Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Museums I Want to Visit

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

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A photo of Stonehenge on an overcast day. The stones are covered in a thin, spotty layer of moss. My answer to this week’s question is basically all of them. It’s rare for me to hear of a museum or gallery and not want to see it! The Royal Ontario Museum and the Art Gallery of Ontario here in Toronto are both excellent. If any of you are ever in town, I highly recommend adding them to your itinerary and would visit them with you, too, if you’re interested.

With that being said,  here are the museums that are still at the top of my list to visit someday.


It’s not a traditional sort of museum, but it’s a mysterious historical site that I’d love to visit. If only we knew more about who created it, how they managed to move such massive boulders, and what they used this location for!

. The rest of my answers will be of actual buildings one can visit to see art and exhibits.


The National Museum of Ethiopia

I have never been to Ethiopia, but this would be the first place I’d visit if I did go there. Not only do they have Lucy, the first Australopithecus Afarensis remains that were ever discovered, they also have multiple floors dedicated to Ethiopian history and culture. It would be amazing to soak up that knowledge and history.


Mütter Museum

This museum is in Philadelphia. Their exhibits explore advancements in the medical field that have saved countless lives, rare birth defects, bodies that were preserved in unusual ways after death, the history of how various diseases were treated, and so much more. I think this would be a fascinating place to spend a day.


Neanderthal Museum 

You all may remember how much I love learning about prehistory and Neanderthals. The name of this museum gives away what it’s about. It is located very close to the Neander Valley in Germany where the first Neanderthal remains were found in 1856. I wouldn’t want to leave until I’d read and examined every bit of every display there.


Imagine being able to see the Mona Lisa in person in France among the many other famous works of art to be found here.  That would be incredible.



Filed under Blog Hops

12 Responses to Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Museums I Want to Visit

  1. I love prehistory as well. The Neanderthal Museum sounds really interesting and Stonehenge has something magical about it. It would be great to visit that, too.

  2. I’m with you! Museums are a priority for me in any place that I am — art museums, history museums, science musums, doesn’t matter. My parents were always bewildered as to why their ten-year old wanted to go to art museums.

  3. You just gave me three to add to my list. (I’ve seen Stonehenge. So cool.) I’m embarrassed to admit that I live about an hour and a half from the Mütter museum, and have never been.

  4. Stonehenge has always been on my list… I agree with George…there’s something magical about it

  5. There is a very nice museum that accompanies Stonehenge that will speak to your questions about its building

    As a Philadelphian, the Mutter is in my backyard, so to speak. Very interesting museum but one that likes so many is wrestling with issues around the exhibition of human remains.

    Great list overall

    • I didn’t know that. Cool!

      I was vaguely aware that the Mütter museum has been trying to figure out if they should keep displaying human remains. It will be interesting to see what they decide.

  6. I’d probably not have the fortitude to go to Ethiopia if I were invited, but must admit their museums would be interesting!

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