Top Ten Tuesday: Questions I Would Ask My Favourite Authors

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

This post contains mild spoilers for a few books that were published years ago.

I’ve also decided that being deceased is no reason for an author not to answer a friendly question or two, but that is the extent of my necromancy abilities.

Author: Jean M. Auel

My Questions: What happened to Ayla’s first son after she was permanently separated from him in the Clan of the Cave Bear series? Will you ever write a sequel about his life?


Author: Steven King

My Questions: What percentage of your family mealtimes are taken up by you asking your loved ones how they’d respond to increasingly bizarre scenarios you’re dreaming up for future novels? Does Mrs. King enjoy these conversations? Do you ever censor yourself around any grandchildren you might have now?


Author: Octavia E. Butler

My Questions: How was the Parable series supposed to end? Did you ever consider hiring a ghostwriter to finish it?


Author: Angie Thomas

My Question: Can I be one of your beta readers if I promise not to breathe a word about it to anyone?


Author: Kevin Kwan

My Questions: Should I read Crazy Rich Asians before or after watching the film? What are your thoughts on the film version of your story in general?


Author: Malala Yousafzai

My Questions: Will you be writing more books for adult readers in the near future? What are your longterm plans for your life?


Author: Sarah Waters

My Question: What is your research process like? There are so many years between your books that I can only imagine how much time you spend researching every detail of the eras you write about!


Author: Paul Stamets

My Question: How many new readers did you gain after Mycelium Running was used for a Star Trek: Discovery plot?


Author: Neil Gaiman

My Questions: How would you describe your friendship with Tori Amos? Do you two let each other know in advance when you write about your friendship, or is it a pleasant surprise?


Author: Langston Hughes

My Question:  Would you write a poem about 2020 for us?


Filed under Blog Hops

78 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Questions I Would Ask My Favourite Authors

  1. Oh, we really could use a 2020 poem from Hughes right now!

  2. I have wondered what downtime in the King house looked like 🙂

  3. I absolutely love the questions for Stephen King! Made me chuckle. The question for Sarah Waters is one I would ask as well!

  4. A follow up question for Sarah Waters – when will we get another book from you, I need another!
    Great list! This is this week’s TTT if you want to check out my questions!

  5. That Stephen King question is interesting — especially because I think his son also writes and I know his daughter-in-law writes some twisted stuff.

    I think I can answer that Kevin Kwan one — book first or not at all. This is one where I actually liked the movie more, but there are lots of details in the book.

    • Thanks for the advice, Deanna.

      And I’d forgotten that Stephen King’s son and daughter-in-law are also writers. They must have the best conversations.

  6. Great questions! I especially love the Stephen King and Langston Hughes ones. <3

  7. Best questions I’ve seen all day. I was especially struck by the Langston Hughes question. All the good work from May and June just seems to be floating away in Republican toilets. Sigh. Thanks for dropping by.

  8. I love that you’ve picked questions about specific projects for each author.

  9. The Perspicacious Bookworm

    So many good ones! I would kill to be a beta reader for Angie Thomas!!

  10. Great list! I really must get around to reading Crazy Rich Asians, loved the film!

  11. I love the stephen King and angie Thomas questions!

  12. Great list! I’d love to chat to Sarah Waters.

  13. I’ve always thought that Neil Gaiman and Tori Amos was a such perfect platonic relationship. I love how they’ve inspired each other through the years.

    And Hughes! Yes! Though it would take him a while to get caught up with everything that’s happened in the last eight months, and he might have some trouble getting passed the murder hornets.

  14. I love your questions for Stephen King and Langston Hughes! Would be interesting to know the answers!

  15. I would absolutely love to be Angie Thomas’ beta reader too! Great questions! 🙂

  16. I cannot imagine Stephen King’s dinner table. So glad I didn’t end up in his family. He scares me to pieces.

    I’d love to hear a 2020 poem by Langston Hughes. Makes me a little sad to think about it, though. Maybe a 2030 poem. Things will be amazing by then.

  17. Interesting that you mentioned Langston Hughes! I just got a book of his poems out of the library because it seemed appropriate for now…

  18. Omg! I love your question for Stephen King!!! Great post.

  19. Such brilliant questions! I especially love the ones for Neil Gaiman. Thanks for sharing!

  20. YES to your question to Angie Thomas, haha. I’d love the same thing.

    Also agree with your question to Kevin Kwan. I’ve not seen the movie as I was going to read the book first but I wonder which one would be best.

  21. This was a great list Lydia. Agree with the Kwan question as well, I found the film to be entertaining and light hearted so it was lovely adaptation but I do believe they’ve swayed from integral plot points (not that would diminish it’s artistry or quality it’s still an enjoyable film).

  22. I like that Stephen King question. Great choices!

  23. This post is AWESOME. I really love your questions. Also, the bit about your necromancy abilities made me genuinely laugh out loud and now my fiance is looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. 🙂

  24. I’m also curious about how Stephen King’s mind works! I did just watch an old episode of Finding Your Roots that featured King and it was fascinating to learn about his family history. It explains quite a lot about why he writes what he does, actually.

    Happy TTT!


  25. Your question for Angie Thomas made me smile. That’s a great one.

  26. Oh, I love all of the specific questions! These are definitely some good ones to ask.

  27. A poem about 2020 would be great. Tabitha King is an author too, so I bet she and Stephen bounce ideas off each other all the time.

  28. “I’ve also decided that being deceased is no reason for an author not to answer a friendly question or two, but that is the extent of my necromancy abilities.” LOL! I love this.

    Great questions! RE: your first question – I haven’t read those books, but a patron at the library I work for once accidentally spoiled the ending of the last book for me because I had to break the news that there wasn’t another book for her to read, and she was so upset she got a bit weepy. I felt so bad for her! 🙁

  29. verushka

    Your question for King made me LOL! That is a very pertinent question about his family !!

  30. Great questions. I had to laugh about the question to Stephen King but I’d be even more interested in the answer Malala Yousafzai might give. I loved I am Malala.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.

  31. The second Question for King. Why did I imagine a bizarre dinner conversation in my head. I’d love to know the answer to this one.

    And great list!

  32. Good question for Jean M. Auel! And I would love to read a next book from Malala Yousafzai.

  33. Oh my gosh, these questions are FABULOUS. I absolutely love the one for Stephen King, and that’s something I’m curious about, too. It takes a special sort of person to put up with living with a writer, I think. xD I would also absolutely love a poem about 2020 from Langston Hughes. I can only imagine how poignant and powerful it would be. That man could capture emotion and make it look easy.

  34. Love that you went so specific with your questions! Love the Stephen King and Angie Thomas ones 🙂

  35. Very insightful all. I especially smiled at the King question. Totally agree we need a 2020 poem. Maya Angelou would be a good one to bring back to assist on this task. Although, I wonder if Joy Harjo has crafted anything yet for 2020.

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