Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
These days I am generally not interested in:
- Poetry
- Long books
- Polemics
- Classic or traditional-style fantasy
- Nonfiction about disease, war, or suffering
- Gory horror
- Romance
- Classic novels
- Dark endings
- Fairy tales
(There are occasional exceptions, of course, but these aren’t categories that immediately spark my interest in most cases).
And I have a deep interest in:
- Short stories and novellas
- Cozy science fiction and fantasy
- Memoirs, biographies, or autobiographies of people who make the world a better place
- Nonfiction about scientific advancements in any branch of science, animals, food, and plants
- Ghost stories
- Psychological horror (e.g. no blood or gore, just apprehension)
- Humorous books
- Stories about emotionally healthy platonic relationships*
- Hopeful writing in general
- Historical fiction about the lives of ordinary people
- Justice being served to the antagonists
*they don’t have to be perfect by any means! I simply prefer to read about characters who genuinely try to be good and treat each other kindly than about characters who are stuck in dysfunctional patterns of behaviour with their family and friends.
My tastes seem to shift every few years, so I’d have to make this a much longer post to document every little change I’ve experienced since childhood. Honestly, I don’t know that I’d even remember all of them anymore.
All I know is that I tend to dive deeply into a topic for a few months to a few years and then move on to other topics in most cases.
I look forward to seeing how everyone else’s tastes have evolved over time.
I think it’s always grand to know what we like. Some may say that’s missing something, but honestly I want to like the books I read so “forcing” myself to read something that wasn’t written to be a “me” read is something I’m comfortable with. 🙂
As always, thanks for being such a kind blogger and visiting so many of the TTT lists, Lydia, and for suggesting these recent topics. 🙂
You’re quite welcome, Rissi! It’s so much better not to force yourself to read books that don’t fit you, I think. (School assignments aside, of course).
Good books about platonic relationships are hard to find!
For sure.
Thanks for the theme, I found it very interesting to stop and look back.
You’re quite welcome!
Great List! I loved this idea of looking back at how our reading choices have changed. Here’s my TTT:
Thank you. I’m glad you liked it.
Such an interesting idea – I might have to write a blog post about this next week, as I seldom stop to reflect on how I’ve evolved as a reader.
I hope you do!
Poetry has never been my thing either. I’ve tried different styles but I think it’s just not something that’s going to click for me.
I’m glad you get it.
Thanks for suggesting an awesome topic for today, Lydia 🙂 I’m all about the cosy fantasies these days and while I haven’t read much cosy sci-fi, I’m definitely keen to read more!
You’re welcome, Dini! So glad you liked it. We need more cozy speculative fiction for sure.
So interesting, memoirs and biographies are my go to non fiction, but i want to read other themes too
I love how our tastes as a reader do seem to shift every now and then. As long as the love of reading remains, I’m happy to follow my mood and dive into a new topic/genre when they do!
It’s wonderful!
I like how you’ve set up your post as themes, rather than a list of 10 items… reading habits are more 360 degrees, aren’t they? Poetry I still love, but humorous books are my new loves too 🙂
Thanks a lot for suggesting this really insightful theme for TTT!
You’re very welcome!
I’m glad you love poetry. I wish I still did!
You gave us such an interesting theme this week! Thank you! And, I look forwared to your post each week because you read things I would likely not encounter. That’s good for me!
Thank you very much. You made my day.
Good horror is hard to find. I want to be scared but not grossed out.
Yes, totally!
Cosy mysteries are a new favourite of mine as well. And I also love nature based non-fiction, I love learning about the sorts of things school doesn’t cover.
Cool! And, yeah, school left out so much.
Hopeful writing is a great trend! I’ve been gravitating toward that as well lately.
Thanks for submitting this topic! It was fun to take a look back.
You’re very welcome. If you find any great new hopeful books, I’d love to hear about them.
This has been a fun topic to ruminate on. It’s also been interesting to read other people’s lists and see how our habits compare/contrast. I agree with most of the entries on both of your lists. I’ve definitely been gravitating to shorter, more hopeful books lately – or, at least, I like having those to sandwich in between heavier reads.
Happy TTT!
Thank you, Susan. Yes, it’s been quite interesting!
I’ve also definitely come to appreciate non fiction and historical fiction over time. 🙂
Great list, Lydia! I used to never read autobiographies, but I’ve read six or seven over the past year and loved them. I think my favorite was Spare by Prince Harry. Have a good day!
Oh, that’s awesome. I’ve heard good things about that autobiography.
I totally get not reading long books 😂 If I see a book that has more than 450 pages, I’m leaving. If it couldn’t be said in fewer words, then I don’t need to know about it 😂
Of course, if the book is a sequel to my fave series, or a book by an author I like, I’ll give it a shot. Most of the time, I just don’t have time for that nor the attention span 😅
That makes total sense!
My interests have shifted some over the years but I am consistently interested in cozy mysteries/mysteries. I do not read romance or historical fiction as much as I used to.
Cool. 🙂
Mm, I’ve got more of an interest in novellas over the last few years too! It helps that have a novella line with such consistently good quality.
I love! They’re amazing.
Sounds like you know exactly what you’re looking for in books, and that’s awesome! I hope you have a great weekend, and thanks for visiting my blog earlier this week.
You’re very welcome. 🙂
Definitely no horror for me, though I love poetry (novels in verse!) and like you, love short stories, historical fiction about ordinary people, scientific nonfiction ..
thank you for this week’s ttt theme.
My ttt post is here
You’re welcome. I’m glad you like poetry so much.
It’s interesting how tastes can change. I want to try and pick up more cosy fantasy novels and I have a few novellas that I’m hoping to pick up this year. I love dark fairytales but I’m definitely not a fan of gory horror either. I want to get into horror more in general and don’t mind gore in context but slashers with blood for the sake of blood definitely aren’t my thing. It sounds like you enjoy quite a mix of genres too.
Thank you. Yes, I love bouncing around various genres as well!