Top Ten Tuesday: Books About Trains

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Photo of train tracks going through a forest. There isn’t currently a train on them, but you can see the sun setting in the distance and the dark, evergreen forest on either side of the tracks. It’s a quiet and thoughtful moment. Thank you to Cathy @ What Cathy Read Next for this topic idea. I’m narrowing down “Planes, Trains & Automobiles/Books Featuring Travel” to just books about trains as I think travelling by train is just about the nicest ways to get around. 

Canada doesn’t have as much train service as I wish we had, but you can still travel between most of the larger cities this way. It’s so relaxing to sit in a soft, comfortable seat and surf the Internet, eat some tasty food, or watch the countryside fly by. I much prefer it to driving or flying!

Here are some books about trains. Interestingly enough, they are all for children.

1. The Boxcar Children (The Boxcar Children, #1) by Gertrude Chandler Warner

2.The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg

3. Ghost Train by Paul Yee
4. Bear on the Train by Julie Lawson
5 .A Sea So Far by Jean Thesman
6. The Runaway Train by Jane Flory
8. Bob the Railway Dog by Corinne Fenton
10. Lackawanna: A Novel by Chester Aaron

What is the train system like where you live? Can you hop on a nearby train when you need to travel, or do they only carry stuff like livestock or bulky goods?


Filed under Blog Hops

48 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Books About Trains

  1. It would be great if we could travel easier by train. It’s gotten pretty pricey as well. UGH!
    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  2. Fab twist! I love train travel too, especially the old steam trains. 😀

  3. I have a few kids books on my list too, including a box car children. Lol. This is a great list!

  4. I think there’s so much fun and opportunity with books written on trains – new settings, lots of characters, and the characters can move around more than some other types of transport.

  5. I love your take on the prompt! Train stories always feel so adventurous to me.

  6. Ahhh, I love trains. One of my favorite older games is Sid Meier’s Railroads. 😀 I did a nonfiction focus annnnnnd trains pop up a few times…

  7. How fun that all of your picked ended up being children’s novels, many of which are classics. 🙂 I’ve never read the Boxcar Children, but I know many enjoy them. Thanks a bunch for visiting my website today, Lydia.

  8. Nice twist on the theme. I’ve never actually been on a train, so I think it’d be fun to travel that way.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  9. I had one book featuring a train on my list today but I had a surprisingly difficult time coming up with books for this topic. 😂 You did great coming up with such a specific list!

  10. Good tweak of the topic. The Polar Express!

  11. I’ve been on scenic trains a few times, but would love to travel via rail sometime for the experience. If you want to read an adult book featuring a train, I recommend the WWII novel, The Orphan’s Tale by Pam Jenoff.

  12. The Polar Express is such a good call for this.

  13. Angela @ Literary Wanderer

    Great list – kids love trains!

  14. I haven’t read any of these but I’ve often thought stories set on trains are so charming and atmospheric! Love that you focused on trains!

  15. I agree, train travel can be lovely! Though sadly, while I can travel by train, it’s by far less convenient than car or plane. I’m jealous of countries that have proper, well-maintained rail systems.

  16. The Polar Express was one of my favorites when i was a child, i read it every winter

  17. I live in the US, so train service is not great. Although there is a passenger train station somewhat near me, but I’m from the Midwest, so we just drive literally everywhere. This post does make me miss my time in Germany where traveling by train was so easy and convenient. Have a wonderful week.

  18. Interesting to find so many books about trains. My list has all sorts of transportation.
    Thanks for visiting it.

  19. I have only ridden on a train a few times, but it is a great way to travel. I have never tried it in America, so not sure how it would be here.

  20. that is an amazing collection of train-inspired books 😍 traveling by train is truly something else, I wish we had more trains in my area 🤔

  21. Andi

    We don’t have a train system here but it would be so nice to have.
    Great twist on the topic!

  22. Passenger trains really aren’t used much in the U.S., especially where I live. The only ones I’ve been on here have been historic ones that take tourists to see pretty countryside. When Americans travel, especially out in the West where I live, we do it by car or airplane.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


  23. I remember having The Boxcar Children books, but I don’t really remember much about them – maybe it’s too far back for my bad memory to recall 🤣. This is a cool list. I like how you narrowed it down to trains. Where I live, the trains are the best way to get into Manhattan and avoid traffic, but I never really think about trains as a means of traveling, but crossing a country by train seems like it would be kind of cool.

  24. Ah, on this theme I used to looove The Railway Children (by E. Nesbit). I haven’t thought about that in years! But I used to adore it.

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