Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the First Half of 2024

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

A black and white spotted cat sitting on top of a bookshelf and resting peacefully. My list of answers is short this week, but I did have more than two books this time which is a nice change from the winter TBR theme from a few weeks ago that was a struggle for me.

Here’s hoping some of you mention some other books that will help flesh it out. That has happened for me on multiple occasions in the past!

If not, there are always plenty of older library books to look forward to.

This isn’t my cat or my photo. (It is a public domain image, though).

I simply like the thought of a cat feeling comfortable enough to rest or maybe even snooze a little while humans hunt for new books to read. It’s so wholesome.

Aren’t animals the best?



Book cover for Womb City by Tlotlo Tsamaase. Image on cover shows a drawing of a black woman’s head. There is a fetus growing in a glass or clear plastic cage in the space where her brain should be. It’s very eerie.


Womb City by Tlotlo Tsamaase

Release Date: January 23

Why I’m Interested: The world-building sounds fantastic. My fingers are crossed it will be.



Book cover for My Side of the River by Elizabeth Camarillo Gutierrez. Image on cover is a drawing of wheat or some other type of grassy plant bending and swaying gently in the breeze.

My Side of the River: A Memoir by Elizabeth Camarillo Gutierrez

Release Date: February 13

Why I’m Interested:  This memoir sounds super interesting.  I can’t imagine being responsible for raising a younger sibling as a teenager. Wow, that’s a lot to ask of someone that age! One of the benefits of reading is learning about the lives of people whose life experiences can be wildly different from your own in all sorts of ways.


Book cover for The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden. Image on cover is a drawing of an incredibly pale person’s hands who are clasping a red rose. One of their hands has a bracelet on it.

The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden

Release Date: February 14

Why I’m Interested: I love ghost stories, and I haven’t read many of them set during World War I. This could be good.


Book cover for Who's Afraid of Gender? by Judith Butler. There is no image on the cover. Just black text against a cream background that has one yellow stripe on the left and one purple stripe on the right side of the cover.

Who’s Afraid of Gender? by Judith Butler

Release Date: March 19

Why I’m Interested: I’m curious to learn more about the link between transphobia and authoritarianism as I am completely confused and dismayed by the hatred of and vitriol against transgender people that is being stirred up by some folks. Why not love and accept everyone for who they are instead?  That seems like such a better option to me.


I look forward to reading all of your responses.


Filed under Blog Hops

82 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books Releasing in the First Half of 2024

  1. Fab list hope you enjoy them when you get to them!

  2. I’ve added Womb City to 2024’s TBR.

    Who’s Afraid of Gender? sounds like something my hubby and I could listen to together. There does seem to be a direct link between the two.

  3. I didn’t put Womb City on my list because I was trying not to just duplicate my winter TBR, but I’m looking forward to it!

  4. Lynne

    I’ve only heard of who’s afraid of gender and that one seems to be on a lot of lists!

  5. Womb city looks….interesting. The cover makes me think of transhumanist themes.

  6. Warm Hands of Ghosts sounds like the perfect October read!! Well for me anyways, haha. I hope you enjoy all of these!

  7. I really want to read My Side of the River, too. And Womb City looks really intriguing. Happy TTT! 😀

  8. Great list! I haven’t seen Womb City on many lists (so far) today but I have seen it around the blogosphere and bird app. It looks really interesting! I hope you enjoy all of these releases 🙂

  9. I would love to read Womb City at some point, plus I’m in love with the cover!

  10. Honestly, if I came across a cat on a bookcase, I don’t think I’d ever be able to leave. There are books, there is cat, what more do you need?! Happy reading!

  11. I’m very curious about Who’s Afraid of Gender?

  12. The Warm Hands of Ghosts seem to be on ALL the lists this week! I’m excited to read it — hope you enjoy!

  13. I’ve seen Katherine’s make a few lists this week, and while I don’t normally read ghost stories, it is making my curious! One to add to the “look into” mental TBR. 😉 Thanks so much for visiting my website today.

  14. Can’t wait to see what you think of ghosts! Thanks for dropping by my post!

  15. Lots of good sounding books on here! And I’m adding Who’s Afraid of Gender to my TBR as well. I know two young people who have transitioned (one AFAB, the other AMAB) so trans rights is important to me.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  16. It looks like you have some fun reads to look forward to!

  17. Who’s Afraid of Gender sounds like a very important book right now. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! I hadn’t heard of it before.

    My TTT this week:

  18. Ooh, Womb City sounds fascinating! And I should pick up that Judith Butler book for sure.

  19. I hope you’ll love all of these!

  20. Great list. I added the non-fiction book to my TBR.

  21. I’m excited for The Warm Hands of Ghosts for the same reason, plus i love the author’s style, its very vivid

  22. The Warm Hands of Ghosts sounds spooky! Hope you love all on your list!

  23. My side of the River sounds interesting. I’ll wait on your review.

  24. I’m really excited for Katherine Arden’s new book too. It sounds so good!

  25. I love the cat photo. (Public domain or not, it’s definitely a wholesome thought to have a cat who happily snoozes among the shelves as we seek out next read, and I heartily approve!)

    Wow, Womb City, just the title and cover are a disturbing thought, that something like that could be possible, but it does sound like an interesting read.

  26. What a great list! The Warm of Ghosts sounds amazing. Hope you get to read these.

  27. I love it whenever I see a bookstore cat. 🙂

    Womb City definitely looks interesting!

  28. An interesting bunch of books. I hope you enjoy them.

  29. This is another interesting list from you. I know you enjoy ghost stories, but I’m not sure if you read YA books. If so, have you read The Second Death of Edie and Violet Bond by Amanda Glaze? It was a really interesting book about psychic mediums around the turn of the 20th century. Another interesting one was The Spirit Bares Its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White about a trans man who isn’t viewed as his preferred gender in a similar time period, but in a fantasy-type setting, written by a trans author. I figured it dovetailed nicely with your last statement, which I agree with. Why are people so worried about what is in other people’s pants? It’s obnoxious. Treat people like people and you have a lot fewer problems in life.

  30. I need to look into Who’s Afraid of Gender? Transphobia is something that hits close to home for me, and I can’t understand why people feel the need to hate other people over things that do not concern them.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  31. These all look really interesting! I hope you enjoy them.

  32. I hope you enjoy all of these and you found some more from the lists. I am just not getting to blog hopping and I am sure my TBR will grow as well 🙂

  33. I’m looking forward to The Warm Hands of Ghosts too. I hope you get to read it and all the other books.

  34. vidya

    all new to me and will be adding My Side of the River to my TBR..
    Thanks for visiting

  35. I haven’t heard of these but they sound smart and worth reading!

  36. The Warm Hands of Ghosts definitely looks interesting! I hope you enjoy reading these 🙂

  37. This is a great list of books, and I hope you get to them and enjoy them! I haven’t heard a lot of talk about them, but they sound interesting, especially the non-fiction books as I’ve been reading more of them the past couple of years than I have in the past.

  38. Anita@seriesbooklover

    Womb city looks intriguing and strange
    Hope you enjoy your TTT

  39. Ooh, the Judith Butler looks intriguing!

  40. RS

    My Side of the River sounds interesting. I’ve always loved YA novels about teens raising siblings, but I definitely haven’t read one that stemmed from parents being forced to leave the country, let alone a real-life example. I’m already impressed with the part of the summary about her “not wanting to become a statistic.”

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