Top Ten Tuesday: Characters Whose Job I Wish I Had

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Kudos to whomever came up with this unique topic! I have not read these books and am only mentioning them because these occupations sound amazing.


Title and Author: The Blood of Flowers by Anita Amirrezvani

The Job: Carpet designer

Why I’m Interested: It’s quiet, intricate work that creates beloved family heirlooms.


Two dolls with fluffy white dresses. One has straight brown hair and the other has curly red hair.

Title and Author: The Queen’s Dollmaker by Christine Trent

The Job: Dollmaker

Why I’m Interested: Dolls bring so much joy to the world.


Title and Author: Burning Bright by Tracy Chevalier

The Job: Poet

Why I’m Interested: I used to write a lot of poetry. It’s harder than some people imagine it to be but quite rewarding when you finally figure out the right turn of phrase to make your point succinctly.


Title and Author: The Naturalist’s Daughter by Tea Cooper

The Job: Naturalist

Why I’m Interested: This specific naturalist studied the platypus, an animal I find utterly fascinating. Wouldn’t it be cool to be the first person from your culture to discover such a thing? I’d like to think he spoke to the people who already lived there about what they knew about the life cycle and physiology of the platypus.

A red and white lighthouse on a large rocky outcropping by the ocean. Part of the lighthouse is reflected in a puddle nearby.


Title and Author: The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman

The Job: Lighthouse Keeper

Why I’m Interested: It was generally quiet and peaceful work which appeals to this introvert quite a bit.  I’d have time to write stories or read books while I was on the job.


Title and Author: The Archivist by Martha Cooley

The Job: Archivist

Why I’m Interested: I adore organizing, cataloguing, and sorting all sorts of different things. Being an archivist sounds heavenly to me.


Filed under Blog Hops

80 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Characters Whose Job I Wish I Had

  1. Platypus’s (Platypi?) are so odd but amazing! I love how Australia’s animals are all so quirky. Lighthouse keeper sounds nice too, mostly for the views

  2. A carpet designer? Wow, never would have thought of that. But now I’m interested in the book too. Will take a look.

    I think being a doll maker might freak me out a bit. What if they come to life?

    Lighthouse keeper can be a good job. With lots of cats.

    Happy TTT!

    Ten jobs Elza would have loved to have

  3. I’ve always wanted to be a lighthouse keeper, I think. In a remote location. Where I could mostly read.

  4. Lighthouse keeper was always a job that I secretly wanted to have when I was younger and I completely forgot about it until now! I think it stems from reading the Lighthouse Keeper’s Tea when I was little. Any job where you can do more reading is a good job!

  5. Being a Naturalist seems interesting as also a lighthouse keeper, though that might get lonely.

    • Yeah, I could see how that might happen after a while. I’ve been very low on time alone during this pandemic, though, so time alone sounds divine at the moment. 🙂

  6. This is such a unique take on this prompt! I love it. As a fellow introvert most of these jobs appeal to me. Not sure about doll maker though, dolls creep me out most of the time. lol

  7. Okay, I love the range of jobs here — I had a hard time making my list because I couldn’t think of the jobs for the characters — yours are all jobs I’d be interested in! (except for dollmaker!) Thanks for swinging by my blog this morning!

  8. I love these! I can see the appeal of being a lighthouse keeper — natural beauty, quiet, time to read! Being a naturalist sounds amazing too — every time I visit a national park, I wish I was a park ranger!

  9. There would be something really satisfying about being an archivist!

  10. Dollmaking would be interesting. I think it might creep me out a bit, though!

  11. Ooh an archivist or a lighthouse keeper both sounds like jobs for me too 🙂

  12. Being an archivist sounds like a great combination of relaxing and fulfilling! I would love to say I’d want to be a lighthouse keeper, but I think that might be too much solitude for me.

    My TTT this week.

    • Isn’t that the perfect job?

      I’d probably feel lonely as a lighthouse keeper eventually, too. I haven’t gotten much alone time since this pandemic began, so I’m really yearning for more of it. 🙂

  13. I enjoyed seeing why you would choose these occupations. I never thought of a carpet designer, but it makes sense that someone has to come up with the intricate details in one of a kind carpets. I could never write poetry and have just recently come to appreciate the talent it takes. Great post Lydia.

  14. I have to admit that dolls completely creep me out (I had to scroll past the photo quite quickly), but some of the other jobs sound awesome! Naturalist, archivist, lighthouse keeper… all appealing!

  15. I could never work with dolls (says the girl who used to collect porcelain dolls…yes I’m a conundrum). I blame the Nancy Drew computer game “Last Train to Bluemoon Canyon…super creepy dolls….But the lighthouse keeper job? Sounds like a dream! Great post!

    • Oh, that’s funny. I’ll try to find Last Train to Bluemoon Canyon. Sounds fun if also creepy!

      And thanks. Glad you’re also interested in being a lighthouse keeper.

  16. Good list. My only library school regret was I couldn’t afford to stay an extra semester beyond earning my degree to take the archives course. It was only offered once per year and I was hurrying to graduate to save $$. I’ve always thought lighthouse keeper or national parks fire watcher would suit me.

    • Thank you! I hope you’ll be able to take that archives course someday (if it can be taken after graduation?)

      Being a national parks fire watcher would be cool, too.

  17. I think being a lighthouse keeper would be fun! Great list!

  18. Cool list! I think being a lighthouse keeper would be an awesome job.

  19. Ever since I watched Pete the Dragon, I’ve wanted to live in a lighthouse! It sounds so amazing. An introvert’s dream for sure 🙂

    Happy TTT!


  20. Oooh, Lighthouse Keeper sounds like it could be a great one!

  21. Ooh, a carpet designer sounds so interesting! Honestly, all of these sound perfect. At one point I was strongly considering schooling to be an archivist, but it didn’t quite work out since the field is so small, haha. I would love to be a naturalist.

  22. I think an archivist and lighthouse keeper (I just read a story w/ a lighthouse keeper) would be interesting.

  23. Dollmaker is such a unique choice! I think you’re the first person I’ve seen suggest it this week, and I love it.

  24. Poetry is indeed very hard. I used to dabble in it a bit in high school and wrote a couple of decent ones, but I don’t think I could write one now if I was paid to. And ooh, a dollmaker would be so cool! Dolls can be a bit creepy at times, but I also love collecting/admiring porcelain dolls.

  25. Those are some interesting jobs. And quite varied. As you know, I could only come up with one job but I have dreamed about it all my life.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.

    • YOu’re welcome, Marianne.

      And, yeah, this week’s prompt was a tough one. I’m glad you thought of an answer! It’s always interesting to read your thoughts.

  26. I’m intrigued about being an archivist too. Sometimes I wish I would have taken that path in library school!

  27. All of these are great choices! An Archivist sounds amazing. I too love organizing and cataloguing!

    Great post as always!!

  28. RS

    “Dolls bring so much joy to the world,” she says, using a picture that immediately makes me think of all the scary movies where dolls actually bring terror. XD

    Archivist, though, is actually my dream job – great pick! I like organizing, but cataloging is my true passion (did I, at age 13, once start creating a list of every object in my room, sorted by category? YUP. Sadly, lost it in a Blue Screen of Death computer crash). I hadn’t read any books with such a job or I would have put it on my list, so onto the TBR this one goes.

    (also, in case you didn’t check back, your anonymous comment did show up for me. I unscreened it so now it’s visible)

    • LOL! And here I thought I was picking a nice, friendly photo.

      Glad to hear my comment did show up on your site.

      It’s very cool that you have archivist tendencies, too.

  29. These are some really interesting job choices, I like the sound of A Lighthouse Keeper and A Poet!

  30. Great list! The lighthouse keeper definitely appeals to the introvert in me as well.

  31. You don’t have to do it as a profession to make dolls! My grandma made them. I have one that she made even :-).

    I’ve made stuffed animals with movable arms and legs, but I didn’t make dolls.

    • Wow, I didn’t know that.

      Do you think you’ll ever make a doll? How easy was it to learn how to make stuffed animals with movable arms and legs?

  32. Ooh, I’d be a great lighthouse keeper. All that quiet time to read and screw around on the internet.

  33. i definitely wouldn’t being a naturalist living in a lighthouse!!

  34. These are really interesting, a great variety but some really creative tasks in there too! Personally pleased about the archivist though I’ve never read that book before

  35. Oh dollmaker. I follow an artist on instagram who carves wooden dolls and it looks so calming. And yes I would love to be an archivist.

  36. Great list! Lighthouse keeper is so unique.

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