Top Ten Tuesday: Picturesque Reading Spaces

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

This week’s prompt was “The Ten Most Recent Additions to My Bookshelf,” and it totally stumped me. I haven’t bought new books in ages, and I’ve already talked about the library books I’m hoping to read soon in a recent Top Ten Tuesday post.

Therefore, I’m going with an unrelated, but still bookish, topic for today: picturesque reading spots. I don’t know about you, but I find reading even more enjoyable if I can do it in a beautiful location. Here are just a few of the spots I’d love to read in.

Two chairs and a table carved out of large logs of wood. They're sitting in a small garden next to a stone house that is covered with wooden carvings of people and animals.

I would need a cushion for these chairs, but they look like a very restful place to sit and read.

A white chaise lounge. It has two pillows on it and is sitting next to a vase filled with dead branches.

This looks like a supremely comfortable reading spot. The minimalistic decor would also make it easier to focus on a difficult or long book.

Stone house overlooking a lake.

There’s something so soothing about large bodies of water. I’ve found that they’re often much prettier in person no matter how beautiful they are in a photo or video. There’s something about smelling that fresh water and possibly hearing it lap against the shore that makes it even more enticing.

A white bench sitting on a slab of concrete at the edge of a pine forest.

I love nature, but I also love having a clean and dry place to sit and read. This bench seems like it could offer the best of both worlds.

Two puppies sitting on a couch

Sometimes the weather dictates that one should read inside. These aren’t my pets, but I sure would love to snuggle with a couple of pets while reading. It sounds so cozy.


Filed under Blog Hops

111 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Picturesque Reading Spaces

  1. Oh I agree, snuggling up to a bunch of cuties would be a perfect way to read! I love your first spot as well, I can imagine sitting in the sunshine and enjoying a book there.

  2. What a lovely post! Just makes me feel calm!

  3. Amy

    These look like lovely reading spots! Reading in nature – whether in a forest, on the moors, or by a large body of water – is one of life’s greatest pleasures.

  4. Such a lovely list! I’d definitely love to curl up and read with some puppies. That cabin by a lake looks so peace. Can I go there now, please?

  5. Christine @ LifeWithAllTheBooks

    Snuggling up to read with my dog is one of my favourite things to do! And these all look like awesome reading spots!

  6. My favorite reading spot is in Paris, and this time next week I will be reading there. Fabulous!

  7. Love what you’ve decided to do for today’s topic, Lydia! All these places look so pretty but I think the comfiest spots would be the last one (snuggles with the doggos is never a bad thing)! and the spot over/beside the lake. I love being surrounded by bodies of water and it is always so soothing πŸ™‚

    My TTT

  8. ooooohhhhh such a pretty twist!! I loved all the spots. And as the human of three kitties that have the habit of snuggling… It’s the best place in the world for reading… unless one of them decides to be between you and your book, that is :o)

    Thanks for stopping by at The Book Wielding Harpie

  9. These all look lovely, but I think the first spot would be my choice for a reading spot. A couple of cushions and that looks like heaven!

  10. Oooh, I love the topic you chose! These are some gorgeous reading spaces here. My favorite is probably the first one, but yeah, I agree with you. Cushions are definitely in order. My butt hurts just looking at those stone seats lol.

    • Thanks! And for sure. Sitting on a stone seat without a cushion isn’t comfortable for very long (although stone chairs/benches are durable and pretty to look at).

  11. There is, literally, not a single site in this post I wouldn’t give my soul for! What an awesome turnabout from the theme. Great job!
    Do check out my TTT if interested!
    Great post and happy reading!

  12. Ooh nice topic! I love reading by the water- it can be so relaxing!! One of my favorite things to do when on vacation.

  13. These reading spots are very pretty! My favourites are the second and third πŸ™‚

  14. Oh I love this post! Each spot makes me want to curl up and read. One of may favorite things to do when we travel is read in new locales. Whether it’s the beach, the mountains, or the lake. Happy Reading!

  15. Those cute dogs in the red chair get my vote! Having just tossed my horrible old couch, I have to read at the kitchen table, my desk or in bed right now!

  16. I want all those beautiful spots to read my books! Sadly, my place isnΒ΄t big enough *smile*

  17. I would definitely go with the comfy couch and snuggles from any kind of furry animal, I may have a slight preference for cats over dogs, but all fluffy animals are welcome in my reading zone. Happy reading!

  18. Denise @ Life With No Plot

    I like your idea for an alternate topic! My kitties often keep me company when I’m reading. It’s always nice to get some cuddles. And I agree about the bodies of water – I love sitting by a beautiful lake or river. I don’t want to get in, mind you. Just sit and watch it for a while.

    Thanks for visiting my blog today!

  19. Those are beautiful places. In the summer sometimes I sit on my deck, but it’s too cold this time of year.

  20. My reading spots aren’t nearly as nice as these, but one can dream,right?

  21. I totally agree with you about water being peaceful! I love reading outside in nature- although it can be hard to get comfortable. I wish my cat liked to cuddle with me… πŸ™‚

    Thanks for the fun post! I like how you adapted the topic! Happy TTT!

  22. I love the first one and the one with water. I can attest that reading with pets can be the best, as long as they sit still. I love your take on the topic this week!

  23. Such awesome reading spots! I always like sitting in my chair with my dog while I’m reading. πŸ™‚

  24. What a neat post. By the water would be my favorite place, but all these photos are lovely. Thanks for visiting my blog. Enjoy your week.

  25. Ooh, yes to all! I’d especially want to sit on that balcony overlooking the water. Bliss!

  26. The 1st, 3rd, and 4th pics really spoke to me! Great top ten idea!

  27. Ohhh, I love this post! So many amazing places to read. I love your first one and by the lake if you can kick the bugs out : )

  28. I love snuggling with my dog while reading it’s so fun.

  29. Interesting idea for a topic! I never actually read outside, I always read inside.

  30. Love this so much. I would definitely stop and read in any of these spots.

  31. Those are some really nice reading spots. Thanks for coming by earlier.

  32. Oh these spots all look perfect for reading! The first one especially is beautiful, and being able to read out in nature, especially by the water, is so relaxing. The only one that might concern me is reading with pets. I’m always up for cuddling with them, but the way my dog sheds I don’t think I could get much reading done!

  33. Ooh nice topic change! I am liking these, that chair looks rather comfy too! Although that last one with the puppies may not get any reading done at all with those adorable faces! Lol!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT post!

  34. I love reading in nature, my back deck in summer is my go-to spot. Even been known to set up a camp chair while tent camping and while the sunshine away reading.

  35. This is a GREAT idea for a top ten list! And, I LOVE all your reading spot ideas! Love, love, love them! Especially that first picture!

  36. I want to go and read on that balcony!!! Thanks for sharing. I can’t remember last time I bought a boo, but I run into so many great books on other blogs, I add them on my Goodreads TBR, to pick them at my library one day…

  37. I love your topic this week. There’s nothing better than a great reading spot.

  38. You have selected soe beautiful pots. Now if you could only magic yourself to each of them. Nonfiction titles of the past decade

  39. Lovely! I enjoyed your customized topic. πŸ˜‰

  40. Fun topic. I love reading by the water and definitely enjoy reading with my pets snuggled up against me.

  41. Sarah

    Fun twist on this week’s topic! Although I think I prefer the smell of saltwater to fresh- I’d still love to hang out in that old time looking building on the water!

  42. These are so beautiful! I especially love the first one. The one with the bench reminds me of a bench where I sit and read sometimes at a nearby lake.

  43. the third one is definitely my favorite! reading while gazing occasionally to those beautiful views sound amazing <3

  44. I love this idea for a topic, and any of your picks would be a great place to settle in with a good book πŸ˜€

  45. What a lovely take on this week’s TTT! Honestly, having my little reading nook with my fairy lights and candles going has made reading at home sooooo much more enjoyable. Aesthetics matter!

  46. This is really cool. I get uncomfortable in a position for too long, so I need places that I can adjust my body. I do love to snuggle with pets while reading.

  47. These all look like perfect reading spots, great topic!

  48. That woodsy one is totally my aesthetic!

  49. I love how you switched up the topic. I would absolutely love to read in each one of these spots. Snuggling with a pet while reading a great book is the ultimate way to spend an evening.

  50. I don’t know if I’d ever get up from that second photo. πŸ™‚

  51. I love all those spots too, but my favorite would be by the water as well – agree that there is something so soothing about that. and my first time visiting here, will be back again..

  52. Such beautiful settings. I wouldn’t mind a quiet place next to a lake to read.

  53. Awww that last one looks so cute! I prefer reading inside with my pup, so that looks perfect to me.

  54. Those are great reading spaces!

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