Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Types of Exercise I Enjoy

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and here to see the full list of topics for the year.

There are quite a few types of exercise I enjoy.

  1. Weightlifting
  2. Swimming
  3. Dancing
  4. Power Walking
  5. Canoing*
  6. Hiking*

Animated Figure lifting weights*Although I haven’t done either of these in a long time and definitely would need to recondition my body for them. That is to say, let’s pick the easiest versions of these things if you want to do them with me.

What all of these activities have in common is that they’re non-competitive, fairly easy on the joints in most cases, and can be done solo or in a group.

When I was a kid, the vast majority of my exposure to exercise was team sports.

I’ve never liked team sports, so it took me a while to realize how many forms of exercise are out there that don’t require competition, keeping score, or having winners and losers.

Kudos to those of you who thrive on competition and being the biggest, strongest, and/or fastest person in a group.

But to me, exercise is most enjoyable when it’s about doing something cool either by myself or with a few other laid-back people.


Filed under Blog Hops

28 Responses to Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Types of Exercise I Enjoy

  1. verushka

    I enjoy weightlifting too — it helps me focus on *me* and just leave everything else at bay just for an hour or so. I actually do want to try kayaking or rowing some time too.

  2. LOL.. I love team sports, but I’m pretty hyper-competitive. The rest of your list is perfect! I’d do any of them with you πŸ™‚

  3. Quite a list. I liked competition until I started golfing. When guys on oxygen kicked my butt the ego took quite a hit.

  4. Mary Morgan

    Love, love, love swimming, too! One I didn’t include. Maybe because it’s still winter. And I agree with you, I prefer to do my exercise alone. It’s my “me time” without anyone else.

  5. I don’t care for team sports either, mainly because I was always the worst in the group. LOL I’d love to go canoeing or yakking, but it’s kinda hard in the desert. πŸ˜€

    My post.

  6. I like the races where I have people to pace off of, but I like best the walks where I’m with friends and just having fun. πŸ™‚

  7. Dancing and swimming are great in my book too. Canoeing not so much. Always got dumped out. Now Kayaking I can do. LOL

  8. I’m 100% with you on not enjoying the competitive nature of many sports. Bicycling, hiking, and horseback riding were always two of my favorites because they could be done as a group without the competition. (Of course, I’m sadly way out of shape on those activities now.)

  9. Gods, I haven’t been canoeing in years. I should really figure out a way to take the boys. And honestly I really ought to be doing a lot more hiking than I am (admittedly, living in the ‘burbs doesn’t lend itself to a proper wilderness hike without some prep-work, but…)

    My list is here.

  10. Thanks for coming by earlier. I save my competitions for cards and board games (and even then, I’m more about the fun!). One reason I would hide in the library is that invariably I would be among the last chosen for sports.

  11. I haven’t been canoeing in years. I used to love it! Hubby wants to try kayaking, but I’ll be honest, something about it scares me a bit. We have a ton of lakes up here so the opportunity is there if we’d just jump on it.

  12. That’s a long list of energetic things you love. Can you do a little extra for me next time you’re doing any of them? Thx!

  13. That’s an impressive list, Lydia. I love how you’ve included dancing in there. I never think of it like that, but it is great exercise, even if it can be horribly embarrassing when you’re like me and have zero rhythm. Doesn’t matter though. As long as its fun!

  14. My husband enjoys hiking. I prefer a slightly easier walk myself.

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