Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
This week I had no idea what to say about any of these books, so I’m simply going to list them with links to their Goodreads pages for anyone who wants more information.
I’ve read the first nine from front to back. Someday I hope to be able to get through all of A Tale of Two Cities, too.
1. 1984 by George Orwell
2. Molly: An American Girl: 1944 by Valerie Tripp
3. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
4. The Two Towers (The Lord of the Rings #2) by J.R.R. Tolkien
5. One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss
6. 11/22/63 by Stephen King
7. The Day the World Came to Town: 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland by Jim DeFede
8. These Is My Words: The Diary of Sarah Agnes Prine, 1881-1901 by Nancy E. Turner
9. The Fifth Child by Doris Lessing
10. A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Great list! I’ve always been intrigued by Fahrenheit 451 but I’ve yet to read it, one of these days I need to give it a try.
Thank you. Fahrenheit 451 is an amazing story. I can’t comment on the recent film adaptation of it as I haven’t seen it yet.
It’s very shiny (and the cast are great) – I quite liked some of the ways in which they updated it, but it didn’t pack the same punch as the book for me. Although I watched it overtired on an airplane, which is never a good way to get the best out of something!
Good to know! Thanks.
I still need to read A Tale of Two Cities! My sister has been trying to get me to read it for YEARS. Great selections!!
Thanks a lot. Good luck with your decision whether or not to read that book. Honestly, I’m in the same boat.
I hope someday I will be able to pick up A Tale of Two Cities, lol. And I forgot about Two Towers in my list OMG.
Heh, hopefully it will happen for you. And I’ve had similar feelings about other books TTT bloggers mentioned that I forgot about.
I think I started A Tale of Two Cities years ago and never finished it either, great list!
At least we’re not alone there. Ha!
You went above and beyond choosing books with multiple numbers. Great list!
Thanks a lot.
So many books in your list on my tbr! I loved that you included American Girls–what a throwback
Can’t wait to read 11/22/63. It’s been sitting untouched on my shelf for way too long lol
My TTT post
That’s awesome! I think you’ll like 11/22/63. And American Girls is a total throwback. I wonder if they’re still making new books/characters/dolls?
Lydia, we have some great books in common on our lists: The Two Towers, Fahrenheit 451 and A Tale of Two Cities – I really hope you manage to finish A Tale of Two Cities, because I loved it! We also both got a Stephen King book onto our lists.
That’s awesome. I’ll do my best to finish A Tale of Two Cities sometime.
Cant believe I forgot 1984!!
You have some of the same books on my teen years list! The Day the World Came to Town sounds interesting just from the title. Great list!
That’s awesome, and thanks.
We’ve got some of the same books here! Probably because great minds think alike.
I thought about using 11/22/63, but decided against it lol. Oh my gosh, love the Dr. Seuss book! Hadn’t even thought of that. Same with Fahrenheit 451! I loved that book. Still need to see the movie. I keep forgetting lol.
Here’s my TTT post.
Heh, for sure! I still need to see the Fahrenheit 451 movie, too. Hope it’s good.
I’ve only read the first two, but both are excellent. It’s funny, when I was a kid I thought Molly was too “modern” — I’ve gained a great deal of appreciation in retrospect.
Oh, good to know. And that’s hilarious.
You have so many great “classics” here!
Aww, thanks.
I’ve read some of these too — but they’re not on my TTT list this week, because I focused on my TBR this week. I do still want to read 11/22/63, though, so it made my list. Good luck on eventually finishing A Tale of Two Cities!
That makes a great deal of sense, and thanks. I hope you like 11/22/63.
Thanks for reminding me of the Two Towers. I’ve never read A Tale of Two Cities.
You’re welcome. I have no idea if you’d like A Tale of Two Cities or not!
I read A Tale of Two Cities way back in high school, and loved it. I also loved The Day the World Came to Town – such a powerful and moving book. And kudos for including Dr. Seuss!
Thank you. Glad to hear you liked A Tale of Two Cities.
I didn’t even think about the American Girl series and how many of them would include numbers because of the years. I’ve read so many of them!
Great list!
That’s awesome. And thank you.
I totally can’t believe that I left the Stephen King book off my list! Congrats on reading all of these and I just bet you finish A Tale of Two Cities soon.
Thank you very much. I’ll do my best.
Great list! My husband really enjoyed 11/22/63 but I haven’t got to it yet.
Thank you. It’s a wonderful book. Glad to hear your husband liked it.
Great list! I loved Fahrenheit, 1984 and The Two Towers. I mean to read A Tale of Two Cities at some point, right now I am working my way throug Dickens’ Nicholas Nickleby.
Thank you very much. How is Nicholas Nickleby? I’ve never read it.
The Two Towers were in my mind as well. But I clearly forgot Fahrenheit, although I was obsessed with it, when I was younger. I’ve never read 1984 – but we had to read Animal Farm in school
Animal Farm was a good book. Did you like it?
Hahaha… even though my girls are both teens now, I can still quote One Fish Two Fish by heart. <3
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
Heh, that’s awesome.
The American Girl books are good. Some of these are new to me.
Glad to hear you liked those books as well.
Great list! I love that you included One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish!
Thank you very much.
9/11 in Newfoundland sounds really interesting! I just added the new release, The Only Plane in the Sky, to my holds list at the library but it is going to be forever until I get it from there lol, that might be a good one to read in the meantime!
Oh, it was fantastic. I highly recommend it.
Good job! I love diary novels.
Ditto. And that’s a great example of that genre.
I have read four of them, and plan to read the one by King. You should try A Tale of Two Cities in audio, I found it very good. Thanks for doing the challenge
Ooh, I will. Thanks for the tip. And you’re welcome.
Great list! I’ve got 11/22/63 on my TBR. I’m going through King’s books by fitting one in every month or so – I’m reading The Green Mile just now but definitely want to try 11/22/63 soon!
That’s so cool. I hope you like 11/22/63.
Have you seen the film version of The Green Mile? It’s really good.
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish!!! How did I not include that one on my list?
Awww! American Girl. Loved those books as a kid, and if I’m being honest, I probably still would.
Thanks for visiting Finding Wonderland, Lydia.
You’re welcome, Rissi. Yeah, those books were great.
One Fish Two Fish is such a good choice.
I love the Two Towers pick too.
Thanks a lot.
I had such trouble with my list today! But I totally forgot there are a ton of classics with numbers in the title!
I hear you there. Thank goodness for the classics, eh?
When I saw this prompt, I instantly thought of 1984 and Fahrenheit 451! Classics! Interesting list!
Thanks. I had trouble getting to ten books, so thank goodness for the classics.
Some great titles here , Loved 1984 and Farenheit 451. Also a little snippet – One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish . Blue Fish happens to be my all-time favourite of Dr. Seuss’s books.
Thanks for Stopping by The Phantom Paragrapher
Thank you very much. And you’re welcome.
Great list! I love that you put One Fish, Two Fish!!! My heart!!!
Heh, thanks. It’s such a classic, isn’t it?!
This week was a hard one. I love this list. There are many I want to read especially the classics like 1984 and a Tales of two cities
Thank you very much. Yes, this week’s prompt was a tricky one.
Haven’t read the Dickens but enjoyed Fahrenheit 451 and the Gander book.
Great varied list
Thank you very much.
I was so close to using The Two Towers! Great choices!
Thanks. Yeah, that book is a real classic.
Love your list:-) And especially love that you included Dr. Seuss!
Aww, thanks.
Dr Seuss! I love that you included him on your list!
Heh, thank you.
I love the Molly series. I read them to my oldest daughter and fell in love with it. Definitely give The Tale of Two Cities a try. I read it in high school and actually found it to be a great read.
That’s awesome. Yeah, it was a wonderful book.
And I will give A Tale of Two Cities a try sometime. Glad you liked it.
I love that you included One Fish, Two Fish on your list! That’s awesome! 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 also good choices!
Thanks for visiting my blog today!
Heh, thank you. And you’re welcome.
Great list! I can’t believe I forgot about 1984!
Thanks a lot. Have you read 1984?
I haven’t read many Stephen King novels, but I have read 11/22/63. I really enjoyed it! And I have The Day the World Came to Town on my kindle. Looking forward to that one! Great list!
Cool. I hope you like it. And thanks.
I see that a few of these are on my list. I forgot about The Two Towers.
That’s cool! Yeah, a lot of us picked some of the same books this week.
I liked the Two Towers… In fact, I enjoyed the LOTR even though I was one of the ones who only read it after watching the movies.
Oh, that’s awesome!
One Fish Two Fish!! I love it.
Heh, thanks.
I am currently on my library waiting list for the 9/11 book. Great list you have here!
Thank you very much. I hope you enjoy The Day the World Came to Town. I sure thought it was a good read.
Yay for Dr. Seuss! I can’t believe I forgot that book when I made my list.
He’s a classic storyteller for sure.
A Tale of Two Cities remains the single Dickens book I’ve enjoyed…There are a few songs from the musical that I also like.
I love that you have 1 Fish 2 Fish on there – another great book. XD
Oh, cool! Good to know.
And thank you.
Impressive list. I know 1984. We read it in school. Gosh, that was ages ago *lol*. And your first image looks familiar with the open book and coffee mug. Have a great weekend.
Thank you very much.
I found that image on a free stock photo site. It might have been
1984 was an eye opener….
What a great list!
Have you tried 1985 by Anthony Burgess? It combines a critique of 1985 with the author’s own dystopian vision. It’s quite clearly written in the 1970s just before Thatcher & Reagan (just as 1984 is clearly from the postwar years) but still very much worth a read, as an example of what the future may be and of what people in those days thought the future may be.
You can’t go wrong with Burgess and this is certainly a book with a number in its title, though it’s as much about 1978 (when it was written) as about any future date.
That sounds totally interesting. I’ll have to check it out. I love dystopian novels as you can see here.
Happy Reading!
1984 is an interesting one. I also hope to read The Tale of Two Cities some day as well.