Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Made Me Laugh Out Loud

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

A red ball with a smiley face on it. The ball is floating in a large body of water. Honestly, I haven’t read that many humorous books recently regardless of if we’re talking about tales published last year or thirty years ago.

I’ll share a few funny books I have read and hope I can get some great ideas for other reads from everyone else’s posts today.

Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh

It was a good read because… the author knows how to poke fun at herself while also inviting her audience to do the same when it comes to our own weird but funny stories about our pasts.


Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

It was a good read because… everything and everyone was up for grabs here! There was no topic too sacred or mundane to joke about. This is one of the things I enjoy the most about Pratchett and Gaiman’s stories.


The Princess Bride by William Goldman

It was a good read because… of how skillfully but respectfully it picked apart the fairy tale genre and saved only their best bits to be woven together into something that was keenly self-aware but still somehow romantic and magical.


The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, #1-5) by Douglas Adams

It was a good read because… it regularly defied reader’s expectations of how a science fiction adventure series should go. If you haven’t already noticed, I love it when narrators are aware of their genres and purposefully break certain rules in them.


The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster

It was a good read because… no one is ever too old or too young for puns!


Filed under Blog Hops

100 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Books That Made Me Laugh Out Loud

  1. Great list! I love The Princess Bride film so I really need to try the book.

  2. Hi there Lydia! I honestly had a whole post planned, but then changed my mind last night and went with the cat theme. But if I did have my list, we would have had a few in common! Good Omens, The Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and The Princess Bride!

    All worth a chuckle or two.

    Thanks for stopping by earlier!

  3. Oooh The Phantom Tollboth! I first read that book in middle school and I loved it! It’s filled with so many good word puns!

  4. I haven’t read Solutions and Other Problems, but I have read all the others and I agree with you completely.

    I loved reading Good Omens when I read it in 2003. I’ve always wanted to reread it.

  5. These are definitely some good ones. I wasn’t a huge fan of “The Phantom Tollbooth”, I guess I read it too late.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.

  6. I really need to read Good Omens. Neil Gaiman always manages to make me laugh in his books and I’ve heard so many great things about the book (and show)! Great list 🙂

  7. Allie Brosh is always a go-to for a good laugh!

  8. Love and agree with all your choices… except Allie Brosh’s work: now that one is new for me. Definitely going to check it out, thanks!

  9. I think I need to reread Good Omens. I was in a book slump and didn’t fully appreciate when I read it. Great list!

  10. I am not a big Gaiman fan, but Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch sounds good. I like your list and your reasons for choosing each book.

  11. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is my all-time favorite book for that very reason. And, if you like audiobooks, the series is narrated by Stephen Fry which gives it another layer of amazing.

  12. Great list! I’ve never read any of the books mentioned.

  13. Me–a total math phobe–LOVED The Phantom Toolbooth when I read it as an adult, but I may be the only person alive who couldn’t warm up the Hitchhiker’s Guide…

  14. I’ve really enjoyed Allie Brosh’s books. Definitely good for some laughs!

  15. If the movie is anything to compare it to, I can guess that The Princess Bride would be hilarious. Nice list!

  16. Jo

    I feel like the odd one out with Good Omens, I liked the TV series, but wasn’t a big fan of the book.

  17. Somehow I’ve never considered reading The Princess Bride, but clearly I need to if it is as funny as the film.

  18. Ooh, Good Omens and The Princess Bride are both books I’d love to read soon! (as well as try their screen adaptations)

  19. Wait, Princess Bride is a book? Inconceivable!

  20. Great list! I’ve only seen tge Princess Bride movie….I must read the book!

  21. I’ve heard of three of these, although I haven’t read any of these. No wonder I had trouble finding funny books this week!

  22. I want to read The Princess Bride one of these days. It’s been sitting on my TBR list for way too long. 🙂

  23. The Princess Bride is a good one for this list; that one does always make me laugh. 😀

  24. Louise @ Foxes and Fairy Tales

    Yes! Good Omens is hilarious 😄

  25. I love that The Princess Bride is a great book and movie. Very rare.

  26. I really want to read The Princess Bride since I love the movie.

  27. Oh man, some great ones here. I loved The Princess Bride book too!

  28. I wasn’t sure I’d enjoy Good Omens, but the TV series was so charming I might have to give the book a read! Happy TTT 🙂

  29. I REALLY need to read Hitchhiker’s Guide. I started it once and fell away, but I hear so much. The Princess bride as well… I’d probably love the added depth.

  30. I reread Good Omens last year and it was so much fun, even the second time around.

  31. I’ve seen Good Omens on so many lists. I watched the show and loved it. I might have to give the book a try!

  32. I loved Princess Bride as well and would love to read Good Omens.

  33. Yes to all of these! I’ve read and loved them all, and they all make me so happy.

  34. The Phantom Tollbooth sure sounds like an interesting title! I did not read the book for the princess bride… I may have broken my rule and watched the movie first 😂 I need to read the book!! One of these days…

  35. Oh, yes, the Hitchhiker’s books are sooooooo funny! And I’ve laughed over a lot of Terry Pratchett books too, especially Wyrd Sisters.

  36. The Phantom Tollbooth was one of my top favorites of childhood! I’ve only read one or two books by Terry Pratchett. I did enjoy The Color of Magic, but I didn’t go on with the series. Probably because it was so long by the time I read the first one! I listened to Good Omens on audio and it was funny!

  37. I don’t read many funny books either. I do love THE PRINCESS BRIDE, though – great novel and movie. I’m glad it made you laugh 🙂

    Happy TTT!


  38. I totally overlooked The Princess Bride! Definitely a funny one and a classic, as is Good Omens. I read one of Allie Brosh’s books a while back and loved how relatable and funny her style is.

  39. I loved The Phantom Tollbooth (and read the princess bride only partly after reading the book; liked it but not sure why I had to stop reading it)
    The rest have been on my TBR . The first one on your list, I recently put a hold on it at my library…

  40. I have watched The Princess Bride and I remember how much it made me laugh. I’m curious if the book is just as funny. Great list!! Thank you for stopping by my blog.

  41. I love The Princess Bride movie and I have this gorgeous edition of it so I should make time to read it!

  42. Great list! I loved The Princess Bride and Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Such fun reads. 🙂

  43. I haven’t read any of these but I’d love to read The Princess Bride someday!

  44. I never read Princess Bride, but saw the movie multiple times. It‘s a classic. Not sure if I have read Good Omens. I might have, but a long time ago. Gaiman is not really my cup of tea. Neither is Pratchett. Blasphemous, I know. I am just not into this type of humorous writing. The recent BBC TV adaptation of Good Omens is very good, though!

    • Since you love the film version of The Princess Bride, I think you’d enjoy the book as well.

      No worries about your opinions of Gaiman and Pratchett. Pratchett isn’t my cup of tea either. 🙂

  45. Anything from Tom Sharpe. The Throwback is his finest hour, but you can’t go wrong with any of his!

  46. I wanted to read Good Omens and The Princess Bride. The Phantom Tollbooth is one of my favorite books. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  47. I saw one or two of the adaptations from Terry Pratchett novels, but never read the books. However I did have a friend who used to read and love them. From the adaptations, it seems like they’d be fun reads. 🙂 Thanks for visiting Finding Wonderland on this week.

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