Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Fall 2022 To-Read List

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Two ripe apples and some apple leaves lying on an opened book that is itself sitting on a wooden bench or table of some sort. Those of you who have followed this blog for a while might remember how short my seasonal to-read lists generally are since I rely so heavily on what the Toronto Public Library has to offer and prefer to be a mood reader instead of sticking to a strict schedule.

Well, this autumn is going to break that trend.

I’ve found nine books I’m excited to read that have either recently been released or are scheduled to be published later on this fall.That may be a record for me for these types of posts. Ha!

If you’ve read any of them or have them on your TBR lists, let’s talk.



Our Shadows Have Claws by Amparo Ortiz (Editor) and Yamile Saied Méndez book cover. Image on cover shows a cartoon drawing of red lobster claws tearing at a blue sheet of paper (or possibly half-frozen water?)

Our Shadows Have Claws by Amparo Ortiz (Editor) and Yamile Saied Méndez

Why I Want to Read It: Halloween is sneaking up on us quickly, and monster stories are the perfect thing to read in preparation for it if you ask me.


Meet Me in Mumbai by Sabina Khan book cover. Image on cover shows drawing of the heads of two Indian women facing away from each other as well as the ghostly face of a woman who is looking at neither of them.

Meet Me in Mumbai by Sabina Khan

Why I Want to Read It: I’m a member of the LGBTQ+ community, and I have several relatives who were transracially adopted. There aren’t a lot of books out there that touch on both of these topics, so I’m pretty curious about this one.


Ghost Eaters by Clay McLeod Chapman book cover. Image on cover shows a person with a white sheet wrapped thigh ly around their head like they’re a ghost. There are two vague eyeholes cut out of the sheet, but you can’t see the person’s face.

Ghost Eaters by Clay McLeod Chapman

Publication Date: Today!

Why I Want to Read It: Actually, I’m not sure if I do. The thought of taking a pill that allows you to see ghosts piqued my interest, but I don’t know if this will be too scary of a read for me. I will keep it on my TBR for now as I decide.


Hester by Laurie Lico Albanese book cover. Image on cover shows red roses with their green leaves and thorns against a black background.

Hester by Laurie Lico Albanese

Publication Date: October 4

Why I Want to Read It: This is the first retelling of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter I’ve ever seen. (If you’re a fan of retellings and know of other books like this, please speak up!) I am thrilled to finally experience this tale from Hester’s perspective.


They Were Here Before Us by Eric Larocca book cover. Image on cover shows a stained glass image of a robin eating a large beetle while standing on a tree branch.

They Were Here Before Us by Eric Larocca

Publication Date: October 25

Why I Want to Read It: The blurb is actually pretty vague at the moment, but the words “horror” and “novella” in it have caught my attention. This could be a fun and spooky Halloween read for sure.


The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human by Siddhartha Mukheerjee book cover. Image on cover shows golden and cream cells of various shapes and sizes floating on a navy blue background.

The Song of the Cell: An Exploration of Medicine and the New Human by Siddhartha Mukheerjee

Publication Date: October 25

Why I Want to Read It: I’ve read many books about the history of medicine, but I haven’t read anything in-depth about how we discovered that cells exist. This could be fascinating.


To Each This World by Julie E Czerneda book cover. Image on cover shows planets and moons floating through a blue night sky.

To Each This World by Julie E Czerneda

Publication Date: November 1

Why I Want to Read It: I love reading science fiction stories about humans being put into cryosleep and sent off to find new habitable worlds. It’s such a fascinating topic.



Fourteen Days: An Unauthorized Gathering by Margaret Atwood (Editor) book cover. The cover has yet to be revealed, so this is a red placeholder with white text.

Fourteen Days: An Unauthorized Gathering by Margaret Atwood (Editor)

Publication Date: November 1

Why I Want to Read It: Each chapter of this novel about a diverse group of neighbours bonding together during a Covid-19 shutdown was written by a different author. Yes, Margaret Atwood wrote one of the chapters. I’m hoping it will capture that moment in history well. Fingers crossed.


The Light We Carry by Michelle Obama book cover. Image on cover is a photo of her smiling, crossing her arms in a hug, and wearing a white and tan sweater.

The Light We Carry by Michelle Obama

Publication Date: November 15

Why I Want to Read It: I really enjoyed reading her memoir “Becoming.” She’s a good storyteller, so I look forward to hearing what she has to say about hope and perseverance in hard times in this book.



Filed under Blog Hops

102 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Books On My Fall 2022 To-Read List

  1. I find with horror books, there are only a few that are really “OMG I can’t turn the lights off” scary, and a lot that are quite thoughtful. Though sometimes that’s hard to tell from the start.

  2. Great list of interesting fiction and nonfiction books to read this Fall. I hope you get to them and enjoy them all.
    Here is my TTT:
    Have a great week 🙂

  3. Wow, I haven’t heard of any of these thank you for putting them on my radar! Adding Hester to my TBR right now, it sounds so interesting!

  4. I hope you enjoy these! Mrs. Obama’s book looks especially interesting.
    My post:

  5. Hester is on my list, too (although not in my top ten post). The Song of the Cell sounds like one I’d enjoy!

  6. Jo

    I hope you enjoy all of these. I’m intrigued by Michelle Obama’s new book too.

  7. Ooh, great list! I haven’t heard of any of these books before but I’m really liking the sound of Meet Me in Mumbai and To Each This World. Will definitely be keeping an eye out for these releases. I hope you enjoy all of these books!

  8. I hope to listen to that Obama one. I hope you love it.

  9. I see some books here that I may need to add my to TBR list for the fall/winter.

  10. Meet me in Mumbai sounds wonderful. I would love to read that! Great TBR list!

  11. Happy reading! I still want to read Michelle Obama’s autobiography.

  12. Meet Me in Mumbai sounds like a really good book, adding that to my list x

  13. I haven’t heard of any of these but I hope you love them all Lydia!💜

  14. A good mix of books there! Fingers crossed you get to read them!

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  15. Bev

    So many great books. Will definitely check out Michelle Obama’s new book. I enjoyed her memoir as well. Happy fall reading.

  16. I’m planning to read Ghost Eaters in the next couple of weeks too — looks great! And I”d love to read the new Michele Obama book as well. Hope you enjoy all of these!

  17. I totally forgot about The Light We Carry! I loved Becoming and I can’t wait for this one. I think I forgot bc I put the audio on hold at the library! I hope we both enjoy it. Have a great week.

  18. I like your selection, a little bit of everything. I need to read Becoming, I had started it on audio and then the library snatched it back before I could finish.

  19. I hear you on TBRs – I almost never stick to any I ever make! So congrats on finding this many for autumn! I hadn’t heard of Fourteen Days, but I’ve now added to my own TBR and am intrigued. I read Alone Together about a year ago, which is also a collection of authors writing about their lockdown experiences, and I loved it. It was exactly what I needed at that time and helped me feel…. well, like I wasn’t quite so alone after all. I’ll definitely be giving this one a try, even though I’m not a huge Atwood fan (I know – Canadian reader blasphemy!). Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

  20. Ghost Eaters sounds really intriguing; spooky for sure!

  21. I loved Becoming too and agree it’ll be interesting to see what a new book will be like!

  22. Yay for Our Shadows Have Claws. I’m going to try to pick up this one in October. Hope you enjoy all these!

  23. These sound interesting! Happy fall reading!

  24. Nice mix, I hope you enjoy them all. Happy reading!

  25. Our Shadows Have Claws has a great cover, and Hester sounds really interesting!

  26. Meet Me in Mumbai has also been on my radar. I hope you are able to get to all the books on your list.

  27. Anita@seriesbooklover

    Ghosteaters looks good and weird!

  28. I didn’t realize that Michelle Obama has a new book coming out. I have her memoir on my TBR, and hope to read it this fall.

  29. FangirlFlax

    Hester has such a gorgeous cover! I hope you enjoy these.

  30. The Ghost Eaters looks good and scary! I like those kinds of books. 😀

  31. Love this list – lots of really good books on there! Hope you enjoy all of them!

  32. I have Meet Me in Mumbai on my TBR, and I hope to be able to read it soon. May all of these be 5-star reads for you!

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  33. Nice list, enjoy! Many titles sound very familiar, but I haven’t read any

  34. Great list! I had to add Meet Me in Mumbai to my TBR, because it look incredible. But I recently read Hester, and it’s so good! I’m glad to see it on your list, and I really hope you enjoy your reading this fall!

  35. Many of these sounds amazing, especially Hester. Hope you get a chance to read them.

  36. Hester’s on my list too – its publication date is coming soon, I better get on it! And the sci fi one is intriguing – Enjoy your reading!
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys
    see me here:

  37. I’ve not read any of them. Of course now I want to…

  38. The Ghost Eaters sounds so intriguing. I’m definitely in! LOL. I hope you enjoy all of these.

  39. The new Michelle Obama book looks great.

  40. I haven’t heard of any of these books. Hester looks good though, I should add it to my TBR.

  41. Yay! I’m glad your library came through so well for you this time. I can’t usually get what I want from my library systems (I have access to the county and city ones), but it often still involves a long wait…and I’m impatient! LOL.

    I hadn’t heard of HESTER before yesterday when I saw it on a bunch of lists. It sounds excellent! It’s on my TBR list now, too, so hopefully I can get to it soon. I hope we both enjoy it.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


  42. Ghost Eaters looks so good.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  43. I’ve been meaning to try Eric LaRocca’s books for a while. I don’t think they’re very long so should be able to squeeze one or two onto my TBR 🙂

  44. Love this list! Ghost Eaters is on my upcoming TBR, and Eric LaRocca is a favorite author for me. 🙂 I hope you enjoy these!

  45. This is the second reference I’ve seen to Hester. I, too, love traditional stories told from a different perspective, and this one could be good.

  46. Hester is on so many lists this week! I hope it’s good because I want to read it too.

  47. It’s great that you found so many books for your fall TBR – hope you’ll enjoy all of these!

  48. Oooh, I hadn’t heard of Our Shadows Have Claws, but I want to read that now, too! I’m really curious about Ghost Eaters, too. Hope you enjoy these!

  49. I just preordered a copy of Michelle Obama’s new book and can’t wait to read it. Hester also really appeals to me. I hope these are all great reads for you!

  50. Oh Our Shadows Have Claws sounds awesome! I hadn’t heard of that one before.

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