Top Ten Tuesday: LGBT+ Book Quotes

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Pride month is just around the corner. Since all in-person events for Toronto’s Pride events have been cancelled again this year thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, I decided to start the celebration a little early here instead. May it be safe for us to celebrate in person next year!


“The single best thing about coming out of the closet is that nobody can insult you by telling you what you’ve just told them.”
Rachel Maddow


“Race, gender, religion, sexuality, we are all people and that’s it. We’re all people. We’re all equal.”
Connor Franta


“But this is your life, and it will stretch out before you, and you are the only person who can make it whatever you want it to be.”
Christina Lauren, Autoboyography


“Rainbows are gay space lasers. That’s why they’re not straight.”
Oliver Markus Malloy, Introvert Comics: Inside The Mind of an Introvert


“Being different is what makes us fun, remember?”
Maulik Pancholy, The Best at It

White piece of cloth that has a rainbow and the phrase "love is love" painted on it.


“But you can have more than one family. You can choose your family.”
Phil Stamper, As Far As You’ll Take Me


“She’s happy with who she is. Maybe it’s not the heteronormative dream that she grew up wishing for, but… knowing who you are and loving yourself is so much better than that, I think.”
Alice Oseman, Loveless


“We all have our own unique place in the infinite gender universe.”
Ashley Mardell, The ABC’s of LGBT+


“The joy of discovery is one of the biggest pleasures you’ll ever know.”
Samra Habib, We Have Always Been Here: A Queer Muslim Memoir


“In conversation with one of his friends, the openly gay Dr. William Hirsch, Fred Rogers himself concluded that if sexuality was measured on a scale of one to ten: ‘Well, you know, I must be right smack in the middle. Because I have found women attractive, and I have found men attractive.”
Maxwell King, The Good Neighbor: The Life and Work of Fred Rogers


Filed under Blog Hops

60 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: LGBT+ Book Quotes

  1. wow. you opened this with such a powerful quote and it became better and better as i read along.

  2. Great quotes, such a brilliant topic. My favourite is the one by Connor Franta: “Race, gender, religion, sexuality, we are all people and that’s it. We’re all people. We’re all equal.” Because that’s how we all should live. Don’t judge anyone on what or who they are but on their behaviour towards others.

    But the other quotes are also fantastic. Well done, Lydia.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.

  3. “Being different is what makes us fun, remember?”

    Great theme this week. Thank you for sharing these.

  4. Love seeing a quote from Autoboyography. It’s one of my all-time favorites.

  5. Poinsettia

    Nice list. 🙂

  6. Great take on this week’s theme!

  7. Good timing. We all need to read these quotes and these authors. I think quotes are my favorite topics on Top Ten Tuesday. My quote topic this week is TREES

  8. Jo

    The gay space lobsters one made me laugh! Great choice of theme for this week 🙂
    My TTT:

  9. I love the “rainbows are gay space lasers” quote! That’s perfect.

    My TTT:

  10. This is such a great theme, and you’ve found powerful quotes.

  11. Wow. We have always been here looks so powerful! Thanks for sharing some really relevant and great quotes!

  12. These are such great quotes!! I really hope that next year you can celebrate in person! <3

  13. Such a wonderful theme Lydia. I love all of these quotes, they are so powerful. It is too bad that in person events have been canceled for the second year in a row.

  14. Hah! I really like the Intovert Comics one!

  15. Great take on the topic! I especially love the Autoboyography and Loveless quotes (two of my favorite books too)!

  16. Love the topic you chose! I’m absolutely adding We Have Always Been Here to my TBR!

  17. Love these quotes, and the theme!

  18. I really like the Lauren quote. and yes to choosing family.

  19. Have a great Pride, wherever you end up celebrating!

  20. What a great use of this prompt! Happy Pride! 🌈

  21. I love all of these quotes. Great to see one from Rachel Maddow on your list too. Love her!

  22. Oh, this is perfect, especially with Pride just around the corner!

  23. I love the Connor Frata quote as well. Such a simple statement, but it holds A LOT of truth.

    Happy TTT!


  24. great topic for this week; and love this quote – “The joy of discovery is one of the biggest pleasures you’ll ever know.”

  25. Lovely quotes, I hope you get to Pride next year!

  26. I like the gay space lasers, but my favourite one is the one about choosing your family…

  27. Great qoutes, and I love that you’ve picked a Pride theme, I need to do some Pride planning for my blog!

  28. Love your choice of quotes this week! My favorite is definitely the rainbow one. It’s brilliant!

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