Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Weirdest Food You Love

Hosted by Long and Short Reviews.

Click here to read everyone else’s replies to this week’s question and here to see the full list of topics for the year.

About a dozen kohlrabi’s sitting on top of each other. They are whole and unwashed. I’m bending the rules this week and giving two answers to the prompt because I know we’ve had at least one vegetarian participate in the past. I don’t want to make them read about something that might bother them.

My Vegetarian Answer: Kohlrabi. Sometimes it’s also known as a German Turnip. The flesh of this vegetable is white and looks and feels like a lot like a radish. The taste is quite mild and delicious, though. My grandmother grows them in her garden and serves them as a snack on their own or sometimes sliced and then put on a piece of buttered bread just like you would with radish slices.

My Non-Vegetarian Answer: Frog legs. I grew up in a rural part of North America where people ate such things at home as well as in local restaurants! It’s definitely an acquired and gamey taste, but I sure liked it when I was a kid.

I do not think my answers are actually that unusual, but we’ll see what the rest of you have to say in your posts!


Filed under Blog Hops

22 Responses to Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge: Weirdest Food You Love

  1. Frog legs are at least unusual in my area of the country… at least, I think so. It may be that they’re extremely common, just not among the company I keep. I’ve never heard of Kohlrabi before, though — I’ll have to try that out!

  2. Thanks for stopping by! I’ve heard of kohlrabi, but never tried it… will put it on my grocery list for this month. And I LOVE frog legs…. such a delicate taste. Mama tried cooking them one time and freaked out when they jumped in the pan, so would never make them again. Fortunately, there’s a restaurant nearby that serves them.

    • You’re welcome. I hope you like kohlrabi! I believe it’s in season about now (ish).

      It’s cool that you like frog legs. Their ability to jump in the pan is one reason why I don’t make them myself. It’s a little eerie. Haha.

  3. I didn’t know there are part of America where people eat frog legs.

  4. I appreciate you providing the vegetable and the meat option. I once ate frogs legs, and found them okay, but that was on a trip abroad. I don’t think I’ve tried Kohlrabi.

  5. I never heard of Kohlrabi before and it sounds delicious! I went to my husband’s family reunion once and they were all cooking and eating frog legs. I didn’t have any, but everyone else seemed to love them!

  6. The foods I mention to people which are most often considered “weird” are only weird because the people I talk to didn’t grow up with them. Several Chinese desserts for example, are perfectly normal to me but when I speak to my (white or at least non-Asian) friends, they find them weird.

    Probably the one that I love the most is nian gao, a sticky dessert made for Chinese New Year. It’s only got 3 ingredients: water, glutinous rice flour, and brown sugar, but I love it. It is rather an acquired taste, though.

    Kohlrabi is new to me! I’ll be curious to try it if I find it.

    • That makes a lot of senes. Nano gao sounds very interesting. I’ll have to try it someday.

      I hope you like kohlrabi. It’s such a versatile vegetable.

  7. Frog legs are pretty common in my area of rural Indiana. Not a fan, but my Dad, BF, and Son sure love them! I am a native Hoosier, but grew up in the South. They fry EVERYTHING in the South…literally…

    • Heh, I’ve heard that about the south!

      And, yeah, frog legs seem to be one of those foods that people have strong emotions about whether they’re positive or negative ones. 🙂

  8. Never heard of Kohlrabi, finally found someone who likes frog legs. Afraid it would bring back memories of dissecting a frog in biology class.

    • Did you first try them as an adult, then?

      I was pretty little when I first remember eating them, so it was less weird to dissect frogs in high school biology. Although I will admit to not eating any frog that semester. haha.

  9. I’m pretty sure I’ve had kohlrabi before but I’ve never heard of having slices of it – or radish – on buttered bread!

    • Interesting! How did you eat it?

      My family is German Mennonite, so I don’t know if that recipe comes from the German or the Mennonite influences. Or maybe it was simply a frugal snack. 🙂

  10. I’ve had frog legs a couple of times and didn’t mind them, although they didn’t have a lot of flavour.

    • Interesting!

      I wonder if different types of frogs taste different? I’ve only ever eaten wild ones, so maybe ones from frog farms* are milder?

      *if they exist?

  11. This is such a fun question, though I don’t think I have a fun answer heh. I find your answers fascinating, as I have never had either of these- never even heard of the Kohlrabi, so I learned about something new today!

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