I could I would grant your wish and have Covid eliminated completely! Have a great week!

  29. Wow! Great topic idea, and that’s some beautiful scenery where you are! I’ve got a few of these on my TBR.

  30. Great list. I just bought a second copy of “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” to send with my son at the end of each school year, for his teachers to sign!

  31. The Hidden LIfe of Trees sounds exciting. i saw a ted-talks about trees, and I ‘ve always wanted to know more…

  32. Great list! I really loved Wild.

  33. I love your theme and your choices. I have read Wild yet, but I’d like to. I also want to see the movie. I love being outside too, but only when it’s not extremely hot. I can handle the cold, but not the heat. Your picture is lovely. Thanks for stopping by my post.

  34. Fun topic! I loved Wild and that’s one of my favorite Dr. Seuss books. 🙂

  35. Grandma Gatewood’s Walk is on my list! I should have such vim and vigor now, much less when I’m the age she was when she took that walk.

    Love the forest picture. I wish we had woods like that nearby. But in Louisiana, we have flat, hot, and cane fields. Not great for enjoying nature!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    • Wasn’t that a great book?

      And thank you. I wish Louisiana had forests, too. Cane fields are useful for sure, but not for nature walking like you said. 🙂

  36. Some great books there, Lydia. And Outdoor Adventures sound great but at the moment I’m happy to be inside with this incredible heat. Hope yours isn’t as bad.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT with houses this week.

  37. Such a great choice for a freebie topic and I love that you finished up the list with a zombie book haha 🙂

  38. What a great list and idea, these are perfect choices! I love spending time in nature when I can.

  39. I still haven’t read The Hidden Life of Trees… I should order it soon.

    Also, a few years ago I spent a handful of days in a German forest (Bavarian Forest) and I still think very fondly of those days. Last year I visited Black Forest, which I also quite enjoyed but it wasn’t as magical as the first one.

    • It was such a good read! I hope you like that.

      The Bavarian Forest sounds amazing. I’ve heard wonderful things about the Black Forest as well.

  40. Haha, I love that the last book is a Zombie Survival Guide! 😂 That’s very important and honestly, I’m very curious to know what’s in it now. Great choice of topic and list of books, Lydia!

    • Heh, thank you very much!

      It’s actually a pretty practical read that covers everything from nutrition to exercise to some basic first aid to preserving your mental health during tough times (or as much as possible).

  41. I wish I enjoyed walking more, but don’t. Instead I just go on my (mostly) daily walk on the country roads as a way of “getting it over with.” Who knows! Maybe someday I’ll like it. 😀 Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland on this week! Appreciate this and apologies it took me this long to return the visit.

    • Honestly, I can’t blame you one bit there. Walking on country roads definitely does get repetitive for sure.

      And no worries. I know you’re busy. 🙂

  42. Ever since watching Gilmore Girls, I have wanted to read Wild! I gave my mum the Secret Life of Trees so maybe I’ll take a look at that too x

  43. whoo, nice topic!
    I want to read this book on trees.
    Next month, I plan to read Wanderlust, by Rebecca Solnit. I think it would fit here. Have you read it?

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