Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Winter 2023-2024 To-Read List

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl


Three white pillar candles are sitting on a stack of four antique hardback books. The candles are of varying lengths from short to tall. The books have grey, red, green, and blue covers respectively. As I mentioned last week, winter is a time of year when I often get a lot of reading done.

I love the outdoors in spring and autumn, but I don’t spend as much time there when I have snow, ice, and freezing temperatures to think about.

Thank goodness there are countless books out there for all of us to rely on for entertainment until it warms up again! (Or cools down again for those of you in the Southern Hemisphere).

Here are some of the upcoming titles I’m curious about and why I want to read them.




Book cover for Escaping Mr. Rochester  by L.L. McKinney. Image on cover shows a drawing of Jane Eyre wearing a red, 1800s style dress and the first Mrs. Rochester wearing an off-white 1800s style dress. They are both young black woman who have determined expressions on their faces.

Escaping Mr. Rochester  by L.L. McKinney

Publication Date: January 16

Why I Want to Read It: Jane Eyre is one of my favourite classics novels, but I always thought Jane should have chosen not to marry either of the men who proposed to her. I am intrigued by a retelling that shows her teaming up with the first Mrs. Rochester to make better lives for themselves.


Book cover for The Warm Hands of Ghosts  by Katherine Arden. Image on cover shows a pair of painfully pale hands clasping a red rose. They have a bracelet with a small pendant on their left wrist, and both hands are partially covered by the leaves and branches that are concealing the rest of this person’s body.

The Warm Hands of Ghosts  by Katherine Arden

Publication Date: February 13

Why I Want to Read It: While I normally shy away from fiction set during either World War, I love ghost stories and enjoyed the Small Spaces quartet enough to see what Ms. Arden is planning to do with Flanders field and life during the First World War.




Filed under Blog Hops

28 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Winter 2023-2024 To-Read List

  1. That is an intriguing premise for a Jane Eyre retelling.

  2. I’m with you on loving Jane Eyre! Wonderful quotes throughout it. Surprised to see no NF! My list is here.

  3. These both sound right up your alley! I hope you love them.

  4. I’m so curious about the Jane Eyre retelling! Here is my post.

  5. I hope you’ll love both of these!

  6. Interesting take on Jane Eyre. I look forward to your review.

  7. Interesting sounding books. May you have a wonderful winter of reading!

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  8. I alwasy like reading in the winter.

  9. I hadn’t heard of that Jane Eyre retelling before, but it sounds like a really neat idea! I’ll have to keep an eye out for it at my library.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)! Here’s my post this week.

  10. Only two?! I hope you enjoy them both when you get a chance to read them!

  11. It would be interesting if Jane Eyre and Bertha Mason Rochester could have become friends, though at that period–Jane did bond with her cousins, but all that got her was the chance to marry a cousin and go to India, which she reasonably declined! What *could* two women have done if neither of them had an income? I’d like to read the book, though I’m sure I’d find it hard to suspend disbelief.

    Like “What if, after slapping Prissy to break the panic spiral, Scarlett had had a little sympathy and actually bonded with her?” Did not often happen. When people had domestic servants, the only way to protect any privacy at all was to avoid any bonding or confiding of any kind! But it could have been an interesting story…

  12. I like the idea behind Escaping Mr. Rochester.

  13. Oooh, ESCAPING MR. ROCHESTER does sound super interesting. I’ll have to keep an eye out for that one. I hope you enjoy these!

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


  14. Vidya

    both books sound so fascinating..WW books always draw me to them and Jane Eyre as well
    My post is here

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