The telling or reading of ghost stories during the Christmas season was once a tradition in Victorian England. This series of books seeks to revive this tradition. Beginning this year, I hope to review all of them during the month of December for as many years as it takes to finish this project.
Title: One Who Saw – A Ghost Story for Christmas (Seth’s Christmas Ghost Stories)
Author: A.M. Burrage
Publisher: Biblioasis
Publication Date: 1931 and 2016
Genres: Paranormal, Historical
Length: 64 pages
Source: I borrowed it from the library
Rating: 5 Stars
A sensitive writer flees the clatter of London for a sleepy French city. After settling in at quiet hotel, he spies a ghostly, solitary young woman weeping in a walled garden, her features hidden from view. Compelled to see the woman’s face, he ventures forward…. Originally published on Christmas in 1931, “One Who Saw” is regarded as A.M. Burrage’s masterpiece.
Secondhand stories aren’t always correct, but in this case they just might be!
I was expecting Simon Crutchley to tell his tale to the audience directly. The fact that we learned about it through a group of his neighbours gossiping at a dinner party beginning with the opening scene came as a surprise to me, but it somehow made his experiences even more harrowing than they might have already been.
Humans are good at filling in the gaps when they have some information but not necessarily all of it. Simon’s reaction to his paranormal experience was so life-changing that it made sense his neighbours would speculate about it. While I would have loved to read this from his perspective, it did make sense that he wasn’t up for that given what his neighbours described happening to him.
Gardens aren’t supposed to be scary places, so I was intrigued by how much effort the author put into showing how a lack of sunlight can make what should be a cheerful place to sit and write into a spot that anyone looking for some peace and quiet would best avoid.
By far my favourite part of this story had to do with what happened to people who attempted to see the face of the ghost who was sitting in the sunless garden. This wasn’t something that hauntings typically include, and it added a twist to the plot that I appreciated.
One Who Saw was deliciously chilling. I’d recommend it to everyone who loves ghost stories.
Hi Lydia! I would LOVE this. I had a Granny who would tell Ghost Stories all the time. Especially late at night when I was sleeping in her bed. To this day, I love a good ghost story.
“Humans are good at filling in the gaps when they have some information but not necessarily all of it.” How very true is that. And that’s how we always get these add-ons to stories.
Thanks for sharing this one!
Hope you will have a good week ahead.
Lots of Love,
Thank you very much, Mareli! What a neat thing for your Granny to do. Do you have a favourite ghost story from her?
Lots of love to you as well. 🙂