Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: A Funny Animal Video

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

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Close-up photo of a little brown baby bunny sitting in a patch of dirt outside. Its ears are perked up as it listens for anything nearby. One of my favourite types of amusing animal videos involves rabbits squeezing through spaces the humans thought were far too small for them to fit through or hopping further than anyone thought they should be able to.

If you’ve never held or otherwise been near a rabbit, know that a lot of their volume can be taken up by their fur and that they hop over and around all sorts of barriers.

Their bodies beneath all of that fluff are smaller and more flexible than you might think, especially if they’re sporting an especially fluffy coat or if it’s the right time of year for their winter fur to grow in.

Here is a short video about a baby rabbit who squeezes thought a cage.

Here is another one.

And a third and final great escape from a so-called rabbit-proof fence. (I do not think anyone consulted the rabbits before deciding to call it that!)

This is a baby bunny who has been temporarily placed in a laundry basket that is much too high for them to jump out of….right?

The tale of a rabbit in a large glass cage.

All of these videos are short. They are a few minutes long at most, and some are more like 20 to 30 seconds of footage.

I adore seeing tiny little rabbits outwit humans. It’s so funny.


Filed under Blog Hops

8 Responses to Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: A Funny Animal Video

  1. Aw, Lydia, great videos. I adore rabbits. I got two jet black rabbits for my tenth birthday (one had a single white front paw) and fell in love with them right away. They are the most lovable creatures. You’re right about most of their volume being in their fur, and they sure do like to sqash themselves into the smallest of spaces. I was devastated when they came to their natural end.

    • I’m sorry for your loss. Your rabbits sound amazing.

      Yes, they are very lovable creatures. I’d have a few of them hopping around my place if not for my allergies. 🙂

  2. Those are fun! I live in an area where I can sometimes spot wild rabbits. It’s always special when I do.

  3. Rabbits are absolute escape artists! Right up there with hamsters. LOL Such cute videos, thank you for sharing these.

    My post

  4. I never had a pet rabbit but, when I see one in the yard I name it Bunny fu fu after the pet rabbit my dad had a kid.

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