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If I could create a holiday, I’d tell everyone to go take a hike. No, literally! We could call it National Nature Day or something.
One of the reasons why I struggle to enjoy many mainstream holidays is how consumeristic they tend to be. There have been times in my life when money was in very short supply and it was hard to come up with gifts for others that they would enjoy and that I could actually afford to give. Even when I can afford to buy gifts, I prefer to do so spontaneously and with items or experiences I know the recipient will genuinely enjoy.
It would be lovely to have a holiday that was purposefully designed to encourage spending time in nature with whoever you want to socialize with that day.
I don’t know about all of you, but I need more of both of those things.
Just go outside and enjoy nature in whatever way you can depending on your interests, current level of fitness, and how warm, cold, wet, or dry the weather report might be for the day.
It could involve hiking, nature walks, playing group or individual sports, rock climbing, birdwatching, photography, cycling, having a picnic, swimming, running through the leaves, playing catch with a dog, or similar activities.
Whatever outdoorsy stuff you’re into would count, and no one would be expected to do things outside of their comfort zone.
It sure sounds like a good way to spend a day to me.