Top Ten Tuesday: Posts I’ve Written That Give You the Best Glimpse of Me

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Stock photo of a white person peeking out at the world through white blinds. I think stories about people is a great way to get to know their personalities, so here are some of the stories I’ve told about myself over the years.

1) Keeping the Pipes Clear

This is how my grandfather found a safe way to involve his young grandchildren in digging ditches and keeping his land from accumulating too much water.


2, 3, and 4) Three Fun Facts About Myself

In which I talk about my heart murmur (which is not at all serious or anything, just interesting),  share how I saved a turtle, and graciously responded to a vacation that did not go the way I was hoping. These three things are not at all related to each other, by the way.


5) Non-Bookish Hobbies

Did you know I’m trying to become fluent in Spanish and love weightlifting, for example?


6. A Review of Reading Breaks

A glimpse into my silly sense of humour as well as an explanation of why I sometimes take breaks from reading.


7.  The Pet Fish I Almost Had

I still think about this little fish and hope he or she had a long and happy life.


8) Things I Love About Halloween

It’s my favourite holiday of the year!


9) A Photo Essay in Memoriam of a Tree

In which I get sentimental about a sick tree I was really hoping would survive but sadly did not. It was so gorgeous when it was alive. Click above for photos.


10) What I Do When I’m Not Feeling Well

A lighthearted look at dealing with minor illnesses like the common cold and how I handle them.






Filed under Blog Hops

48 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Posts I’ve Written That Give You the Best Glimpse of Me

  1. I love seeing posts that tell us more about the bloggers we know!

  2. Off to have a look at your non-bookish hobbies!

  3. Claire Louisa

    What a great top ten to get to know you a bit better

  4. I know how it feels to get attached to a tree. I’m still sad about a iris stand that disppeared near my home.

  5. Ah, I sometimes think about the pet fish I used to have when I was younger! I also think I remember reading about your weightlifting before (whether it was on the blog or on Twitter, I can’t remember though). It’s always nice to learn more about the person behind the blog 🙂 Great list!

  6. My mother tongue is Spanish 🙂 weightlifting is such a badass sport, so cool

  7. I take daily walks… BUT I don’t enjoy them. 😉 I think part of that is because a: it feels like I’m wasting time and b: I do it for the benefits it’s supposed to have for general health. However, I feel like I maybe would enjoy them more if I had different places or pretty scenery to enjoy while walking. Maybe someday. 😉 Thanks so much for visiting my website today.

  8. I remember that tree saga. I’m still sorry it had to be cut down, but at least the parks department made the right decision for everyone’s safety.

  9. I love learning more about you! The WWBCs look so interesting! I never knew about them but now I wanna join! They look like such a great way to get to know other bloggers.

  10. Andi

    What a great list. I’m still sad about a tree that split because we were in the midst of a nor-easter in Virginia and it split. It was a gorgeous Oak tree.

  11. I love this week! Getting to know about all the bloggers better. I used to be fluent in Spanish, until we moved to Ohio! If you don’t use it then you do lose it. I can understand it all, but have no confidence with my accent. lol My mom is from Mexico and she gets after us all the time! lol

    • it’s been so fun to learn about other bloggers.

      And, yes, languages definitely need to be practiced. I can understand Spanish a lot better than I can speak it, but I am working on that.

      I have so much respect for people who speak two or more languages fluently and easily.

  12. Ugh, weights! I’m glad you like them but I get bored to tears with weights. All the counting of reps *sigh* I know it’s good for women though.

    As I was compiling my list, I realized that all my posts are from defunct blog hops. I’ll have to keep an eye on WWBC and join in from time to time. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!

  13. Halloween has always been a favorite holiday of mine. My youngest has picked up the torch and wants to set the world on fire with her love of all things spooky!

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  14. I get upset for the loss of trees, too. Great to get to know you a bit better!

  15. Ah, that poor tree… I always feel sad when a tree has to be cut down

  16. I appreciate it when bloggers open my eyes to new items or ways of doing things. After I make my comment here, I am hoping over to your post about the poor dying tree.

    Posts for a Glimpse of Me Anne@Head Full of Books

  17. These are so great, Lydia. I love getting glimpses in other bloggers.

  18. A great list! I loved the fish story. That was cute. I love Halloween anyway and you made it sound even better 😂

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  19. Aww, I love that you got sentimental about a tree, I need to go see pictures. Trees are beautiful and so vital to our environment I totally understand you wanting it to survive. 🖤

  20. I like your tongue-in-cheek post about taking a break! Definitely similar to one of the posts I picked out of my own, where I talked on giving up on reading goals — sometimes, forcing ourselves to do something really doesn’t help, and what we need is just a break of some kind. Feeling obligated can be so poisonous to having fun!

  21. These are some great posts! I don’t write a lot about myself, so I tailored this one to show my reading taste instead. I loved this post topic, it’s a great way to get some views on older posts. Here’s mine:

  22. I really love the posts that you chose, and how you get to show off your broad array of interests and likes. I just discovered that we both have Halloween as our favorite time of the year – there’s just something so awesome about the cool air, chilly nights, fall leaves, pumpkins everywhere, and I’m looking forward to it while sipping my fall-flavored iced beverages until the weather cools off.

  23. This was a fun post! I am so behind on comments for this week but I am trying. Lol.

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