Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: What I Read When I’m Not Feeling Well

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

There are three different types of things I like to read when I’m not feeling well. I’ll give everyone a few examples of each one.

Comic Strips

All of these comic strips tend to be a mish-mash of whatever it is their creators have been thinking about recently. There are few if any continuous storylines in them. That makes it hard to explain them to new readers but also a great deal of fun to explore. We never know what might pop up in them next!

The Oatmeal.

Will 5:00 Never Come?

War and Peas.

Humorous Blog Posts and Essays

Doctor Grumpy in the House.

If you enjoy medical humour, this doctor’s blog is fantastic.

The Red Brick Blog.

Sadly, this hasn’t been updated in almost two years, but the archives are filled with some wonderful posts.

Mock Ramblings.

Michael and I have been friends for so long that I no longer remember how we met. If you haven’t already scrolled through his site after reading his previous WWBC posts, I highly recommend doing so sometime. He blogs about everything from his strange dreams, to snippets of the stories he’s working on, to recaps of the amazing D&D games he organizes for his kids.

Not everything he writes is necessarily funny, but when he writes humorous stuff he truly excels at it.

SFF Stories

I’ve chosen not link to specific tales from these magazines because of how particular I am about my science fiction and fantasy. In general, I find that all three of these publications do an excellent job of selecting unique, well-developed stories that show off under-appreciated authors in the SFF genre. If you have any interest at all in speculative fiction, I do recommend scrolling through these links to see what might appeal to you.

Fireside Magazine.

Syntax & Salt Magazine.

Lightspeed Magazine.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question. The image below is the list of upcoming prompts for this blog hop.


Filed under Blog Hops

18 Responses to Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: What I Read When I’m Not Feeling Well

  1. I hadn’t thought about comic strips as good reading while feeling unwell. But when I’m depressed I do look for funny to make me feel better. I like to read Zits, For Better or For Worse, Garfield and Baby Blues. 🙂 Thanks for the recommendations.

  2. Echo Ishii

    I haven’t read Lightspeed in a while. They do great stuff.

  3. Thank you! (And I’m pretty sure we met through Bruce’s blog…) I hadn’t even thought about short story collections, and that’s actually kind of brilliant since they’re more… bite-sized… than a full book, and my attention span isn’t the best when I’m not feeling well.

    My list is here.

    • Oh, that’s right! I’d forgotten that detail.

      And you’re welcome.

      If you find any interesting short SFF stories, I’d sure like to hear about them.

  4. I like short stories and comics/graphic novels/manga as well when I’m sick.

    My post.

  5. Well, I didn’t consider comic strips or even books of comics or graphic novels with entertaining plots. Thats a good one.

  6. Spending a little time on Michael Mock’s blog is in my future.

  7. I miss the comics. I used to read them everyday, and now, sigh, they are gone — even on Sunday. It’s a shame.

  8. I’ll have to give these a try.

  9. I love reading webcomics when I’m not feeling up to reading books, for whatever reason. The webtoons app is awesome for this purpose.

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