Suggestion Saturday: December 30, 2017

Happy New Year’s Eve! Here is this week’s list of comic strips, poems, and other links from my favourite corners of the web.

All of today’s links are related to winter or the New Year in some way. Next week we will be back to the usual assortment of topics in Suggestion Saturday posts. This was a fun experiment.

Preparing for Winter. If you live in the northern hemisphere, are you ready for winter?

To the New Year. This is the perfect thing to read after you’ve finished Birthday of the World. They compliment each other beautifully.
New Year’s Resolutions: Nothing Ever Changes but the Weather. Every year I say I’m not going to make another New Year’s resolution, and every year I make one anyway. Haha!
Why I Wish You a Difficult New Year via kpk_newbf‬. Every single sentence of this blog post was fantastic. Go read it, and may all of my followers have a difficult new year.

Birthday of the World. The first stanza of this poem was my favourite one. I’ll quote part of it here for you:

On the birthday of the world
I begin to contemplate
what I have done and left
10 Funny Mexican Traditions for Ringing in the New Year via fabiolaofmexico. The post I shared from Fabiola on last week’s Suggestion Saturday was so interesting that I thought I’d revisit her blog again this week to show you what New Year’s Eve is like in Mexico. The story about the magic underwear was my favourite one!

Why New Year’s Resolutions Can Do More Harm Than Good via KarinSieger.This was another interesting take on whether or not people should make new year’s resolutions and why you should think ahead before trying to change a habit.

99 Reasons 2017 Was a Great Year. What a great way to say goodby to 2017.

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