Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Book I Wish They’d Make Into a Movie or TV Series

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Book with opened pages sitting on a windowsill.Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and here to see the full list of topics for the year.

There are some books like the Neanderthal Parallex trilogy by Robert J. Sawyer that immediately pop into my mind every time one of the blog hops I participates in asks this question.

With that being said, I do try not to repeat myself with these prompts if I can at all help it.

Let’s see if I can answer it with a different response this time!

I’ll bet I can think of something…

Remote Control by Nnedi Okorafor book cover. Image on cover shows a tree superimposed over the head of a young african woman.

Remote Control by Nnedi Okorafor is a science fiction and fantasy novella about a young girl named Sankofa who gained unusual powers when a seed fell from the sky into her village. (My review of it is here).

This is one of those books that develops the world and characters enough to draw an audience in while still leaving a lot of room for sequels…or, in this case, a TV show! I’d love to see Sankofa be able to deeply explore her abilities and where they came from.

The cool thing about telling her tale in a TV show is that it would give the writers plenty of opportunities to show things that this character doesn’t have knowledge of. Most of the scenes in the book were of things she either directly observed or was later informed of by people who experienced them.


Filed under Blog Hops

14 Responses to Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Book I Wish They’d Make Into a Movie or TV Series

  1. I would (will) definitely watch any TV series or movie based on anything Nnedi Okorafor writes. Her worldbuilding blows my mind.

  2. Very cool. I wouldn’t have thought of that one. Nice!

  3. This is a really great choice, and I’ll bet it would make a really interesting series.

  4. This does sound perfect for TV. Great choice.

  5. I’ve found another book to be added to my (ever growing) TBR pile.. thanks for the heads up! and Thanks for coming by <3

  6. Great choice! I’d love to see the visuals and special effects on this one.

  7. Remote Control sounds like a great choice.

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