Top Ten Tuesday: Books About Dandelions

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

When I was a child, it used to irritate me when people tried to prevent dandelions from growing or said negative things about this flower. Dandelions were the perfect flower in my mind for three reasons:

Photo of dozens of pretty little dandelions growing in a grassy meadow. 1) They are hardy and strong. In many parts of North America you can find them growing everywhere without any intervention or pampering needed by humans: ditches, rock gardens, by the side of the highway, in neglected yards, and anywhere else that had the bare minimum amount of soil, sunshine, and water.

2) They are nutritious. You can eat them, turn them into beverages like dandelion wine, or use them as medicine.

3) They are beautiful. I loved every stage of their development, from  unobtrusive little green shoots in the spring soil to friendly specks of yellow in a sea of grass to irresistible white puffs of seeds that would be blown off by the wind if people didn’t do it first.

There is something wonderful about plants that thrive under a wide variety of conditions and that have so many uses.

Here are ten books about dandelions.

1. Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury

2. Dandelion and Quince: Exploring the Wide World of Unusual Vegetables, Fruits, and Herbs by Michelle McKenzie

3. The Dandelion’s Tale by Kevin Sheehan

4.An Island in a Green Sea by Mabel Esther Allan

5. Andersen’s Fairy Tales / Johnny Crow’s Garden by Hans Christian Andersen

6. Dandelion, The Extraordinary Life of a Misfit by Sheelagh Mawe

7. Wicket and the Dandelion Warriors: An Ewok Adventure by Larry Weinberg

8. Ta by John Robert Russell

9. Little Dandelion Seeds the World by Julia Richardson

10. Barney Bipple’s Magic Dandelions by Carol Chapman



Filed under Blog Hops

78 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Books About Dandelions

  1. Love that you celebrate dandelions! My yard is all wildflowers, so I see a fair few of them. 🙂 I did books + photos.

  2. Joanne @ Portobello Book Blog

    I love that you found so many books about dandelions. We keep the early ones for the bees.

  3. Hurray for dandelions! They are the first blooms that pollinators here can go to.

  4. I love that you’ve chosen to spotlight a specific flower and that you had 10 books to share about dandelions! 😃

  5. Love this take on the topic! Dandelions are also an excellent source of food for birds like goldfinches. During No Mow May, the verges here are full of goldfinches snacking on their seeds.

  6. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    Who knew there were so many titles featuring dandelions?! What a fun spin of this week’s prompt!

  7. I love dandelions! Anything that can grow in this climate gets my respect. 😀

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  8. I love that you are a staunch defender of dandelions because I like them too and I would be curious to try them in foods (I’ve never tried them). I love your hyper-focused take on the theme <3

  9. I also love dandelions–and I’m very impressed that you found 10 dandelion-related books!

  10. I love dandelions, When I get sick, I drink tea from them, it’s sour but it works

  11. Pretty sure I used to pick bouquets of these as a kid and present them to my mother, which I’m sure she loved. 😉 If I remember right, I used to have a book with dandelion in the title too (it was fiction), but I cannot remember if I still have it now or not! Thanks so much for visiting my website today.

  12. Holy Creativity Batman! This is very, very interesting!

  13. I never would have thought there were so many books about dandelions, Lydia. You would love my backyard, it was covered in them. They have all pretty much gone to seed now.

  14. Love your pick for this theme! I am a more recent homeowner with a yard I have to take care of. My last place was maintenance provided. And besides the fact I don’t want to take that much time to deal with dandelions, I heard they are important because they are the first flowers of the season really, so they are good for the bees. So I don’t worry about them! Thanks for visiting my post earlier!

  15. Andi

    What a fun take! I asked my husband the other day when he was complaining about dandelions…what do you see a wish or a weed and the gardener he is said a weed where I see a wish. Lol

  16. I love how you focused on one kind of flower, one that so many people tend to despise. They serve a purpose, even if they are an invasive species in North America.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  17. I love Dandelion Wine…such a great book. And I love your dandelion-inspired list of titles for this week’s TTT. 😀

  18. Wow! That’s a whole lot more books about dandelions than I realized were available. (Though if I’d stopped to think about it, I should have guessed there would be a lot more titles than I expected.)

    Here’s my TTT this week.

  19. I love this take on the prompt! So inventive

  20. Cathy

    Thanks for coming by earlier. Love the dandelion post. And I feel quite chuffed at having posted one cover with a dandelion puff…

  21. I love that you focused the topic on dandelions! I love how versatile and useful they are!

  22. I love that you focused on one specific type of flower. You should come to our part of Ohio they are currently EVERYWHERE, LOL! Have a great week!

  23. I’ve always loved dandelions too

  24. It’s regarded as an invasive weed here, as an introduced species but fields of them do look very pretty.

  25. I love seeing Dandelion Wine on here! One of my favorites.

  26. I think dandelions are just so ordinary to us in North America that they get overlooked a lot. How interesting that there are so many titles with dandelion in them! I’m impressed by how many you found.

    Happy TTT!


  27. I love dandelions. There is something very whimsy about them which probably is tied with memories of making wishes and flower crowns with them as a child. I love what you did with this topic, very unique.

  28. You have certainly made me see them in a different light. I loved blowing the seeds when I was little. We also used to collect them to feed our tortoise.

    I didn’t realise there were so many books about them either!

    Have a great week!

  29. Cool spin on this week’s topic! I always mean to read Dandelion Wine but haven’t gotten around to it yet.

  30. I love that you’ve done dandelions this week, such a great idea. Happy reading! My TTT

  31. Wow, so many books about dandelions. Fantastic. I really loved that.
    Thanks for visiting my post.

  32. I love that you picked one particular flower to highlight! And one I wouldn’t have thought would be so popular!

  33. I love that you chose dandelions! I love the book Dandelion Wine.

  34. What a perfect seasonal post! I also love dandelions, have since I was young and never really grew out of it. As for the list, I haven’t read any books specifically about dandelions that I can recall, but I have heard of Dandelion Wine. The Dandelions and Quince book has me intrigued though.

  35. I always loved dandelions as a kid, too! My oldest daughter, who is a musician, wrote a song called Dandelion Wine after reading the book. 🙂

  36. Awesome list! Thank you for visiting my blog! Have a good week!

  37. What a fun flower post! I’m nostalgic and always think of my first bouquet presented so lovingly by little hands!

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