Top Ten Tuesday: New-to-Me Authors I Read in 2020

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

two people wearing masks, social distancing, and reading books outside at a park.

The most 2020 bookish photo ever.

As I’ve mentioned in other recent Top Ten Tuesday posts, 2020 wasn’t a typical reading year for me.

I read less than usual, switched my preferred genres and topics to more cheerful ones, and had some trouble finishing the books I did manage to get through. How many of you can say the same thing?

Here are a few of the new-to-me authors I did try last year. May this year give all of us more time and energy to try new authors!


Author: Nisi Shawl

What I Read from Them: Everfair


Author: Michael Christie

What I Read from Them: Greenwood


Author: Danna Staaf

What I Read from Them: Monarchs of the Sea: The Extraordinary 500-Million-Year History of Cephalopods


Author: Katherine May

What I Read from Them: Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times


Filed under Blog Hops

110 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: New-to-Me Authors I Read in 2020

  1. I haven’t read any of those yet! Hope you find excellent new to you authors this year too.

  2. I’m glad you were able to find a few new authors!

  3. It’s great that you were still able to discover new authors despite it being an untypical year of reading. I hope you’re able to discover many more new ones in 2021. Happy reading, Lydia! 😊

  4. I definitely think 2020 was an abnormal reading year for almost everyone, in one way or another. I have neither read nor heard of any of these, but Wintering sounds like a remarkable apropos read at this point in time!

  5. Hi Lydia! Love your photo! Very applicable yes. I haven’t read any of your authors that you’ve listed, always good to see a few unknown names to go and discover.

    Happy TTT!

    Elza Reads

  6. These authors are all new to me, so I’ll have to check them out!

  7. Your 2020 reading habits make a lot of sense. I think it has been an odd year for people trying to read their usual dark fantasy faves, and I definitely read a lot more cheerful books too. I don’t think I even realised why I wanted to.

    I’ve heard of Nisi Shawl from the sci-fi anthology they edited, but I haven’t read it yet. I hope you enjoyed your reading!

  8. Last year was so tough for reading at least you discovered some new authors in the midst of the toughness!

  9. It definitely was a different year! Thanks for stopping by πŸ™‚


  10. I haven’t read anything from these writers, but I really want to read Everfair! Would you recommend it? And are you planning to read more book by any of these writers?

    • I do think Everfair is worth checking out, yes. And I do hope to read more books from all of these authors. I like to try multiple books before forming an opinion about an author. πŸ™‚

  11. Monarchs of the Sea sounds really interesting! I have always been fascinated with the intelligence of octopuses. It is so amazing that they can fit into such small spaces/containers, too!

  12. I haven’t read any of these yet! Hope you find more this year!

  13. 2020 was definitely a weird year! I hope you discover lots more great new authors this year! πŸ™‚

  14. No, 2020 wasn’t a typical reading year for most. I am glad you found several new authors to help you through it.

  15. Oh, wow. Greenwood sounds amazing. I might have to pick up a copy (you know, and place it on that long tbr list lol). I really need to set myself a goal this year to read at least 1-2 non-fiction books.

  16. I haven’t read any of these, but have Wintering on my list.

  17. I’m glad you were able to try a few new authors.

  18. Amen to us discovering more new-to-me authors this year!

    I’ve not read any of the books by the authors here, so I might check them out!

  19. I can absolutely say the same thing. I did more rereading than usual—and that’s saying a lot, since at least 1/3 of my reading is rereading even in a good year. This year, it was over half of my reading, and most of my first-time books were by authors I already knew, so I had a fair idea of what to expect. I hope to be a little bolder in exploring new authors this year.

    Of the books you mention here, Everfair is already on my TBR list, and Wintering is going on it on the strength of the subtitle alone.

  20. I don’t know any of these!

  21. Glad you found some you liked! Here’s hoping 2021 is a better year for all of us, so we can relax and enjoy more of life, especially reading!

  22. Glad you read a few new authors and liked their work! Happy TTT πŸ™‚

  23. I haven’t read any of these authors. I did hear Greenwood was great.

  24. Nice list! I have Wintering on hold at the library!

  25. Great post! I haven’t read any of these but I’ll have to check them out. Hope you find more great authors in 2021!

  26. 2020 wasn’t a typical reading year for me either. Despite having more time to read than ever before, I found I was struggling to concentrate and I read much less than usual. I’m glad you were still able to discover some new authors!

  27. My genres jumped around a bit last year too and I was mood reading more than usual, especially at the start of lockdown.

  28. I haven’t read anything by these authors yet, but Nisi Shawl is on my TBR. Here’s hoping for enjoyable reading in 2021!

  29. So glad you found some new authors to love!

  30. I hope you find even more amazing writers and reads this year πŸ™‚

  31. I should look in the book WINTERING. It sound like some wisdom I need.

  32. How did you like Everfair? The reviews are pretty average…

    Monarchs of the Sea β€” have you read Other Minds? Also about octopuses and the evolution of consciousness. Quite entertaining.

    • It was okay, but not my favourite. Kind of slowly paced to be honest.

      I haven’t read Other Minds, but i’m looking it up now. Thanks for the recommendation.

  33. I read way less in 2020! I hope we both have a better reading year in 2021!

  34. These are all new to me so I might have to add them to my 2021 list of authors to try. πŸ™‚

  35. So true about last year. I had to look for the Monarchs of the Sea summary. That sounds fascinating. Great list and hope its a much better reading year!

  36. WINTERING sounds like a perfect read for 2020! Relaxation and rest were definitely things people were longing for in such a stressful year.

    Happy TTT!


  37. I don’t think I’ve read anything from these authors, but I recognize a few I’ve wanted to check out!

  38. Glad you managed to find some new authors to enjoy throughout last year.

  39. I’m curious how you felt about Everfair- I’ve tried picking it up a couple of times now, but it’s a slow start and I wasn’t sure if it would hold my attention.

    Wintering sounds like something I need right now. *slings it onto her TBR*

  40. Wintering sounds especially intriguing to me!

  41. Monarchs of the Sea looks good. 2020 was a weird reading year, for sure. I read more widely, I think. Glad you were able to find some new authors and get some good reading in despite the pandemic.

  42. These are all new to me. Glad you enjoyed them

  43. I have never heard of any of these before. I love finding new authors!

  44. I haven’t heard of any of these authors but will have to check out their works πŸ™‚ Thank you for stopping by my TTT and leaving a comment!

  45. I definitely gravitated to more happy and hopeful reads last year. These are new to me, so thank you for sharing them!

  46. Sorry, Lydia. I thought I had commented here the other day but it looks like the net swallowed my response. This time, I even got to your page (even though not to this post) through your link. So, good news.

    Anyway, I’m glad you found a few new authors you like. It’s always great.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT the other day.

  47. Even if it wasn’t many, it’s always good to discover new authors! I haven’t heard of any of these before, but I hope you enjoyed them!

  48. 2020 definitely was a weird reading year! Hope you’ll have a better 2021 reading year though.

  49. I haven’t read anything by these authors. I’ll have to check them out.

  50. I haven’t read any of those authors yet. I hope you find great new to you authors in 2021 too.

  51. all of these authors are new to me.. so will definitely check them out

  52. I’ve not read any of your new authors. I think 2020 was a difficult year for reading for a lot of people! I hope 2021 is better for you

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