Top Ten Tuesday: Titles That Made Me Want to Read the Book

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

I don’t generally have a strong opinion about book covers. There are many different cover styles that can catch my attention, and I still pick up covers that don’t necessarily appeal to me all that much to see what their blurbs have to say.

Stack of books leaning up against a wall. They’re between a window and a potted plant. Titles, however, are another story. A witty or unusual title will dramatically increase the probability of me picking up a particular book. I have been known to take books home that I might not have otherwise glanced at twice because of how much I adored their titles.

Therefore, this list is dedicated to fantastic titles from many different genres. I’ve read some of them and haven’t had the chance to pick up other ones.

1. When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops? by George Carlin

2. Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

3. Zombies Vs. Unicorns by Holly Black

4.The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making (Fairyland, #1) by Catherynne M. Valente

5. Saving Fish from Drowning by Amy Tan

6. Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch by Terry Pratchett

7. The Celery Stalks at Midnight (Bunnicula, #3) by James Howe

8. Grammar Snobs Are Great Big Meanies: A Guide to Language for Fun and Spite by June Casagrande

9. The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery

10. Dance Lessons for Zombies by Peter Hiett


Filed under Blog Hops

86 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Titles That Made Me Want to Read the Book

  1. Ah yes the title of Good Omens also made me want to read it. The same with the girl who circumnavigated!

  2. I’ve got to say, I’m intrigued by Zombies Vs. Unicorns based on that title. Not a pairing I ever thought I’d read about!

    My TTT:

  3. Those are great! One of my faves was The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. 🙂

    My top covers are here—

  4. Numbers 5,7,8, and 9 are definitely intriguing.
    Here’s my list this week.

  5. Great list! Saving Fish from Drowning jumps out at me—that’s one I’d definitely be interested in reading based on the title, too.

    My TTT

  6. The Elegance of the Hedghog stood out to me. I used to have them in our backyard when we lived in the UK, and they were so fascinating. I love what you did for this challenge. Such INTERESTING titles!

  7. These are great. I did a TTT one week where it was book titles that made me laugh.

  8. Grammar Snobs Are Great Big Meanies: A Guide to Language for Fun and Spite…who could resist this one?

  9. Saving Fish from Drowning is such an intriguing title.

  10. As a high school English teacher, I might need to pick up Grammar Snobs Are Great Big Meanies – It seems like a fun one!

  11. These are all such great titles, it’s hard to pick a favourite but they’re all super intriguing.

  12. These are great titles! Although I’m highly partial to the Bunnicula series, since it was one of my favorites as a kid.

  13. I love a good, ridiculously long title like The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making 😄

  14. The Holly Black one- I remember when that came out. 🙂 I never did read it but I should have!

  15. The title of Zombies vs Unicorns has always intrigued me since I first heard about it when it was released!

  16. These are all great, but I definitely want to read that George Carlin one. I always loved his humor.

  17. I think Good Omens caught everyone’s attention? It certainly did mine!

  18. Great choices! I LOVE the title ‘Saving Fish From Drowning.’ 🙂

  19. Zombies vs Unicorns is such a simple but effective title!

  20. Great titles! Lots of these have me laughing! Lol!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  21. Oh my gosh, the Bunnicula novels! They are a blast from my childhood past haha. I loved them!

    I also really want to read A Girl Who Circumnavigated…. just because of that title.

  22. What a great list of books. Those titles are all attention-grabbing.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier.

  23. Oh my goodness, #8 made me LOL. I’m going to have to look that book up. It sounds great!

    Happy TTT!


  24. I remember loving Catherynne M. Valente’s book, I should really reread it and read the second book as well.

  25. Zombies vs. Unicorns sounds pretty awesome.. going to look it up! haha.

  26. I’ve read Elegance of the Hedgehog! I rarely see it mentioned. I remember liking it but being extremely shocked by the turn it took. Great list!

  27. These are great! I especially like the well-behaved women one. It’s very true.

  28. The Grammar Snobs title definitely gave me a laugh. These are all such great titles!

  29. The Bunnicula books help cement my enjoyment of puns at an early age, and I always forget the full title of Good Omens, but my goodness it’s a great one!

    And thank goodness for George Carlin, he always asked the important questions.

  30. These are wonderful! The grammar book is new to me, and I love the title. I love the bunnicula one too, and the Well-Behaved Women title is so familiar from bumper stickers, etc, that I really should read the book!

  31. So many book titles are nondescript; I had fun looking for the interesting ones. You have a great list. I’m very interested in the Guide to Language for Fun and Spite, sounds right up my alley.

  32. These are great. I hadn’t heard of that book by George Carlin before. I want to read Grammar Snobs.

    Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  33. There are definitely some interesting titles on your list!

  34. Have you watched the TV adaptation of Good Omens? It‘s very good. The book is fun.

  35. I love seeing The Celery Stalks at Midnight on here! That was one of my favorites from elementary schoo.

  36. I definitely love a good title! It’s always refreshing to see a book whose title doesn’t follow whatever titling trends are going around 😀

  37. Oh wow, these titles would have all made me super curious about the contents of the books. Fun!

  38. Zombies Vs. Unicorns sounds pretty intriguing!

  39. That Zombies vs Unicorns title is SOLID. Certainly makes someone want to read the blurb if nothing else. 😀 Thanks so much for the Finding Wonderland visit last week, Lydia.

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