Top Ten Tuesday: Destination Titles

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Thank you to Rachel@Sunnyside for submitting this topic!

My goal for this week is to make all of my answers relate to Canada as I think my country deserves more attention in the literary world. Let’s see if I can do it and come up with answers other than the Anne of Green Gables series.

I’m going to guess that most Top Ten Tuesday bloggers are from the United States. If you’re comfortable sharing which country you live in, I’d like to find out if I’m right about that!

A photo taken of an empty country road in late autumn. All of the trees on both sides of the road have revealed their fall colours, and some of the trees are beginning to look sparse as their yellow, red, orange, or brown leaves fall off. 1.Montreal : a poem by John Glassco

2.Paris in April by Allan Dare Pearce

3.  The Moons of Jupiter by Alice Munro

4. Canada by Richard Ford

5. Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx

6. Under the Volcano by Malcolm Lowry

7. Wychman Road by Ben Berman Ghan

8. Fire on the Hill by Frank Rockland

9. The Other Side of the Bridge by Mary Lawson

10. The Road Past Altamont by Gabrielle Roy

11. Random Passage (Random Passage, #1) by Bernice Morgan



12. Beyond the Shining Mountains by Doris Shannon





Filed under Blog Hops

70 Responses to Top Ten Tuesday: Destination Titles

  1. I think your country is getting a lot more focus lately, and perhaps you will make some new friends soon who have decided your country is a great destination. lol. Thanks for sharing these great titles.

  2. Great title!
    As for your question: I’m from France, but live in the US>
    Here is mine:

  3. I just got back from a “Destination” (Pensacola), so I don’t know if I’ll manage one today! Fun to see yours, though. 🙂

  4. Hi from Indonesia! 👋🏽 I don’t think there are many of us in the book blogosphere. 🫣 Based on my blog stats, most of my readers are from the US and UK, so you’re probably right about where most TTT bloggers come from!

  5. I haven’t read any of these, but if you’re looking for some good Canadian-based fiction, I recommend the Hotel Hamilton series by Tanya E. Williams or Come From Away by Genevieve Graham. Also, I live in the United States. 🙂

  6. Athena @ OneReadingNurse

    Brenda Chapman! A canadian crime & mystery writer who wrote a first nations detective and used an appropriate narrator! A very different writing perspective and awesome if you like those kinds of books!

  7. I don’t think I’m familiar with any of these, but I am realizing my list is a mix of both real and not real places. I didn’t even think about trying to stick with one or the other. 😉 It’s fun that you singled out your country. Thanks so much for visiting my list today!

  8. Clever. I like the way you related them to your nation.

    My list is here: TTT

  9. I loved my visit to Montreal, so I’ll have to look for that first title.

    Also, Brokeback Mountain literally broke me. I finished reading it one morning before work and had to text my boss to tell him I was going to be late because I was crying too hard to drive.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  10. Canada always seems so sane from down here in the USA. Good work on your Top 10 this week.

  11. I thought of Three Pines (Louise Penny) but I don’t think she uses the location in any of her titles.

  12. Love that you could relate this post to your country!

  13. It’s been so much fun to see all the different titles and destinations this week. So many books I haven’t read! I have added several books to my TBR list based on seeing them on someone’s list this week.

    And yes, I’m from the US, and deeply disappointed in the results of the election.

  14. Great list, Lydia! I hope you have a good week!

  15. I agree that Canada needs more rep in books. Everyone loves ANNE OF GREEN GABLES, of course, and I think Louise Penny and Kelley Armstrong are pretty well-known authors, but those are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head. I haven’t heard of most of the titles on your list.

    I’m American and live in the U.S., but my paternal ancestors immigrated from Scotland to Nova Scotia in the 1800s. Some of them then drifted over to British Columbia. I visited B.C. many times as a child to see my grandparents, but I still haven’t been to N.S. One of these days!

    Happy TTT!


  16. I’m in Canada too! I’m trying to read more Canadian fiction so these are great! Happy TTT!

  17. Lydia, I’m not too far from you, about two hours down the 401, if the traffic is actually moving! LOL! I try to showcase Canadian authors and books when I can, but this week, I focused on the States.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  18. This is a great way to twist the topic! I love it. (And I love Canada… Mr. Wyrm and I considered moving up North from the US back in 2020 when all of a sudden working from elsewhere was an option, but it wasn’t feasible for us then, and probably still isn’t now. Alas. In a different timeline, we would have moved to Vancouver by now.)

  19. I’m from the US. You’ve totally blown my mind because I didn’ know brokeback mountain was a book. I have to read it now. I had mixed feelings on the movie and i want to know if the book was better.

  20. Love the mountain &nature theme,

  21. I love that you had a Canadian theme to your list this week! Most of my destinations were fantasy related. Definitely need some escapism right now (mostly because I’m from the US and things are not great at the moment).

  22. My father is Canadian, but hasn’t lived there since he was in elementary school. My two sisters got their dual citizenship recently and I’d like to do the same. I’ve been hearing people wanting to move from the US to Canada is on the rise, especially since this election! The country is a beautiful one! Wonderful list and thanks for visiting my TTT!

  23. I’m also from Canada, Lydia. I haven’t read any of these, although I do have Canada on my TBR. Excellent list.

  24. I love your focus on Canadian literature. Its rich and diverse literary landscape deserves more recognition.

    Montreal sounds like a wonderful choice, too—there’s something magical about its vibe.

    Thanks for sharing these titles! Can’t wait to explore more Canadian authors. Happy reading! 🍁

  25. I love this idea! I love that you focused on Canada. My list definitely has more fictional places, though Anne of Green Gables came to mind a lot for this prompt 🙂

    If you’d like to visit, here’s my TTT:

  26. I’m from the US, but I know I’ve read fiction set in Canada and/or written by Canadian authors! And not just the Anne and Emily books, although I loved those. 🙂 Two romance authors whose books I enjoy come to mind (Carley Fortune and Lily Chu), but I know there are others too. Great list!

  27. Great topic!! Canada is in a lot of people’s view in the US right now. lol I’ve only been twice, and only to the touristy- Niagara Falls. We did stay on the Canadian side though! 🙂

    • Thank you. And, yes, it sure is! Our politicians have been talking about how many Americans we could invite to live here.

      Niagara Falls is beautiful. I love both sides of it. 🙂

  28. I live in the US but my featured titles this week are random, some in the states and others outside. Liz Johnson wrote a series set in Canada and all of Terrie Todd’s books are set in Canada (she is Canadian and writes Historical Fiction), those are the only ones I can think of other than L. M. Montgomery. Thanks for stopping by my post earlier.

  29. Nice idea to focus on Canada. I just became aware of the situation with Alice Munro. Things like that make it so difficult, I can‘t separate the artist from the art.

    I‘m from Germany, hence those German books on my shelf. Although I rarely read novels in German.

  30. We both went to Paris, but with another book. Other than that, we have no destination in common, though I absolutely love Mary Lawson, such a great author.

    Thanks for visiting my destinations with me:

  31. I’ve never been to Canada, but I would love to visit someday. Alas, it is true, I am from the U.S. I do love that this community brings us the opportunity to connect with people from so many other countries.

  32. I’ll take Paris any time of the year

  33. vidya

    have not read any of these though i had planned to have a few read already! including Munro’s Moons of Jupiter..

  34. The only one I’ve heard of was Brokeback Mountain, and I didn’t know that was a book until I read this list. But I am glad to see more books set in Canada.

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