Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2024

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Closeup photo of a pale-skinned woman with long, black, straight hair reading a book. She’s sitting outdoors next to grass that is partially green and partially brown and dry. It looks like grass that has gone dormant in the summer heat!It looks like this week’s list will be shorter than last week’s list was.

Here are some books I’m looking forward to that are coming out in the second half of this year.

While researching this post, I noticed that there didn’t seem to be as many books to choose from as usual.

Maybe it was a coincidence, or maybe there will be some real treasures popping up in a month or two that just haven’t quite been announced yet.

It will be interesting to see what happens.


Book cover for Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks by Yuval Noah Harari. Image on cover shows a drawing of a pigeon-like bird standing still and facing to the right.










Nexus: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI by Yuval Noah Harari

Publication Date: September 10
Why I’m Interested: I love reading about how information spreads around as well as how it can change over time depending on the medium involved.

Book cover for The Bog Wife by Kay Chronister. Image on cover shows a drawing of the face, neck, and trunk of a young, pale, white woman who has a small pile of dirt on her neck. She does not look dead, just very pale.










The Bog Wife by Kay Chronister


Publication Date: October 1
Why I’m Interested: Occasionally, well-preserved bodies from a few thousand years ago will be found in the bogs in Europe. I find it so interesting to read about the things scientists have discovered about these societies and am interested in reading a fictional account of something that seems sort of related to this phenomena.


Book cover for Sally's Lament (A Twisted Tale) by Mari Mancusi. Image on cover shows a drawing of a young girl standing in a forest. She is bathed in shadow and only a dim outline of her body can be seen. At the bottom of the image you can see a small drawing from The Nightmare Before Christmas where the ground slowly unfurled as the protagonist walked on it. It was an iconic scene in that film that happened during one of the songs.










Sally’s Lament (A Twisted Tale) by Mari Mancusi

Publication Date: October 8
Why I’m Interested: I liked The Nightmare Before Christmas when I was a kid and am curious to see what this retelling of it is like.


Filed under Blog Hops

66 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2024

  1. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    Somehow I never managed to see/read The Nightmare Before Christmas, despite its popularity. Hope the retelling is a good one.

  2. Interesting, I got the feeling there were less books I could genuinely say were my most anticipated, though I still found plenty. Maybe publishing is focusing more on books I’m not interested in!

  3. The Bog Wife does sound like an interesting one!

  4. I’m absolutely in love with that cover for The Bog Wife!!

  5. The Bog Wife and Sally’s Lament sound fantastic, so they’re going on my TBR! 😃 Great picks. I hope you enjoy these whenever you get to them!

  6. These both look pretty good, I hope you enjoy them.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  7. I tend to have trouble nowadays finding books to fill lists like my anticipated reads. I think I attribute it mostly to knowing what I’ll like (or being as certain as I can be) vs. just getting a book because everyone else is hyping it. Like you though, I suspect I’ll find a few more that weren’t announced yet, and I love that there are these Disney book retellings! I haven’t read any of them, but I think I almost bought the Little Mermaid Twisted Tale once. 🙂 Hope you enjoy these all, and thanks for visiting my website today.

  8. I’m currently reading my first Twisted Tales book, and I’m looking forward to dipping into more of the series. Sally’s story should be an interesting one.

  9. I’m really looking forward to The Bog Wife too.

  10. Stephen @ Reading Freely

    I could have sworn I came by earlier. Of these I’d be most interested in the Harari title- – more for the subject than the author, since he underwhelmed me in Sapiens.

  11. Sally’s Lament sounds intriguing. Hope you’ll love all of these!

  12. Great list, Lydia! I hope you’re having a great Tuesday. Thank you for visiting my site!

  13. I am so behind on the Twisted Tales!! I hope you enjoy these when you get to them! 🙂

  14. I struggle with this sort of list. I am apparently quite fussy 🤣

    The Nightmare Before Christmas one looks good. I loved the film.

    Have a great week!

  15. These sound like interesting reads, I hope you like them!

  16. The book about Sally seems interesting!

  17. I’m a librarian. I’ll be very interested in your review of Nexus. Good post.

  18. My daughter loves The Twisted Tales as well, I didn’t realize another one was coming out. Have a great week!

  19. There is nothing wrong with having a short list to share with us every week. I hope you enjoy reading these books. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  20. I had a similar issue, I found it hard to find 10 anticipated releases I had to look a little harder than I did for the spring but I’m sure we’ll hear of more as the year goes on. I added the Bog Wife to my TBR thanks to your post though it sounds creepy and interesting!

  21. Hope you enjoy these!

  22. A retelling about Sally sounds like a wonderful idea

  23. The Bog Wife looks interesting and I like cover. Great list and thanks for visiting my TTT!

  24. My son was OBSESSED with A Nightmare Before Christmas when he was a kid. It’s such a weird movie, but I like the music. Also, my third great-grandmother’s maiden name was Skellington, so I always told my son that Jack was his long-lost cousin! Ha ha.

    Happy TTT!


  25. The Bog Wife looks great! I wasn’t aware of it before… now I need to know more.

  26. I have Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari and have only flipped through it. I should read it for real!

  27. I’m very curious about the new book by Yuval Noah Harari. I’ve enjoyed Harari’s books in the past.

  28. I’ve always liked Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas, but I never felt she got enough of the credit. I’ll be curious to see what this retelling changes from the movie!

  29. Bog bodies really are so fascinating! I went to an exhibition about them once. I wish we could know more about them.

  30. The Bog Wife sounds really interesting. I had no idea that bog bodies and now I am off to research. Hope these end up being great reads.

  31. Sally’s Lament looks interesting. I have watched The Nightmare Before Christmas more than once, so a retelling appeals to me. I hope you enjoy these, Lydia.

  32. This is such a great looking list! I’m always intrigued by which books you are looking forward to releasing, because you have such varied taste in books. This list is no different, and I’ll definitely be adding at least one to my TBR, I’m thinking either The Bog Wife or Sally’s Lament, probably both if I’m being honest.

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