Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: My Greatest Strength

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

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scrap of paper that says "there is power in kindness."My greatest strengths are my diplomacy and ability to find the good in everyone. They’re so closely related that I thought it was okay to bind them together for the sake of this prompt.

I’m the sort of person who gets along with just about everyone. People are fascinating, and I enjoy getting to know them one-on-one or in small groups. You can learn all sorts of things about someone by quietly listening to what they do (and don’t) say about themselves, others, and the world in general.

My favourite sorts of people are the ones who love to talk but who also know how to turn the conversation back to us quieter folks after a little while. That is such a wonderful skill to possess!

If someone says something that could be interpreted in multiple ways, I’ll search for the most charitable interpretation possible and give them the benefit of the doubt. Until or unless someone gives me good reason to suspect otherwise, I assume the best of them. In my experience, that’s usually the most helpful way to approach interactions with folks you don’t know well yet.

Being kind and polite to everyone costs nothing, but it can go a long way to make social situations enjoyable for everyone.


Filed under Blog Hops

20 Responses to Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: My Greatest Strength

  1. That’s a true strength to be diplomatic. I could use that when I’m dealing with a couple of meetings I’m in. I’m more of a gut response kind of gal and diplomacy would help soooo much. Good post!

  2. The gift of easy conversation and a positive attitude. It’s a great thing to possess.

  3. That’s a strength I wish more folks had these days.

  4. I’m with you on thinking the best of people…. at least until they prove me wrong (and, I’ll admit, it usually takes a couple of times of being burned). But, I think it goes along with being positive. Nice is always the right response. Thanks for coming by.

  5. I honestly think this is a critical social ability; if you spend all your time being suspicious of everyone else, you’ll never get anything done! (Plus, I suspect you’d be pretty miserable.) I honestly wish more people were like this.

  6. These are wonderful character traits.

  7. Diplomacy is an overlooked virtue today — most interpersonal skills are. I’ve taken to watching videos on conflict deescalation and the like to learn verbal & empathetic skills to help in my own life.

    • Thank you, Stephen!

      Are the videos you watch online anywhere? I’m so curious about them.

      • Oh, yeah! What I’d reccommend most is George Thompson’ “Verbal Judo” series. I re-listen to the lectures periodically to keep the ideas fresh. Thompson was an English professor turned police officer turned communications specialist who (before he died) was making a living teaching nonviolent communication and conflict descelation to police officers so they could work with the public more effectively. His style is a little gungo and macho for some, but bear in mind he’s talking to a macho audience of cops.

        I can’t think of any other names right off hand (I’m at work right now), but I enjoy watching LivePD clips and watching how officers there handle people: since they’re on film, their interpersonal skills are stronger and they don’t need to resort to physical dominance as quickly. Unfortunately, the guy who introduced me to this kind of thinking, who had a series on nonviolent communication, has since gone offline and deleted his videos. šŸ™

  8. That is a great strength, especially given how divided our country is. We have to hold these kinds of strengths close and nurture them. They are vital.

  9. That’s a true strength to have. I do my best to be adaptable with people, as I’ve been in far too many situations where people just refuse to get along with each other.

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