Top Ten Tuesday: Winter Solstice Bookish Wishes

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Some of these will be repeats from last year because I am apparently a creature of habit.

Little red berries still clinging to a bush after a frost. Every piece of the plant has a light layer of frost on it which gives this image a cold, brisk, wintery feeling. 1. Quiet Reading and Writing Time

A small apartment and a spouse who watches a lot of YouTube videos equals not as much quiet reading and writing time for me as I’d prefer to have!


2.  Restore the Ebook Holds Limit at the Toronto Public Library

In October of this year, the Toronto Public Library reduced the number of ebook holds you could have from 30 t0 15. The problem with this is that many of their new ebooks – and books in general –  have long waiting lists.

It can be frustrating to be excited for a book only to see a 20 week average wait for it, and my book buying budget is limited. I will not complain to the poor librarians who I’m sure had no input into this decision, but I will file a complaint with the Top Ten Tuesday community.

Surely one of you has magical powers and can reverse this, right? 😉


3.  A Proper Ending for Every Series

I’ve become reluctant to start new series these days due to how many of them have never been finished or have had terribly unsatisfactory endings that leave all sorts of important plot threads dangling.


4.  Snowy, Cozy Reading Days

There’s something special about reading in your safe, warm house as snow falls silently outside.


5. A third Monk and Robot Book

Becky Chambers, your fans would love to find out what happens in this world next!


6. Dairy-Free Chocolate

I love nibbling on it while reading particularly exciting or dramatic scenes


7.  More Well-Done TV Shows and Films Based on Books

It’s splendid to see a fictional world come to life on the small or big screen. Some changes to the plot are fine so long as the screenwriters and director remain true to the spirit of the text.


Filed under Blog Hops

44 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Winter Solstice Bookish Wishes

  1. These are all great wishes! And I hope someone out there can indeed restore that ebook limit for you 😉

  2. I know that my library had to cut back on ebooks, too. I try to help by cutting back on the number I request. I’m hoping that will allow others to enjoy more books, too.

  3. I love your bookish wishes. Especially the quiet reading time! I have a hard time achieving that as well in my very loud small house with my loud husband and son. Lol. Happy Solstice!

  4. Ask your spouse top use headphones! XD

  5. Quiet reading time is a great wish. My house is noisy because my son is in between gigs and he is always practicing. He’s a percussionist. He will be leaving in March to live in Bogotá so no quiet until then.

    I wish I had magical powers for the ebook waitlist. Our library has restrictions and the reason why is cost. When they first made Hoopla available the cost was around $15k a year, it is now over $100k a year.

    I hope you get all your wishes!

  6. Yes, a third Monk and Robot book please!

  7. I’d love to squeeze in some reading and writing time over the holidays, but I’m not sure that’ll happen lol

  8. Great wishes! Long library holds can be really frustrating… and I’ve found that sometimes, by the time a hold request comes in, I’ve lost interest anyway. Yes to a 3rd Monk & Robot book! Or any book by Becky Chambers, really. I’ll read whatever she writes!

  9. I’ve seen some really good adaptations and some that disappoint me. I think, for the most part, I’ve simply tried to separate the two because a film can be good without being an exact copy of the book so long as the “spirit” is there. And I agree with you that some changes are good or ok. Just have to hope talented writers adapt some of our favorites. 🙂

  10. I love snowy cozy reading days too!

  11. I have no idea how many our limits are for ebooks, I rarely check them out of the library because they get SO many copies of books. But, 15 seems super silly and I agree, should be higher! I like the rest of these as well. Dairy free chocolate is hard to find!

  12. Yes!! I can’t believe we don’t have a third Monk and Robot book yet! Great wishes!

  13. I guess that e-book and audiobook licenses are expensive so libraries have to limit their numbers per book. I have the problem of placing holds and having them all arrive at the same time. Why does that happen?

    Hey, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    • Yes, that’s what I’ve read. It’s a real shame.

      I have the same problem with holds arriving at the same time even if I try to space them out. Haha.

      Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  14. I’d like a third Monk & Robot book as well. I also second maybe getting a set of headphones for your spouse to use occasionally, to give you a little more quiet time.

  15. Maybe we’ll get another Monk & Robot book in the future, but for now, Chambers has this on her website’s FAQ: “I’ll leave the door open for them, but at present, Dex and Mosscap are exactly where they need to be.”

    I’ll keep hoping right along with you, though!

  16. I like your spin on the topic! I wish my library allowed more holds too. I’ve waited 6 months for books in the past.

  17. Great bookish wishes! I hope they all come true! Happy holidays! 😀

  18. Berthold Gambrel

    I hope all your wishes come true! Happy Holidays and a happy New Year to you, Lydia. 🙂

  19. Hmm, I didn’t realize TPL has such a low limit for ebook holds! I wonder if my library also has that (I am not an ebook reader usually.) But I can understand why. I think it would be great if libraries didn’t get charged a ‘checkout’ if the person who signs out the ebook doesn’t read more than 5%, or only opens the book for less than 5 minutes, or even simply never opens the book… The ebook system is so tricky, hopefully one day we will have better solutions (ie between libraries and publilshers).

  20. Marwah @ The Booklore Fairy

    These are all wonderful wishes! I hope they come true. I haven’t tried dairy-free chocolate before, but maybe I should give it a shot. Though I have no power to reverse your ebook holds limit, I hope someone else in the committee can be of more help 😉 Thanks for visiting my blog earlier in the week!

  21. Great list! I love how your wishes weren’t tangible things, just things you hope that 2025 will be bringing.

    I love reading on a cold, snowy day, although we don’t get nearly as many as you guys do up north. I hope you get all of these things!

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