Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: What’s On Your TBR List

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and here to see the full list of topics for the year.

Purple and white tulips lying on an opened book. If this prompt had been scheduled for the winter or summer, I would have had a very different answer to it!

You see, this is one of the best times of the year for enjoying the outdoors due to the mild weather.

My reading rates drop off when the sky is sunny and the temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold to make it uncomfortable to stay outdoors for several hours.

With that being said, here are a few books that bridge the gap between my love of reading and my love of the outdoors.

Ontario Birds: 125 Common Birds by Chris Fisher

Why I’m Interested: I’ve been casually interested in birdwatching for years but started doing it more intensely in 2020 when many other forms of entertainment were unavailable. It’s thrilling to catch sight of a bird you haven’t seen in your area before! I think red-tailed hawks are my favourite species so far.


Trees of Ontario: Including Tall Shrubs   by Linda Kershaw and Plants of Southern Ontario by Richard Dickinson and France Royer

Why I’m Interested: Identifying local trees and other plants is a brand new interest of mine. Someday I’d love to walk through the forest and be able to identify everything I see!


I’ve mentioned these books in previous posts, including a Wednesday Weekly Blogging post from the winter, but I am still looking forward to reading A Prayer for the Crown Shy (Monk & Robot #2) by Becky Chambers and Empty Smiles (Small Spaces #4) by Katherine Arden as well.

Why I’m Interested: I enjoyed the previous book(s) in both series quite a bit and am looking forward to catching up with the characters’ latest adventures.

I hope to review Chambers and Arden’s books on my blog this summer or autumn, but I am not planning to review the bird or foliage books. Speaking of which, I wonder how people do review books like that? It seems like that would be a little tricky since the authors are experts on the topic and many readers would not be.

Anyway, those are the books I’m most looking forward to reading in the near future.


Filed under Blog Hops

18 Responses to Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: What’s On Your TBR List

  1. I hope you enjoy these books! I got more interested in birdwatching during the pandemic too. Yesterday on my run, I stopped to look at a turkey buzzard nest. My sports watch kept beeping at me for not running fast enough, but the buzzards were more interesting!

  2. I love the idea of finding out more about the local critters! Enjoy your books. 🙂

    My post

  3. When I could golf, our courses always had Red Tailed Hawks. They liked to swoop down and grab fish out of the ponds.

  4. I haven’t found myself able to read much nonfiction lately, but I picked up a copy of Bushcraft 101: A Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival for Firstborn a while back.

  5. They sound like really interesting reads. Enjoy.

  6. I enjoy bird watching as well, and love the red tailed hawk.

  7. I love your twist on this topic! And I so appreciate your desire to connect with the natural world around you. One of the best things we did during the pandemic was start putting out hummingbird feeders, and now we have several tiny friends who come and drink from the feeder attached right to the kitchen window. They have distinct personalities – from the female who quietly sits and drinks intently, totally focused on her meal to the bawdy male who chirrups and chirps and keeps pausing his drinking to fly in small circles just to make really sure we’ve noticed him. They’re my little friends how! We also have some pushy blue jays, some little chickadees who keep trying to drink from the hummingbird feeders and a couple of flickers who come back every year and visit us. It is wonderful feeling a sense of kinship with them!

  8. I’m also into birdwatching, so I’ve been reading more about birds lately. Good choice.

  9. Have you tried Bittersweet by Susan Cain? I just read it and not only is it excellent in its own right, it seems an especially good fit for you given your interests.

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