Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Spring 2023 To-Read List

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

There is an opened hardback book. Four white tulips with pink streaks in their petals are lying on top of the book. The flowers have just begun to open and have not yet reached their full bloom. You can see their green stems and leaves on the bottom left hand side of the image. I know that not every Top Ten Tuesday participant lives in the Northern Hemisphere or in a part of the world that has similar seasons to Ontario, but some of us are inching closer to spring with every passing day.

I cannot wait for spring so I can go outside and enjoy some warmer and non-soggy nature time. (It can get pretty muddy here in March and April after the ice and snow begins to melt but the soil hasn’t absorbed all of that water yet).

Who else is counting down the days until the change of the seasons?

My answers to this week’s prompt are going to be the usual random assortment of topics. I love jumping around between nonfiction and fiction as well as zooming between all sorts of genres within the fiction label as well.

Let’s see what will hopefully be capturing my attention this spring.


Book cover for In the Lives of Puppets  by T.J. Klune. Image on the cover is a drawing of a little red cottage in a forest filled with wooden tree-like items that have no leaves and oddly smooth trunks. Maybe they’re made out of metal and only look like wood? The three “tree” structures closest to the red cabin have little houses of their own installed high up on their branches hundreds of feet up in the air. One little house is yellow and round. The second is comprised of metal and has a roof that slopes over the sides of the house so that the walls can’t even hardly be seen. It has a solar panel on top of it. The third house is clear and seems to be made of glass. There are thin wires connecting all three houses, possibly to share electricity.

In the Lives of Puppets  by T.J. Klune

Publication Date: April 25

Why I’m Interested: T.J. Klune is one of those authors I keep meaning to read but never quite get around to it. I love robot stories, though, so this one might convince me to take the plunge.



Book cover for The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise  by Colleen Oakley. Image on cover is a drawing of a senior citizen and a young dark-haired person driving off into the sunset in a green car that doesn’t have a top on it.

The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise  by Colleen Oakley

Publication Date: March 28

Why I’m Interested: I love stories about cross-generational friendships. It’s also nice to see more protagonists who are senior citizens.


Book cover for A Fever in the Heartland: The Ku Klux Klan's Plot to Take Over America, and the Woman Who Stopped Them by Timothy Egan. Image on cover shows a photograph of a small town street that has stores on the ground level and apartments on the second level. The sky is dark and ominously cloudy in places with blue skies at the very top of the cover. There are a few scattered cars on the street.

A Fever in the Heartland: The Ku Klux Klan’s Plot to Take Over America, and the Woman Who Stopped Them by Timothy Egan

Publication Date: April 4

Why I’m Interested: I’d never heard of Madge Oberholtzer before, but she sounds like she was a courageous and incredible human being.



Book cover for Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing by Emily Lynn Paulson. The title and author are written in a 1970s font that is various shades of pink and red. On top of the title there is a tube of lipstick that has been digitally superimposed on top o an eye that is in the centre of three triangles of various sizes with the smallest one being inside of a bigger one, and the bigger one being inside of the biggest one. The triangles and lipstick are also superimposed on a red circle that has three little stars around it in roughly even spacing from one another.

Hey, Hun: Sales, Sisterhood, Supremacy, and the Other Lies Behind Multilevel Marketing  by Emily Lynn Paulson

Publication Date: May 30

Why I’m Interested: It’s really sad to see people being taken advantage of by pyramid schemes and other “job” offers that promise wealth but often put one deeply into debt instead.



Filed under Blog Hops

80 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Spring 2023 To-Read List

  1. Fever in the Heartland sounds interesting. They’ve gotta be talking about the 1920s Klan…it was as closest as the US came to a fascist movement in the 20s/30s.

  2. Hey, Hun sounds really fascinating. Plus, it comes out on my birthday!!

  3. We have had a relatively dry winter but it’s still very muddy out. I don’t want to wish drought on us but the mud is annoying!

    I am the only person in the world that doesn’t like T.J. Klune books but I hope you enjoy it. I can see why people like them, just not for me!

  4. Great list! The first two titles are also on my TBR and I can’t wait to get my hands on them. I always enjoy Klune’s book and I’ve heard great things about Oakley’s book, too! I hope you enjoy all of these reads, Lydia 🙂

  5. Hope you enjoy these reads when you get to them!

  6. Tanner and Louise looks great — I’m definitely hoping to read this one as well, and the TJ Klune will be a must for me. Enjoy!

  7. Interesting reads – none are on my TBR but will check them out. Waiting here in SW Ontario for spring too! Happy spring reading.

  8. I’ve heard that Oakley book is fantastic. I hope you enjoy it.

  9. I love the variety you’ve got! I hope you enjoy them all. 🙂

  10. These books all sound interesting! I hope you enjoy reading them. I keep forgetting that IN THE LIVES OF PUPPETS is coming out so soon. I’m also ready for some sunny weather, though I do love the rain we’ve been getting lately. There’s just been so much more than normal that our ground is having a hard time adapting. Lots of floods and some mudslides. It’s been a crazy winter.

    My TTT:

  11. Colleen Oakley sounds really familiar as an author but I don’t think I read anything with her name on it. Must just be from Goodreads searches or hopping around to other peoples Top Ten lists. 🙂 Hope you enjoy ALL of these books and find some new favorite in your next TBR. Happy reading and thanks for visiting my website.

  12. I am eagerly awaiting spring as well. Mother Nature just dropped a bunch of wet, heavy snow on us.

    All your books sound wonderful, especially The Mostly True Story of Tanner & Louise and Hey, Hun. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  13. I am absolutely counting down the days to spring. I thought we were getting closer, then we had a random burst of snow that made everything look like December! Here’s to warmer and brighter weather to come. I hope you enjoy these!

  14. I’m counting down too. 🙂

  15. I have enjoyed the work of Timothy Egan in the past, and this new book looks very interesting.

  16. Anita@seriesbooklover

    I’ve not read any of these but I hope you get to readbthem all

  17. I love TJ Klune’s books, so I’m also super excited for In The Lives of Puppets! The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise also sounds so good. Hope you’ll enjoy all of these!

  18. I cannot wait for Spring. We are in that between weather where we get all seasons in one week! We had snow yesterday and today.. tomorrow it’s going to be warm and sunny. AH! In the Lives of Puppets was my least favorite by Klune. I hope you enjoy it, but if not, I would try one of the others because I adore him!

  19. A new MLM book! Those are up there with cults on my radar! Thanks, I’ll look for it. Enjoy your reading.

  20. Wendy Williams

    These all sound good to me. The Fever in the Heartland sounds like a very interesting book.

  21. The Mostly True Story of Tanner and Louise sounds nice, books with books with older people friendships are often heartwarming

  22. Poinsettia

    I am really ready for Spring too! I hope you enjoy all of these books when you get the chance. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

  23. Yesssss I see you too are excited for T.J. Klune! Happy reading!

  24. I didn’t know that TJ Klune has a new book coming out. I’ll look for it! I loved The House in the Cerulean Sea and liked Under the Whispering Door. The others sound interesting too. I have friends and relatives who seem to join every multi-level marketing scheme they find. It honestly gets annoying when they bombard the rest of us on their social media channels to buy their latest obsession. I hope you like all of these when/if you read them!

  25. I definitely plan on reading the T.J. Klune also!

  26. Same for me regarding T.J. Klune. People I know who read a vast variety of genres love their books and I just haven’t gotten around to reading any of them yet.

  27. Tanner and Louise is perfect for my sister so I emailed her immediately! 🙂
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  28. The Mostly True Story of Tanner Louise sounds good and yes to older characters.

  29. A Fever in the Heartland sounds really interesting. While I’ve only read one of Klune’s books, The House in the Cerulean Sea, I loved it and his newest sounds like it’ll be wonderful as well.

  30. vidya

    I saw A Fever in the Heartland and was intrigued by it.. and hope to read it soon

  31. Jo

    I hope you enjoy all of these-TJ Klune is an author whose books I keep seeing around and keep meaning to try as well. One of these days!

  32. I also need to read a book by TJ Klune. I’m going to start with the Cerulean Sea one.

    Happy reading and good luck with your list! 🙂

  33. Interesting list! I hope you enjoy them.

  34. I finally picked up Klune for the first time last year with House in the Cerulean Sea. I really enjoyed it! I hope you enjoy all of these when you get to them, Lydia!

  35. I really want to read the Egan book as well. It sounds fascinating. I love learning about heroic people that I’ve never heard of before. Those “untold stories” always pique my interest! I hope you enjoy all your Spring reads.

    Happy TTT (on a Friday)!


  36. I am so excited for TJ Klune’s newest book! I can’t wait to read it. You definitely have some interesting reads on here.

  37. I loved Invisible Husband of Frick Island by Oakley, so I’m eager to read her new release! Thanks for the heads up! I just requested an arc, but I usually get denied by Berkley, so I’ll get on the library wait list!

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