Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Fall 2019 TBR

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

I decided to narrow this week’s topic down by only discussing books that have been or will be published in the autumn of 2019. When I actually read them depends on how long the wait lists are at my local library, but I’m hoping at least a few of these titles will become available soon.

Highway of Tears: A True Story of Racism, Indifference and the Pursuit of Justice for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls by Jessica McDiarmid book cover. An eye with a native american symbol for a pupil and spruce trees for eyelashes is crying a single tear on it.

1. Title and Author: Highway of Tears: A True Story of Racism, Indifference and the Pursuit of Justice for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls by Jessica McDiarmid
Why I Want to Read It: The murders and disappearances of Indigenous women is a serious issue here in Canada. Our mainstream media isn’t giving this topic the attention it needs, so I’m glad to see there’s a book about it.
Publication Date: Today

Alex McKenna & the Geranium Deaths by Vicki-Ann Bush book cover. Image is of sprayprainted outiline of man's head with an X over where his eyes should be.

2. Title and Author: Alex McKenna & the Geranium Deaths by Vicki-Ann Bush
Why I Want to Read It: A witch who can speak to ghosts? Sign me up! I’ve also been trying to read more novels about characters who are trans in general, so that addition to the plot is icing on the cake.
Publication Date: Today

How We Fight For Our Lives by Saeed Jones book cover. Image on the cover is of a red, abstract swirly object.

3. Title and Author: How We Fight For Our Lives by Saeed Jones
Why I Want to Read It: 2019 has not been a year of reading many memoirs or autobiographies for me. I’m trying to change that before the year ends for good.
Publication Date: October 8

:The Body: A Guide for Occupants by Bill Bryson book cover. Images on the front are drawings of a man and woman. Their organs are showing for illustrative purposes.

4. Title and Author:The Body: A Guide for Occupants by Bill Bryson
Why I Want to Read It: I never grow tired of reading books about all of the unusual things the human body can be capable of doing.
Publication Date: October 15

Small Hearts by Bryan W. Dull book cover. Image on front is of yearbook photos. Some faces are crossed out.

5. Title and Author: Small Hearts by Bryan W. Dull
Why I Want to Read It: I’m still deciding if this is the right book for me, to be honest, but I do like the idea of reading about the aftermath of a school shooting rather than the crime itself.
Publication Date: October 15

Supernova Era by Liu Cixin book cover. Image on cover is of bright ray of light hitting Earth.

6. Title and Author: Supernova Era by Liu Cixin
Why I Want to Read It: There aren’t many books out there about supernovas. I get excited every time I find another one.
Publication Date: October 22

When They Come for You: How Police and Governments are Trampling our Liberties - And How to Take Them Back by David Kirby book cover. Image on cover show three houses. One of them has been targeted by a red dot from a missile launcher.

7. Title and Author: When They Come for You: How Police and Governments are Trampling our Liberties – And How to Take Them Back by David Kirby
Why I Want to Read It: Civil liberties are important. It’s crucial for everyone to know what their rights are and how they should respond if their rights or the rights of someone close to them are violated.
Publication Date: October 29

The Forgotten Girl by India Hill Brown book cover. Image on cover is of a young girl staring straight ahead.

8. Title and Author: The Forgotten Girl by India Hill Brown
Why I Want to Read It: So many of the books on my list this week are serious. A fun, middle-grade horror novel might be just the thing to help me relax after them.
Publication Date: November 5

The Deep by Rivers Solomon book cover. Image on cover is of a mermaid swimming in the ocean with a whale.

9. Title and Author: The Deep by Rivers Solomon
Why I Want to Read It: I love the origin story of these characters’ ancestors. The thought that pregnant slaves who were thrown overboard ships hundreds of years ago somehow managed to thrive on the ocean floor is fascinating.
Publication Date: November 5

Wild Life: Dispatches from a Childhood of Baboons and Button-Downsย byย Keena Roberts book cover. Image on cover is of young girl sitting on an inner tube in a lake. She is surrounded by hippos.

10. Title and Author: Wild Life: Dispatches from a Childhood of Baboons and Button-Downsย byย Keena Roberts
Why I Want to Read It: The author of this memoir spent part of her adolescence in a remote part of Botswana thanks to her parents’ field work with baboons. This sounds like such a cool way to grow up that I’d love to know more about it!
Publication Date: November 12


Filed under Blog Hops

168 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Fall 2019 TBR

  1. WOW! This is an incredible list of books, I’ll be adding quite a few of them to my TBR too.

  2. There aren’t too many in the upcoming months that speak to me, save one. I’ll be rounding out my year with the rest of my reading challenge. I do enjoy a non-fiction in between every few novel reads, perhaps I’ll keep looking.
    My list

  3. I had no idea there was a new Bill Bryson book coming out. I immediately went off to request it. I can’t wait for that one.

    Wild Life also sounds fascinating.

    Thanks for sharing your list of upcoming reads.

  4. I honestly don’t know any of these, but a few of them look really good. I hope you love them all!

  5. Iโ€™m excited for The Deep as well, but the Cixin Liu book looks awesome too!

  6. Interesting list! I’ve been curious about Cixin Liu’s books but have yet t get around to them. Will have to check them out on GoodReads. Happy reading!

    Thanks for dropping by my TTT ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. The forgotten girl looks perfect for me!

  8. I’ve seen The Deep on quite a few lists today. I’m getting even more curious about it now! I also read the blurb for Wild Life the other week and it sounds so interesting. Hope you manage to get to all these reads ๐Ÿ™‚ Great TTT, Lydia!

    My TTT post

  9. I just got to read the beginning of Supernova Era yesterday, and it was pretty good. A very smart book. I got to read the beginning of The Deep a couple weeks ago, and unfortunately, it was just okay for me. They were both on Bookish First. I hope you like all of these!

  10. I want to read The Deep and Small Hearts has such a sad and tragic yet eerie cover. Hope you manage to find time for all of these!

  11. The Deep sounds good โญ๏ธ Great pick ๐Ÿ‘

  12. Love your list! Anything by Bill Bryson is automatically on my list to read. Love his books!

  13. Wild Life looks interesting and one that appeals to me.

  14. Mia

    I’m sensing a theme on this list of creepy horror / mystery / deaths and I love it! I hadn’t heard of Small Hearts until now, but it sounds so interesting (I’m trying to say that without sounding psychotic and failing). I totally agree with you; I think it would be really interesting to read about the aftermath of a school shooting rather than the crime itself, because it’s never focused on it literature. Anyway, nerdy moment over, I love this list and the fact it focuses on new releases (rather than backlist books).

    • Heh, absolutely. This is the perfect time of year for those kinds of reads, don’t you think?

      And thanks for your kind words. I hope you enjoy Small Hearts, and I totally get what you were saying there.

  15. Bev

    Your list is so varied. The Highway of Tears will be one I plan to read. It is an issue I hope is finally treated with the urgency it needs.

  16. The Forgotten Girl sounds intriguing. I don’t run into many MG horror novels.

  17. The cover of The Forgotten Girl stopped me in my tracks. Middle grade horror? Yes, please! I’ll be putting that on my TBR for sure.

  18. Nice twist on the topic! I hadn’t heard of The Deep before, but the premise sounds really neat.

  19. A lot of these books are new to me but they sound interesting and I really like the cover of The Deep.

  20. Hi, Lydia! I don’t know any of these books, but now I am curious about the Bill Bryson book. Have fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. I hope you don’t have to wait too long to read these. Happy reading when you do! ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Oooh, a witch that speaks with ghosts sounds fabulous to me, too! Gonna have to check that one out. The Deep is on my list, too, and yes, that concept is just so fascinating to me! I read an excerpt of the beginning, and it was a little slow, so I think that’s a book that I’ll have to go in expecting not a ton of hook/action, but I’m ready for it!

  23. Wild Life looks so good, too! I’ve been seeing a lot of rave reviews for it. ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy reading!

  24. Love the look of The Body and Wildlife.

  25. Wow, what a great list! Supernova and The Deep especially sound amazing.

  26. I’m really interested in the Bill Bryson book. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts about it!

  27. You have some really interesting books on your list! I don’t think I’ve heard of any of them but they sound really good. I’m really excited to add a whole bunch of them to my TBR! I’m always excited to add Nonfiction to my TBR

  28. Those all sound really good. I don’t think I’ve heard of any of them. Hope you enjoy them all and thanks for stopping by my blog today! ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. Nice list. I’m curious about the new Bryson. I just learned I won Supernova Era! Really excited about this one.
    Yes, waiting lists at the library are tricky sometimes

  30. Great list! I hope you get to all of them!

  31. The Deep looks amazing. Gonna have to add it to my list

  32. I recently requested The Deep from NetGalley, and I am really hoping that I get to read it. It sounds fascinating.
    My TTT: Marie @ Pages to Explore

  33. Christine @ LifeWithAllTheBooks

    I want to read Highway Of Tears too – it is such a troubling subject which I think should be getting way more attention. Great list! ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. I keep seeing The Deep pop up and I really need to add that one to my TBR!

  35. Small Hearts sounds like an emotional but interesting read.

  36. Shannon

    Iโ€™ve been seeing the Deep on a lot of lists! Hope you enjoy them all!

  37. All of these look like excellent fall reads. I hope you enjoy them all. ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. Jaymi Couch

    These look great Lydia!

  39. I’ve seen The Deep around! I hope it’s good!

  40. Meg

    I keep hearing good things about Liu Cixin, but I haven’t read anything yet. Maybe this should be on my list, too!

  41. Good job! How We Fight for Our Lives and Wild Life both sound interesting.

  42. OOh nice! These are all new to me ones! I hope you enjoy each and every one of them this fall!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT post!

  43. Good luck on your fall TBR! The deep sounds really intriguing ๐Ÿ˜€

  44. I do love that premise of the Deep. That one could be awesome. Also Supernova Era. Highway of Tears sounds like a very important timely read too.

  45. Nice list! The Deep looks really cool!

  46. Louise @ Foxes and Fairy Tales

    The Forgotten Girl sounds good!

  47. amanda

    the deep sounds so poignant iโ€™ll definitely check that out

  48. I had never heard of any of these but I’m so intrigued by some of them! I’ll have to add them to a future TBR!

  49. What a spectacular list! I’ve been looking forward to reading Saeed Jones’ book too.
    Happy reading!

  50. So many interesting books on the list.

  51. Wow. Heavy list. I’d forgotten about The Deep, even though I’ve been listening to the related song that Daveed Diggs did to accompany this book. Happy reading!

  52. This is a fantastic list. I don’t see too many TBRs with lots of nonfiction titles on them, so this is really refreshing. I’m definitely adding Highway of Tears to my must-read list.

  53. A MG horror novel? Color me intrigued. I’m definitely going to check that out. SMALL STEPS also sounds really good.

    Happy TTT!


  54. I’m curious about The Deep. Great TBR!

  55. Looks like an interesting selection of books. I hope that you’re able to read them all.

  56. Oooh a new Bill Bryson! Very cool, I love his books.

  57. All of these are new to me but this looks like a varied list! I hope you get the chance to read them this fall!

  58. All of these are new to me, but I’m very intrigued by The Deep. What a great list!

    Thank you for stopping by and checking out my TTT!

  59. Oh my God, these books are interesting. Most of these aren’t usually the genre that I read but since I’m branching out this year, I’ll add these on my TBR and purchase them one by one. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  60. Ooh so many of these sound super interesting? Admittedly, I don’t read a lot of non-fiction even though I’m ALWAYS meaning to. I might have to check some of these out and add them to my TBR! I’m hoping to read The Forgotten Girl and The Deep soon too!

  61. Great list! I canโ€™t wait to read WildLife as well!

  62. You have such wonderfully interesting titles on this list, but highway of tears is one that stands out for me. Those are stories that need to be told and need more attention so desperately (in Australia too)

  63. Some of these definitely sound interesting! Good luck with your reading list!

  64. I love the variety of books on your TBR. The Bill Bryson one looks particularly interesting!

  65. I haven’t heard of any of these, but some sound interesting! Happy reading. ๐Ÿ™‚

  66. The Geranium Deaths is definitely being added to my TBR. Small Hearts looks interesting and I’m just not sure I’d be able to get myself to read it- I’ll look forward to your review of you get through it.

  67. So many books i have not heard of and sound so awesome!

  68. I don’t read enough nonfiction but a lot of these caught my eye. Not going to lie, Alex McKenna and Supernova caught me with those covers ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for stopping by my TTT

  69. I don’t think I’ve heard of any of these before but they sound intriguing!

  70. The Wild Life looks great! Enjoy your reaading!!

  71. I don’t know where I’ve been, but I haven’t heard of any of these! I think The Deep looks pretty interesting, though. I’ll need to check that one out.

  72. Wow the deep sounds so fascinating!

  73. So many good books that I haven’t heard of! I hope you read them soon ๐Ÿ˜Š

  74. The Deep does sound fascinating! I can’t wait to read what you think of it.

  75. I have not heard any of these books, not quite into horror or nonfiction but I hope you’ll enjoy them.

    Thanks for your visit to my blog, have a lovely day.

  76. I hope these become available soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

  77. Your list is incredible. There are quite a few I am interested. Thanks for sharing!

  78. Looks like you have some good reads coming up for the fall. The Deep has a great cover. Happy reading!

  79. Great list! I’m so excited to check out The Deep, and Highway of Tears sounds amazing. Happy reading!

  80. Hope you are able to read all of these during the upcoming months, Lydia. Happy reading – and many thanks for the Finding Wonderland visit.

  81. Such an interesting list. Honestly, I haven’t heard of any of these books, but I will definitely need to look into them and add a few to my TBR. Good luck reading all of these!

  82. That’s a great variety of books, hope you enjoy them all ๐Ÿ™‚

  83. They are all new to me. But some of them caught my interest. Thank you for sharing them and have a great weekend.

  84. I really need to get on Liu Cixin! I have his The Three-Body Problem that I hope to read this fall.

  85. I hope you get to read Small Hearts soon! It may surprise you when its all said and done ๐Ÿ™‚

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