Here is this week’s list of blog posts, photographs, videos and other tidbits from my favourite corners of the web.
What colourful butterflies!
Opinion Warning Signs. Sometimes opinions are more a sign of group loyalty than they are an individual’s genuine interpretation of the truth. This list includes warning signs to look out for when this sort of thing may be happening. Many behaviours on the list are also compelling reasons why I get to know new friends really well before opening up to them about certain topics.
We Agree to be Offended by Certain Words. Not sure what I think about this yet. It’s definitely a good thing to have thick skin and give ignorant people the benefit of the doubt. On the other hand, why do we so often expect the person being harassed to be a perpetual object lesson/good representative of his or her group? Isn’t there something to be said for holding everyone to high standards?
From Killing Donald Evans:
The day before I killed Donald Evans I did not even know he existed.
From How I Read:
Give other genres a chance. Do you mostly read literary fiction? Read a sci-fi. Do you mostly read fantasy? Read something by Jane Austen. Do you mostly read Christian fiction? Read a book on Buddhist spirituality.
What a creative way to tell a love story:
Here’s another Dr. Seuss book you may not have read before – You’re Only Old Once! It’s a lighthearted look at something many of us will be/are lucky enough to live to see: old age.
What have you been reading?
I enjoyed the opinion warning signs, even if a couple hit close to home. Thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome.