Top Ten Tuesday: Characters from Different Books Who Should Team Up

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

A humorous photo of two people who are each holding a pet. One is holding a chihuahua and the other is holding a siamese cat. The animals are positioned so that they can look at each other, but they are instead looking at the photographer with puzzled expressions on their little faces. I read books from so many different genres, styles, and eras that it’s often hard for me to imagine what various characters might think of each other.

It’s like grabbing two random pets and expecting them to be friends. Maybe it will work, or maybe they’ll fight like, well, cats and dogs.

Some books dive deeply into character development. Others barely skim the surface of it in favour of adding in extra action scenes. There are also cases where the characters are all well-rounded but so wildly dissimilar that I don’t know how much time they’d even be willing to spend in the same room.

(My theory is that those of you who tend to stick to one genre for most of your reading time are going to have an easier time coming up with matches. Let’s see if I’m right!)

With that being said, here are my picks:


1. Anne Shirley from L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables series and Ove from Fredrik Backman’s A Man Called Ove.

The Ove we first met would probably be irritated by how talkative Anne could be when she was a child, but I think these two would eventually get along well if they’d met when Anne was older and a little quieter. She was almost always good at softening out the edges of grumpy people, and I think he’d be amused by some of her fanciful ideas about how life should work.


2. Yetu from Rivers Solomon’s The Deep and Ariel from The Little Mermaid

They’d be good friends, I think. Well, other than the fact that Ariel wanted to be human and Yetu most definitely did not.



3. Fatima from Nnedi Okorafor‘s Remote Control and Charlie from Stephen King’s Firestarter 

They were both young girls who had been given powers far beyond their comprehension that they needed to learn how to use safely. Wouldn’t it be interesting to see what they thought of each other?


4. Yetu from Rivers Solomon’s The  Deep and Fatima from Nnedi Okorafor’s Remote Control


I hope it’s okay to pick the same characters more than once, because I also think it would be cool to see how Yetu and Fatima got along. They both had a strong desire for justice that I think would become even more noticeable if they teamed up.


Anyway, that’s my short list. I look forward to seeing what everyone else has to say.


Filed under Blog Hops

60 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Characters from Different Books Who Should Team Up

  1. Ove made my list, as well….and oddly, got paired with a teenage girl to boot! I had Bing randomly sort 20 characters I gave it into ten pairs, and then I tried to think of a story that would incorporate both of them.

  2. Ove and Anne – now that would be interesting!

  3. I’m not familiar with any of these characters unfortunately. But I can see the similarities in your descriptions and think they would be good teams! Have a great week!

  4. So interesting, I need to read some of the books on here!

  5. I think that even though Ariel wanted to be a human, she would be accepting that others wouldn’t share that desire. So I think that could definitely be a good friendship.

    I don’t read just one genre, but I did notice that my pairings today DO match books that are in the same genre. So I’d say your guess is a good one.

    My TTT:

  6. I haven’t read “A Man Called Ove,” but I do like Anne so anyone she’d be friends with is someone I’m curious about. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting my website today.

    • You’re welcome. A Man Called Ove was quite different from Anne of Green Gables, but there was goodness to be found there once the main character began to grow. 🙂

  7. I really liked the way you put them together. Great list!

  8. I think you get points just for doing it!! I do love your pairing of Anne of Green Gables and Ove. Have a great week!

  9. I agree–I think it’s harder across genres. Anne and Ove is an inspired pick–I can’t really say for the others, but they look interesting!

  10. oh, these are great pairings!

    My favorite is: Fatima from Nnedi Okorafor‘s Remote Control and Charlie from Stephen King’s Firestarter

  11. Anne and Ove? What a cool concept!

  12. Ooh, good ones! I haven’t read Remote Control yet so have no context for that one, but I love the idea of putting Anne and Ove together, and same with mixing up mermaids!

  13. I could picture Ove and Anne becoming friends, albeit grudgingly on Ove’s part at first. But she would pull him out of his shell.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  14. Anne and Ove sounds like a lovely idea, they have different personalities but they would have wonderful conversations

  15. This was such a tough prompt, but you did a great job with it. And I would love to see a Yetu and Ariel match up – I think one of them might change the other’s mind about mermaids and humans.

  16. Interesting. I decided to go for the cat and dog approach 😂 I try to read a variety of books (each month I set a different genre goal) so I see what you mean about trying to find similar characters!

    Have a great week!

  17. I’m charmed by the thought of Anne and Ove together. Admittedly, I’ve only seen the Ove movie, but I always like grumpy/sunshine pairings, so this pairing definitely makes me smile 🙂

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


  18. Ooh, Yetu and Ariel! That is a great pick and I’d be SO curious to see what it’d be like having them in the same space 😂 I feel like they couldn’t be more different, lol.

  19. I haven’t read a Man Called Ove yet but I can totally see how Ove and Anne would interact! Great idea 🙂

  20. Anne is a character who is just destined to grow on you, haha. Great list!

  21. I like your combos, they seem good especially the second one.

  22. I never would have considered them, but I really love all of your pairings this week!

  23. Oh my goodness, I love the idea of Anne and Ove meeting. It would be really interesting to see how they get along.

  24. Jo

    I’ve not read any of these books so don’t know how well these characters would work together but this was a fun and well thought out list!

  25. Oh, I think you’re right about Anne and Ove!

  26. Interesting idea. Reminds me that some of the stories I made up as a child were about what might have happened if characters from different children’s books went to the same school. Anne, Caddie Woodlawn, and Laura Ingalls all had their own friends in their own stories, but might they have been friends if they’d been in the same time and place? I don’t know. I’ve not made up a story that way for forty-some years!

    What came to mind was James Bond in JD Edwin’s Headspace game. He just might survive…LOL!

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