Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons Why I’m Thankful for Books

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

A photo of the hands of a brown-skinned person who is wearing pink nail police and holding up a sign that says “thank you.” Here are some of the many reasons why I am thankful for books.

1. They’re an easy form of entertainment when I’m sick or injured.

2. They introduce readers to people from all walks of life. I’ve learned so much about other cultures from them!

3. They don’t come in arbitrary sizes that are somehow different in every single library or bookstore out there or require you to use a fitting room before selecting which paperback to bring home. (Can you tell I really don’t like shopping for clothes? Ha!)

4. They teach us about the world around us and how things work. This is especially true if you read nonfiction, but fiction can be educational as well.

5. They work when the power goes out. Unless you’re using an e-reader or listening to an audiobook, you never have to worry about draining the battery too much or charging a book up again.

6. They’re (often) soothing when you’ve had a bad day.

7. They (often) encourage readers to assume the best of others and work to make life more fair and harmonious for everyone…or at least many of the books I read do this!

8. They encourage the development of your imagination.

9. They introduce you to all sorts of lovely new people…just like the friendly folks I’ve met as a result of Top Ten Tuesday.

10. They’re a great bonding activity when you read a book aloud with kids or other adults.

11. They’re a free form of entertainment if you’re like me and also use your library card regularly. This is such an important thing for people who are lower income or who have a very limited entertainment budget for other reasons. I am so grateful.


Filed under Blog Hops

48 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons Why I’m Thankful for Books

  1. Agreed on all fronts — most of my knowledge about the world outside the United States is based on books, since I can’t afford to globe-trot! (And my tolerance for airplane rides is about 4 hours, so….)

  2. Great list! And point 3 makes books such a great gift giving option too!

  3. Great list! I agree with all of this. I’m so thankful for the amazing people I’ve met through books and blogging about books as well. It’s such a great community!

  4. A great list! I wish I had thought of some of those. I hate clothes shopping and haven’t done it in a while. I was forced to do a bit a few months ago as I was pregnant so was growing at an alarming rate! Now I’m at that inbetween stage but I won’t be shopping any time soon.

    Have a great week!

  5. These are great! Excellent point about reading while sick or injured, and how books still work even without electricity! 🙂

  6. These are great! I also hate shopping for clothes. I’d rather go to a bookstore. 🙂

  7. I love all of these, but especially #10. I love how reading books with my daughter was and is still a special part of our relationships.

  8. These are great reasons! And I definitely use my library card to excess. LOL

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  9. Athena

    All good reasons! I like the free entertainment too, I now use Libby most of the time!

  10. Imagination is a good one, as is the addition of not needing power! I don’t rely on Kindle or an audio book for my reading (I still read the physical books) so at least I know I have lots of thing in the event I’d need something to pass the time! 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting my website today.

  11. Great list, I can only agree with all of these reasons! And I’m definitely also happy for having met so many lovely people through blogging.

  12. RS

    All great ideas. #3 made me LOL! (Although now I’m thinking about those Smallish Paperbacks that are somewhere between mass market and standard trade paperback size…that was a surprise the last time I ordered a secondhand book online!)

  13. All great reasons, the 6 applies to me last week 😂 We had storms and the power went out, but the books were still there.

  14. Andi

    Great list and thanks for stopping by mine! Have a great Thanksgiving!

  15. These are all great reasons to be thankful for books! I especially love #7. I love mystery/thriller novels, so this isn’t necessarily true for that genre, but I also love middle-grade contemporary books and this is true for them. They usually teach really beautiful lessons about friendship, forgiving people, working harder to be kinder, etc. Those lessons are not just for kids, so I’m glad an old lady like me can learn from them as well 🙂

    #9 is wonderful as well. I so appreciate your consistent, thoughtful commenting on my blog. I always look forward to hearing from you.

    Happy TTT!


    • Thank you, Susan.

      Middle grade contemporary novels are great for all of those lessons.

      and yeah, mysteries, can make you a little suspicious of certain things for sure. Hehe.

  16. Wonderful list and yes fiction can be very educational in lots of ways.

  17. “They work when the power goes out…” assuming you’ve got candles or a flashlight if it’s after dark (or remembered to charge your phone or Kindle)–love this!

  18. Excellent point about clothes shopping!

  19. Great list! I was talking with some co-workers today about the wonder of libraries. I think I may have convinced one of them to try audiobooks via the library.

    My TTT:

  20. I hadn’t thought about #3, but that’s a great point… Though it does annoy me when books in a series are published in different covers/heights. 😂

  21. All of those, and also real books are much easier on my astigmatic eyes. I’m reading these Booktober Blitz e-books for the writers.

  22. This is such a great list, and I can agree with every single one of these. I especially love how you focused on how easily we can learn about the world around us from books, without leaving the house, even when reading fiction!

  23. All wonderful reasons! I especially like the reminder that we’re feeding our imaginations. So true!

  24. Vidya

    love all your reasons and totally agree with them as well. books are my escape and my reality all at once,

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