Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
These are my hopes for 2021. Some are serious while others are purely frivolous.
1. That all of us who can be vaccinated for Covid-19 will be able to receive that vaccine this year. Herd immunity saves so many lives.
2. That this pandemic ends quickly and the economy of every country stabilizes again.
3. That President Biden’s transition into the White House goes smoothly.
4. That Toronto gets at least one decent blizzard this year. I love how quiet our corner of the world becomes when there’s a thick layer of snow covering everything.
5. That Jana eventually chooses one of my submissions for a future Top Ten Tuesday theme. Haha!
6. That streaming services or TV channels make more science shows like Cosmos while we’re all waiting for museums to safely reopen. I love learning about how our world works.
7. That all of our favourite living authors release new books this year.
8. That everyone gets two weeks of paid vacation time to rest and relax after everything that happened in 2020.
I’d argue that frontline workers should get at least double that amount of time off in appreciation of everything they did in hospitals, nursing homes, schools, grocery stores, pharmacies, etc. to keep the rest of us safe, healthy, fed, and educated.
9. That I find the perfect job for my strengths, skills, and interests (and you do, too, if you also need this!)
10. That all of us have a peaceful, happy, and wonderful 2021.
Lovely list! I hope 2021 is a much better year for all of us.
Thank you!
You have an inspirational list, thank you. And, being as I live practically next door to you in Michigan, I appreciate your positive thoughts and hopes aimed toward my country. Saying it’s been rough is an understatement.
You’re welcome, Cheri. I believe there are better days around the corner for the U.S.
These are amazing hopes/dreams for 2021. I hope all of them come to pass!
Aww, thanks.
Great list – these are troubling times and I hope you and your loved ones are and remain safe and well.
These are my bookish New Year Resolutions, and some that I know I could not achieve!
Thank you very much.
This is such a great and wholesome list! It’s so lovely that several of your hopes would benefit other people too.
Thanks a lot.
Wonderful list! The nurses I work with are not allowed to take vacation at this time. We are thick in the middle of the 2nd wave and I hope it will start to ease up soon enough. No blizzard in Montreal yet. But I totally understand the day-after quiet feeling we get.
Thank you. I hope you and the nurses you work with will be able to take vacation time soon. Canada’s hospitals are so overrun in many areas right now.
I love these goals and I agree with all of them! Especially the vaccine. I’m very anxious to see the covid numbers drop dramatically once most people are vaccinated. I really hope that happens!
Thank you. May we all get vaccinated as quickly as possible.
I’m REALLY hoping that this political nonsense in the US ebbs away. I think a lot of it is spurred on by the pandemic, to be honest — lots of stress from a year of isolation, business closures, etc. I don’t think it’s the CAUSE of the upset, but it makes it worse….like liquor and anger. What was once contained isn’t anymore, and so we get pointless, self-destructive rage.
But anyway! Yes, here’s hoping for museums and vaccines and blizzards. ๐
You could very well be right about that.
And thanks.
I love this list, Lydia! #5 really gave me a chuckle (I hope she picks one of your topics too!) and yes to finding that perfect job! Hope 2021 is a much more peaceful and positive/hopeful year for all of us, too. โค๏ธ
Heh, thanks! May 2021 be a good year for you, Dini.
This is such a lovely, heartfelt and inspirational list! <3 I hope 2021 is more positive and peaceful as compared to last year!
Aww, thank you. I hope 2021 is a fantastic year for you.
I think we can all agree with your list, and hope we all get vaccinated sooner rather than later!
Thanks. ๐
This is a great list of hopes. I love that you sprinkled in a fun one here or two with the serious. ๐
Heh, thanks.
Wonderful list, and I hope they all come true!
Thank you!
I hope all your hopes come true!! You have a great list!
Happy TTT and I hope you have a great week.
Thank you. You, too!
Excellent list, Lydia. I pray for peace and so many of the other things on your list.
I hope one of your topics gets chosen for TTT soon.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
You’re welcome. Thank you for your kind words.
I think all the countries are going to try their best to get the vaccine, some might just have to wait a bit. Like Africa.
I can just imagine that the political climate is upsetting, so I hope with you that it gets settled nicely.
I also hope Jana picks one of your prompts. That can be only be fun!
Have a wonderful week Lydia.
Elza Reads and TTT presents ABBA 2021
Thank you. I hope you have a wonderful week as well.
Ditto on #s 1-3. And I am hopeful for you on #s 5 and 9.
Thank you.
I’m hoping with you for most of these haha!
I think we are hoping for a lot of the same things- though I’ve got no chance of a blizzard happening where I live in California. When we still traveled I would dream of getting snowed in at Tahoe, forced to stay a couple extra nights up in the High Sierras surrounded by it’s beauty sounds like the perfect inconvenience.
Here’s to 2021 and all of our hopes coming true!
My fingers are crossed you’ll get a nice snowstorm the next time you travel somewhere that has snow.
Love all of these, both the serious and the frivolous, and hope they all happen!
Thank you.
I love how upbeat and optimistic these hopes are! We need more positivity for sure! Lovely list, and thanks for stopping by MBJ!
Aww, thanks. I’m glad you liked my post, and you’re welcome for the visit.
So loved your post.. and hoping they come true.. (your #5 reminded me that I have submitted a couple of themes too…!)
Thank you very much. I hope Jana chooses some of your themes, too!
I hope you have a great 2021 too! Historically, pandemics only last a couple years, so the worst of it should be almost over (even without the vaccine). I saw some very scary things on the FBI thread on Twitter where they were trying to find some of the perpetrators from last Wednesday, so I’m hoping nothing bad happens between now and the 20th. As a former anti-terrorism officer in the Navy, I’m concerned about April 20th too (that’s Hitler’s birthday and several terrorist anniversaries; terrorists often like to make things symbolic). Hopefully 2021 has seen the worst already!
Thank you.
Thanks for the heads up about April 20. I wouldn’t have guessed that would be a date to be worried about.
4/20 needs to be increasingly all about chilling out with marijuana, to overtake any historical references to evil. ๐
Brilliant list Lydia. Ful of kindness!
Thank you very much.
Yes hoping that 2021 is much better than 2020! Thanks for stopping by!
You’re welcome.
So many hopes for all of your hopes! (Particularly 8 – wouldn’t that be living the dream?) Good luck with your TTT submissions, haha!
Thanks a lot. And yes, #8 would be living the dream for sure. But we all deserve it.
I love your hopes! I totally agree that herd immunity is SO important and everyone who can be, should be vaccinated. I also hope that Biden’s transition is a smooth one although I fear it will not be. Hopefully I’m wrong. Also that healthcare workers get a chance to rest and recuperate hopefully, once this awful situation is under control.
My fingers are crossed things will begin to improve soon.
Yes please with regards to the vaccine. I would like to visit my extended family again. I hope Jana chooses one of your topics! Good luck with your goals.
Thanks a lot. May it be safe for you to visit your family again soon.
You have a great list of goals! Best wishes with finding a job you love. Right now I especially hope Biden’s inauguration goes smoothly but of course there will be lots to do once that happens. Here’s to a happier 2021!
Thank you very much! And, yes, there will be so many things to fix once Biden is in office for sure.
Amen to those first three haha! And snow as well- I agree. I love at least one good blizzard when we have a nice landscape of snow.
#5 ๐
And good luck on job front!
Thanks a lot. Hope you get some good snow this winter, too.
Nos. 8 and 9 are especially lovely. Good luck with No. 9!
Thank you very much.
I love all of your goals…vaccinations, blizzards, living authors publishing a book this year. This makes me smile.
Thank you very much.
Good luck on the TTT topic and I hope all your other dreams come true, too! Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog! I always have to go to work right after I hit “publish” on my post, and can’t visit other blogs right away! (Poor planning, as my posts always take longer to compose than I think they will.)
You’re welcome. Yes, posts can often take more time composing than you think they will. ๐
What beautiful wishes! And thank you so much for your kind wishes for the US when you don’t even live here. It’s appreciated!
You’re quite welcome.
It will be nice once everything starts to die back down. Hopefully 2021 brings good things.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed! ๐
I love this list. How selfless some of your hopes are. Happy New Year to you. I hope all of these things come true <3
Aww, thanks. Happy New Year to you as well.
All of these hope are so important! Specially 1,2,3,7,8 and 10 too! ๐ฅบ Oh! And I hope your TTT topic gets chosen soon! ๐คฉ And I agree with 6. Even though, I have not watched Cosmos๐ I am always fascinated by how the world was formed. I guess I should watch Cosmos, huh? ๐ค I need 9 too! ๐ฅบ
I hope all of your wishes come true this year! ๐๐
Thank you very much!
Cosmos was amazing. I highly recommend checking it out!
Great wishes and hopes that most of us share, I guess. Like Appy ^^, 1,2,3,7,8 and 10 would also be my wishes. And good luck with 5 and 9.
Thank you for visiting my goal for 2021: Read more Books from my TBR pile.
You’re quite welcome. And thanks.
This is a lovely list! I hope for peace and stability in the world as well. We’ve all earned it after 2020, right?
Good luck with your job hunt!
Happy TTT!
Thank you very much! Happy TTT!
Wow, Amen to all of these wishes. Happy TTT and warm hugs!
Happy TTT and hugs to you as well. ๐
These are some great hopes! The vaccine is a big one for me as well. And I definitely agree that fontline workers deserve so much more! I hope you are able to find that perfect job, I”ve been job hunting for what feels like ages so I feel that one a lot. Wishing you all the best this year!
Thank you. I wish you the best with your job hunt and 2021 as well, too.
Two weeks of paid vacation sounds lovely, mind if I share this with my boss? xD Good luck! My TTT is
Heh, go for it!
A very inspirational list. I hope you get everything in it.
Thank you very much.
Aww, such a lovely list! And #5 made me laugh. I’m right there with you. I’ve been submitting my ideas for a year without any luck. Maybe we’ll get picked in 2021!
Heh, thanks. I hope your ideas are picked someday, too!
Your goals sound fabulous! I hope Jana chooses one of your topics this year. xD
Thank you very much, Sammie.
Wonderful list! I share many of your hopes for 2021. ๐
I hope you get all of them.
Lovely goals! I hope for a lot of the same things. I truly hope 2021 is a much better year.
Thank you! Fingers crossed!
I really hope to get vaccinated for covid too. The only person in my family to get vaccinated so far is my grandpa because the rest of us are too young to get it right now.
I’m glad your grandfather has been vaccinated already. Hopefully, there will be enough vaccines for the rest of us soon.
Haha, love hope #5! Now she definitely has to! ๐
Is two weeks normal for US? Out here in NL we get at least four, and I’m in a lucky branche getting 5,5! I feel totally spoiled now. Wow!
heh, thanks.
Two weeks is generous for the US. Many people have less vacation time than that! Some get none at all.
It’s average here in Canada. I’m just a tad jealous of your 5.5 lovely weeks of vacation. Wow!
I love this list! Wonderful hopes for the new year.
Thank you very much.
These are great! And I am glad to see, I am not the only one with a more “global” interpretation of the topic. As it happens, I agree with all of them, including the one about snow (we were so close today to getting proper snow, but it didn’t hit the area where I live) and more science shows on television. Good luck with finding the perfect job!
Thanks a lot. I appreciate your well wishes and hope you get that nice, big snowstorm soon.
Yes, yes, yes!! I really hope we can all be vaccinated!! I know a lot of people wont but there’s a reason we have “beat” deadly diseases before. Vaccinations!! Hope that 2021 is better for all of us. Hoping that in 4 days.. it’s an easy and peaceful transition!
Yes, precisely!
I’ll be so glad when the inauguration is over. Hope it goes well.
Your list is great! Good luck to us all with the vaccination. Stay safe and well.
Thank you very much. I hope you stay safe and well, too.
BEST of luck with your job search, Lydia! Hope you find just the right one. ๐ As always, thanks for visiting Finding Wonderland.
Your’e welcome. Thank you for your kind words and well wishes.
This is a great list! Good luck with #5 and #9. Thanks for visiting Pages of Starlight!
You’re welcome. And thanks!
Your list is amazing and inspirational. Such wonderful hopes for 2021.