Top Ten Tuesday: Canadian Books I Haven’t Read Yet

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

A white lighthouse sitting on a massive stone outcrop near the ocean. The top of the lighthouse is reflected in a clear pool of water in the sand below the stone. The sky is blue, calm, and only has a few wispy clouds floating through it. This week’s original theme was “Book Covers In the Colors of My Country’s Flag.”

I had trouble finding covers that fit it, so instead I’ll be talking about Canadian books I still need to read.

If you’ve read any of these books, I’d like to hear what you thought of them.

1. The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill

2. The Jade Peony by Wayson Choy

3. The Cure for Death by Lightning by Gail Anderson-Dargatz

4. Ru by Kim Thúy

5. Anil’s Ghost by Michael Ondaatje

6. Life of Pi by Yann Martel

7. Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood

8. Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese

9. Who Has Seen the Wind by W.O. Mitchell

10. Bride of New France by Suzanne Desrochers


What famous books from your country have you not read yet?



Filed under Blog Hops

64 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Canadian Books I Haven’t Read Yet

  1. The Life of Pi was a huge hit with my book club, even among those who are not big readers. I haven’t read Cat’s Eye, but I’ve read and enjoyed lots of other books from Margaret Atwood.

  2. I remember Life of Pi being such a huge hit when it first released. I hope you’ll enjoy each of these when you get to them.

  3. Wonderful spin on the topic. I hope you find time to read some of these.

  4. I haven’t read any of these, but I hope you enjoy them when you can.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  5. Nice twist! I don’t think I’ve actually read very many Canadian books at all.

    • Thank you. Isn’t it interesting when you realize something like that? I know there are lots of countries I haven’t read much from either. 🙂

  6. I really need to give Margaret Atwood a go here in the near future. Even if it’s just to say I tried, hahaha. I hope you enjoy your list! Happy TTT!

  7. Nice list!
    Not sure why, but I haven’t read many Canadian books. Just your #6 here, though I have read another one by #5 and #7.
    We have so many classics in France for instance, and lots I haven’t read. I would love one day to go through all of Zola and all of Balzac. But that’s a lot, lol

  8. I’ve heard of Life of Pi (haven’t really read much about it) and of course, heard of Margaret Atwood too. Hope you enjoy each one of these when you’re able to read them, Lydia… and thanks so much for visiting my website today!

  9. I love the shift you made! I’ve read some great Canadian romance authors. I hope you get to all of these soon.

  10. A great list. I have read “The Book of Negroes” and “Anil’s Ghost”, both great books. Enjoy.

  11. Love your list! I haven’t read any of the books you named. I tried to read Life of Pi. Heard great things about it. I couldn’t finish it. But don’t rule it out on my say-so. Many people have loved it!

  12. I haven’t read any of these, but I did read a different Richard Wagamese book and I really enjoyed it. I’m also currently reading a book by a Canadian: Curry: Eating, Reading, and Race by Naben Ruthnum.

    My TTT:

  13. Athena

    I’ve only heard of & read Pi,band loved it!

  14. Fun twist! I haven’t read any of these yet, and I probably also haven’t read a lot of Belgian books yet, so maybe I need to fix that 🙂

  15. It can be hard to get the book covers to match in a theme like this! I hope you enjoy these.

  16. I only recognise Life of Pi on your list and that book is a favorite! Hope you will get to read it soon.

    Thanks for your visit earlier!

  17. I hope you enjoy all of these when you get a chance to read them!

  18. mae

    I have enjoyed works by Ondaji, Martel, and Atwood — in fact I think I have read every book by Atwood including some long-out-of-print poetry collections. Good list!
    best, mae at

  19. I haven’t read any of the books on your list. I hope they all turn out to be excellent reads. 😀

  20. Jo

    I’ve really not read many books by Canadian authors at all, I read Looking For Jane by Heather Marshall last year and I loved that, and I read Rebecca Schaeffer’s Not Even Bones a few years back and loved that, though it’s not set in Canada, it’s set in Peru. I’ve not read any of the books by any of the authors on your list, and I’ve never read anything by Magaret Atwood which does feel like somewhat of an oversight given how revered she is. Honestly, I’ve probably missed a lot of books by classic British authors because classics just aren’t really my thing!

  21. I’ve read Life of Pi and Cat’s Eye. Life of Pi was huge when it came out, and I remember reading it with a book group way back when as well as seeing the movie version. I don’t really remember that much about the plot of Cat’s Eye (it was a long time ago too), but I do usually love Margaret Atwood books. Great list!

  22. What an interesting take on this weeks topic!

  23. I haven’t read any of these although I have read some other books by a couple of these authors!

  24. I didn’t know Life of Pi is Canadian. I saw the movie and enjoyed it. The book is on my TBR list. 🙂

  25. A few years ago i read Life of Pi , but i remember more the movie :p

  26. The American classic Native Son by Richard Wright is one I have yet to read.

    Great list!

  27. This is a great list! I tried reading Life of Pi and just couldn’t get into it. But I’ve got Richard Wagamese on my TBR. Here’s to some good reading for both of us

  28. I haven’t read any of these either!

  29. I remember raves for “Life of Pi” but somehow never got hold of it. Ondaatje is also well reviewed.

    “Cat’s Eye” is one of my all-time favorites. Author keeps saying that the character ELEANOR is not based directly on Margaret ELEANOR Atwood, but it seems to me that she’s managed to write a fictionalized biography of all the female achievers in the English-speaking world. We *are* feminists but we were emotionally abused by females before males, so all of us are wary and some are lonely.

  30. Finding covers that fit a specific color scheme can be really hard. I like your twist on the topic. It is good to know sometimes where the author comes from. A lot still tends to be USA and UK.

  31. Great post, and great idea for TTT!

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