Top Ten Tuesday: Rabbits from Books

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Anyone who has followed this blog or my accounts on Twitter or Goodreads for a long time knows how much I love rabbits.

Today I will be sharing books about rabbits! Yes, I have read them all and recommend checking them out yourself if you’re interested. Do speak up if you know of other books about rabbits, especially if they’re fictional or humorous. I’m always in the market for new books on this topic.

Close-up of a tan rabbit sitting on a patch of green grass1. The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter

2. Watership Down (Watership Down, #1) by Richard Adams

3. The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams Bianco

4. Bunnicula (Bunnicula, #1) by Deborah Howe

5. Pat the Bunny by Dorothy Kunhardt

6. The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown

7. Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney

8. Disapproving Rabbits by Sharon Stiteler


Filed under Blog Hops

86 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Rabbits from Books

  1. I’ve always wondered about Watership Down but have never read it.

  2. Aaaah Guess how much I love you!! Guess how much I love that book.

    I like all your bunny books. My kitchen theme is bunnies!

    Elza Reads

  3. Those are great bunny books!

    Here’s my TTT list:

  4. Bunnicula was the first book I accidentally stole from a teacher (we moved and it got packed by accident before I could return it). And as much as I loved watching this VHS tape we had of Peter Rabbit, I have never read any of the books!

  5. Oh, now why didn’t I think of doing a theme like this? What a great idea.

  6. Aaaw bunnies! I know bunnicula from the cartoon network show!

  7. I haven’t read any of these but rabbits are so cute they’re hard to resist now! Great list 😀

  8. I never would have imagined that there are so many great bunny books! I loved reading Pat the Bunny, Runaway Bunny, and Guess How Much I Love You with my kids. Bunnicula was a big hit too! What a fun list. 🙂

  9. So many bunny books! 🐇🐇🐇

  10. Pat the Bunny! Oh, man! That one brings up memories from when my daughter was a baby.

  11. Guess How Much I Love You was one of my favourite books when I was a child.

  12. Great post! I featured The White Rabbit for Alice in Wonderland on mine this week.

  13. What a great twist on today’s topic! And a wonderful list of books. There are only two of these I haven’t read, and several I love — particularly The Tale of Peter Rabbit, The Velveteen Rabbit and The Runaway Bunny. Since many of these are children’s books, I’ll add in Rabbit from the Winnie the Pooh books.

  14. You should check out the Serendipity books, several of them are about rabbits and the artwork is gorgeous.

    MyThanks for stopping by my post for today’s TTT:

  15. Aw this sounds so cute!

  16. I love how you narrowed it down to rabbits. I love seeing bunnies on my walks.

  17. You did all bunnies! Fun. 😀

  18. Love your topic! I had Runaway Bunny on my list today although my topic was slightly different. It was a favorite at our house when my kids were little.

  19. Bunnicula! I absolutely LOVED those books when I was a kid! The Celery Stalks at Midnight is still one of my all time favorite titles, and I think about The Howliday Inn more than I probably should, haha.

    Velveteen Rabbit is such a beautiful story, and I loved Beatrix Potter growing up (still adore her art and curmudgeon attitude, if I’m honest), but I never got into Watership Down. Maybe if I had read it before the Redwall Books, instead of after, I’d have enjoyed it more.

  20. My son was terrified of the cover of Bunnicula! It was YEARS before he could laugh about it. He never read a word of it–it was the cover that put him off entirely. He did later read Watership Down and thought it was “weird, but worth it”

  21. Absolutely deserving subject for this week’s TTT 🙂

  22. I’ve always loved Beatrix Potter’s books and the illustrations. Did you see the new(ish) Peter Rabbit movie?

  23. I was 4 years old when the movie version of Watership Down was released. My mom, although well-read, hadn’t read the book and thought it a good idea to take me and my 7 year old sister to see the cartoon movie. Big mistake! It is still seared into my brain as the scariest (for a 4 year old it’s way more scary than sad) movie I have ever seen in my life. I have never been able to bring myself to read the book or see the movie again. It’s actually a wonder I’m not afraid of bunnies, although white rabbits freak me out.

  24. Guess How Much I Love You is such a good one!

  25. I love that your list is just rabbits, Lydia. You could have put Winnie the Pooh on there. My grandkids love Pat the Bunny. It is in such rough shape.

  26. What a cute idea with the rabbits. Who would have thought there are so many books about them?

    Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier where I did a completely different twist, as you know.

  27. I’m so glad you zeroed in on just rabbits, Lydia. Great list. I’ve read and loved all of them except Disapproving Rabbits. Hope I can read that one some day.

  28. Poinsettia

    I love The Tale of Peter Rabbit! Nice take on this week’s topic. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

  29. Awww, bunnies! We have wild ones where I live, so there are always a few hanging out in my backyard. They’re cute and fun to watch. The only book I can think of besides the ones you’ve listed is BECAUSE OF THE RABBIT by Cynthia Lord. I love her books!

    Happy TTT!


  30. I love this twist on the topic–and I also love rabbits! I had a couple bunnies growing up and I think about them so often, I definitely miss having them. I actually don’t think I’ve really read any of these other than The Velveteen Rabbit, but I have heard of most! If you like satire, Jasper Fforde has a book called The Constant Rabbit that’s basically a story about what happened after there was an ‘anthropomorphising’ event and rabbits are now human-size and can do things humans can! It’s weird, but fun.

    • Thank you!

      It’s so cool that you had pet bunnies growing up.

      I’m looking up The Constant Rabbit now. Satire is a ton of fun to read, so thanks for the recommendation.

  31. The Velveteen Rabbit is one of my favorite stories! I love what you did with the topic. 🙂 Great TTT!

  32. Aw I love that you decided to focus on fluffy bubby rabbits, Lydia. Although I have only read The Tale of Peter Rabbit off you list, so looks like I need to check more out! 😊

  33. Love your take on this week’s topic. Bunnicula made my list this week too. 🙂

  34. I love that you made this list about rabits. I’ve only read Watership Down.

  35. Thanks for stopping by mine! I think it’s great that you were able to do all bunnies!

  36. I love the velveteen rabbit. I think we probably destroyed our copy (we were 6 rather destructive children) so I’m not sure how long its been since I read it.

  37. So many rabbit books! I loved the Bunnicula series growing up, and you can never go wrong with Beatrix Potter’s books! The Velveteen Rabbit was such a touching story as well; I’ve read it so many times. I’ll have to check out some of the others!

  38. I loved The Velveteen Rabbit when I was a kid 🙂 Great list of rabbit books! Thanks so much for visiting my TTT

  39. So cute! I have to try Bunnicula it sounds ridiculous!

  40. Oh, I remember loving Bunnicula when I was a kid! Would love to re-read it 🙂

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