Top Ten Tuesday: Books Set in a Place I’d Love to Visit

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

A brown suitcase covered in stamps and stickers from various tourist destinations like Hawaii and Los Angeles. Prince Edward Island and Hawaii are two places I’d love to visit. I discussed the former last month, so this post will be dedicated to the latter.

Why did I pick Hawaii? Well, it’s climate is much warmer and sunnier than the places I’ve lived in my life (at least during the winter).

When Ontario is in the depths of January and the clouds haven’t parted in weeks, I dream of going somewhere that has a bright blue sky and is not covered in ice and snow.

I’d also love to learn more about the cultures of the people who originally inhabited the Hawaiian islands. I know so little about them at the moment. Do speak up if you know if any other good books on this topic.

Moloka'i (Moloka'i, #1) by Alan Brennert book cover. Image on cover shows a drawing of a Hawaiian woman’s face covered partially by flowers.

1. Moloka’i (Moloka’i, #1) by Alan Brennert


Blu's Hanging by Lois-Ann Yamanaka book cover. Image on cover shows a painting of a black cat sitting underneath laundry drying on a laundry cord outside at dusk.

2. Blu’s Hanging by Lois-Ann Yamanaka


ild Meat and the Bully Burgers by Lois-Ann Yamanaka Book oover. Image on cover shows a drawing of a stylized spotted leopard-like creature surrounded by celestial bodies like the sun.

3. Wild Meat and the Bully Burgers by Lois-Ann Yamanaka


The Aloha Spirit by Linda Ulleseit book cover. Image on cover shows a drawing of a ship releasing black smoke by an Hawaiian island covered in palm trees and ferns.

4. The Aloha Spirit by Linda Ulleseit


nfamiliar Fishes by Sarah Vowell book cover. Image on cover shows painting of Hawaiians sitting underneath tree as white man stands looking down upon them.

5. Unfamiliar Fishes by Sarah Vowell


This Is Paradise: Stories by Kristiana Kahakauwila Book cover. Image on cover shows silhoutte of plastic dancing Hawaiian girl on a car’s dashboard as it drives on a glowing red city street at night.

6. This Is Paradise: Stories by Kristiana Kahakauwila


he Legends and Myths of Hawai'i by David Kalākaua Book cover. Image on cover shows a painting of a Hawaiian man in English military gear. He looks high ranking?!

7. The Legends and Myths of Hawai’i by David Kalākaua



No Footprints in the Sand: A Memoir of Kalaupapa by Henry Nalaielua book cover. Image on cover shows photo of young boy in white hospital uniform crossing his arms at a leprosy hospital. Upper photo shows him as a healthy senior citizen.

8. No Footprints in the Sand: A Memoir of Kalaupapa by Henry Nalaielua


Story by Hawaii's Queen by Liliuokalani book cover. Image on cover shows photo of Hawaiian queen and the English building where she lived.

9. Hawaii’s Story by Hawaii’s Queen by Liliuokalani


Hawaii by James A. Michener book cover. Image on cover shows six Hawaiians paddling together in the same boat in the ocean at sunset.

10. Hawaii by James A. Michener


Filed under Blog Hops

74 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Books Set in a Place I’d Love to Visit

  1. Doesn’t Hawaii sound delightful?!

    The only book I’ve read from Hawaii is the Michener book.

  2. Hawaii has been on the list of places I’d love to visit ever since I was a kid. One day 🙂 I have Moloka’i on my TBR as well and it sounds so good!

  3. I’ve never been to Hawaii either, but it seems wonderful. Great list, and I really like your mix of fiction/non-fiction.

  4. I just finished a book set in Hawai’i. It would be a beautiful place to visit!

  5. Hawaii would be amazing!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  6. Hawaii is a magical place to visit. I’ve been lucky enough to visit Oahu, the Big Island of Hawaii, Maui, and Kauai. Kauai is probably the most beautiful, but Maui is my favorite. I hope you get to visit someday.

  7. Hawaii is a beautiful place. I’ve gotten to go a couple of times (once when I was a kid and once more recently) but I always want to go back. There’s always more to see and more to learn.

    Hawaii’s Story by Hawaii’s Queen is on my TBR, too. It is so important to hear the story of indigenous people in their own words, rather than as told by the colonizers.

    My TTT:

  8. I love how you have so many books and one location. I’d love to visit Hawaii too!

  9. I love that you picked one location and matched books to it, Lydia. I spent ten days in Hawaii with my husband about 12 years ago and would love to go back. We took a week cruise, then spent 3 days in Waikiki. Of course we did all the touristy things, but there is so much more to see. I like the look of some of these books and will be seeing if my library has any. I agree, the gray in January is so depressing, which is why I head to Florida right after Christmas. I hope you get there someday!

    • Thank you, Carla!

      Your trip with your husbands sounds amazing. I hope your library has some of these books and that you get to see Florida again this winter.

  10. Molokai is such a great book. If you get the chance, I highly recommend going. Honolulu is very touristy, the Big Island which is where Kona and Volcano National Park is, laid back and relaxing with black sand beaches. Maui and Lihue on Kauai are also very relaxing islands.

    • Thanks for the advice. I definitely prefer laid-back places to touristy ones, so I’ll make a mental note to check your comment again if I plan a trip there anytime soon. 🙂

  11. I’ve always wanted to visit Hawaii – it looks stunning! I’ve never read any books set there or about there though, which I feel I should do something about

  12. I found MOLOKAI to be so fascinating. We read it for book club and all had a lot to say. My TTT list of places I don’t want to visit

  13. I feel the same way about Hawaii. Not only do I want to visit but I’d love to learn more about the culture.

    I remember those Michener books as well. I was always fascinated by those huge tomes with names of exotic or interesting places 🙂

  14. I have friends who live in Hawaii and they love it! I love that you picked one specific place to focus on. Have a great week!

  15. I have Molokai on my actual physical bookshelves! Haven’t read it yet. sigh. I’ve been to different islands in HI over the years and enjoyed every visit = they have a very rich culture. One I read recently that is set in modern times but references deep cultural ties is Sharks in the Time of Saviours. It’s excellent.
    Thanks for the visit. Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  16. Hawaii sounds amazing and I definitely get the appeal if you live in a colder climate (we’re pretty cold here too most of the time so I’ve dreamed of Hawaii too). Hope you’ll get to visit some day!

  17. Hawaii is a place that I’ve always wanted to go. It seems so magical! They do have their own world and culture there! Sadly, I don’t know much but would love to know more too!

  18. Hawaii is a gorgeous place to visit – it’s hot and really humid, but so scenic! I hope you get to visit.

  19. You’re right about January and February in Ontario! They can be so dark and drab. I think that’s why I like reading books with bright covers and warm locales!

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  20. Jo

    I hope you enjoy all of these, and that you get to visit Hawaii sometime soon, it looks like such a gorgeous place.
    My TTT:

  21. Hawaii would be such a fun trip! I have a co-worker who has family living there, so she goes every year/every other year.

  22. Hawaii’s the best! I’ve been several times and would go again tomorrow if I could. Love that you found so many books set there. 🙂

  23. I love that you found so many books linked to the same place! Hawaii does look beautiful.

  24. I love how you’ve centered your list on one place to visit! Never been to Hawaii, and I don’t know if I ever will, but I’ve heard it’s absolutely beautiful. It’s just way too long a plane ride for me. 🙂

  25. I do think Hawaii would be fun to visit! But I would want to go when I know it’s not going to be hot, as I don’t enjoy myself when I get too hot. Fun way to twist this post!

  26. Nice pick. I’ve always wanted to visit Hawaii too.

  27. Hawaii is lovely. We took the girls about five years ago. We only had 10 days, so we stuck to one island, but they had a blast. I hope you visit one day soon.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

  28. Yggdrasille

    Prince Edward Island is definitely on my list and I almost went to Hawaii this year. I like how you picked just one location!

  29. Looks like some great books about the location. I haven’t read a single one of them, that has to be changed. Thanks for the recommendations.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT this week.

  30. I went to college in the 80s. Hawaii will always mean Tom Selleck and Magnum, P.I. to me! LOL. I hope you get to go!

  31. Maybe you’re already aware, but Daughter of Moloka’i is the sequel (kind of) to Moloka’i, looking at Ruth and Rachel. That could be added to the list if you liked the previous one by him!

  32. I’ve been to Hawaii, but only to Oahu. It was beautiful! My younger brothers have lived in Hilo for a long time and they love it there. I should go visit them sometime. I hope you get to experience Hawaii at some point in your life 🙂

    Happy TTT (on a Thursday)!


    • Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed Hawaii so much. Your brothers are very lucky to live there! May you get to visit Hilo and see them sometime soon. 🙂

  33. Prince Edward Island was on one of my other travel lists. It looks STUNNING and I probably place Anne of Green Gables for my curiosity there. Hawaii always looks like a pretty place to see too. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland on this week; apologies it took me this long to visit here.

  34. PE Island’s on my bucket list too. And, I love Hawaii. I’ve been twice for work, once to Oahu and once to the Big Island. I’d love to visit other islands, though, and go for fun. I hope you get to go someday. 😀

  35. Love this list! I’d also love to know more about Hawaiians, so much of what I’ve engaged with has been more from a colonizer’s perspective so I’d love to find more own voices reads.

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